Sunday, August 12, 2018

12 August 2018 - ENCS

On Genesis and Abram, Pastor Joey did the very long series continue
In chapter fifteen, Abram was told to count all the stars, not just a few
God said he had brought Abram from Ur to the land he would possess
How would he know, a believing but dubious Abram did then express
In our lives today, the uncertainty Abram felt we do regularly mirror
We want to believe God’s promises but have doubts and some fear

God told Abram to bring a dove, a pigeon, a ram, a goat, and a calf
So Abram did so and without asking, knew to cut each animal in half
Shedding blood was an integral part of agreeing a contract those days
There was an implied threat if broken is what Jeremiah thirty four says

For a very serious matter a contract or covenant was duly considered
It always contained three main components, from Pastor we then heard
The acceptance of an offer, the terms considered, and parties involved
Walking through a river of animal blood is how agreements were solved

God’s covenant with Noah was based on a promise for all of mankind
This one with Abram was the Lord's first to a single individual confined
Abram never did waver in his faith, per Romans four from verse twenty
He gave glory to God and trusted God would deliver on promises plenty
Pastor said God’s Word is a sacred covenant that we should thus treat
The amount of time we spend with it helps make the covenant complete

To Psalm one hundred three verses two thru five, Pastor did then refer
We should bless the Lord and not forget all the benefits he did confer
Our sins He forgives, our diseases He heals, and our lives He redeems
He crowns us with eternal mercy and love as well as goodness streams

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