Tuesday, December 25, 2018

25 December 2018 - Luke 2:1-11

At Keene UCC, my mother read Luke two, one to eleven
The background and the arrival of Jesus from heaven
A census for the empire, Caesar Augustus did decree
Everyone returned to their hometown, per verse three

So to Bethlehem, Joseph and his fiancé Mary did travel
From Nazareth in Galilee, on roads made just of gravel
There were no rooms, so in a manger Jesus was born
He was wrapped in cloths, no crown our King did adorn

Shepherds were watching over their flocks that night
And the glory of the Lord around the angel was bright
The shepherds were terrified at the extraordinary sight
But the angel said not to be afraid, verse ten does cite

For the angel was bringing good news and great joy
The long awaited Messiah was actually the baby boy
"In the town of David a Saviour has been born to you”
Little did the shepherds know everything He would do

Christ humbled himself as a human in a lowly manger
To most at the time, He was just the son of a a stranger
But He came to show the world the right way to live
And then gave his life so our sins God would forgive

To follow the example of Jesus Christ the servant king
We should humble ourselves as a sign of worshiping
Remembering the humbling that Jesus did not deserve
We should have no complaints no matter how we serve

Sunday, December 23, 2018

14 October 2018 - ENCS

About waiting in Genesis, Pastor Josh did today continue 
Warning us of unforeseen consequences from what we do
In chapter sixteen, her servant Hagar to Abram Sarai gave
Once she was pregnant, with contempt Hagar did behave

Sarai blamed Abram even though she was actually at fault
Playing the victim mentality comes from the enemy’s assault
And for judgement from God, Sarai unfortunately did call
Abram told her to take care of things, clearly poor protocol

To the Lord for guidance, neither Abram nor Sarai did turn 
Arrogance seeps in with bad leadership, always a concern
Scared, Hagar fled for her life and ended up in the desert
The angel found her, as God does not want anyone hurt

Hagar told God that she fleeing from Sarai, her mistress
The angel said “return and submit”, causing her distress
We must also obey the Lord, as it is for our own benefit
He knows the master plan and so to Him we must submit

To submit means to place under someone’s leadership
God knows our heart and troubles through our life trip
But since He is looking after us, we can walk in peace
Through the universe, His sovereignty does not cease

Per Hebrews, from the love of money we should be free
For God will provide more blessings, it is clear to see
Since the Lord is our helper, we have nothing to fear
He will deliver us into freedom and glory we did hear

7 October 2018

Pastor Josh started by saying how difficult it is to wait
In today’s culture even more so, as queues we hate
He linked this to Abram and Sarai in Genesis sixteen
For so many years, the promised child was not seen

Have a baby with the servant Hagar, Sarai did say
We know now that making compromises is not okay
Abram should have pushed back and not proceeded
That is where friends with perspective are oft needed

Abram taking Hagar as his second wife was adultery
Although in those days, a solution many would agree
We must also be careful not to follow worldly trends
Rather we should rely on God and God-fearing friends

We can learn from Jesus' temptation, per Matthew four
The devil even challenged God’s power in Jesus’ core
Jesus stayed true to God’s word and did not God test
We should do likewise and worship God above the rest

The fastest way is not always the best, Pastor Josh said 
It is far more important to get the foundation right instead
Sometimes God wants us to feel the pressure and to wait
After the test, God’s presence we can better appreciate

God knows all of our works and love, Hebrews six saith
To inherit the promises, we need both patience and faith
Abram’s story shows how hard it is to combine the two
But it is never too late with God, as He will come through

To make this work, others help us with the perspective
And thus ensure that our own worldview is not defective
We should not lead our lives based on our own abilities
For with God and the Spirit, there are infinite possibilities

And if we allow the Spirit to lead and show us the way
We can easily overcome earthly challenges every day
And thanks to the Spirit, we always wait with someone
Following God’s plan on earth until our time is done

Sunday, December 2, 2018

2 December 2018 - ENCS

Pastor Joey started a new series entitled “A Star is Born”
From our multiyear study of Genesis we have been torn
“For unto us a child is born..” per Isaiah nine verse six
The role of internal and external government do not mix
To internal values, external rules and guidelines can lead
But a good governor is what each government does need
Jesus was sent to put God’s government into our hearts
God’s wisdom is what the Wonderful Counsellor imparts

The Lord's wisdom has been proven over many a century
As in First Corinthians one verse twenty five we can see
God's wisdom is also sacred, per Matthew two verse ten
Gold, frankincense, and myrrh were brought by wise men
Beyond our concept of time, His wisdom is transcendent
That is one of the reasons that to earth Christ was sent
In a feeding trough or manger, baby Jesus was placed
Akin to His role in our sinful lives, making them chaste

Sunday, November 4, 2018

4 November 2018 - ENCS

On circumcision in Genesis seventeen, Pastor Joey did speak today
Per verse nine, in every covenant with God, we have a role to play
This concept of participation is referred to in Romans chapter four
Faith allows us to face problems, knowing God’s power is even more

Per verse ten and God’s covenant, male circumcision is a key part
But per Jeremiah four and Deuteronomy ten, this refers to the heart
Until we are ready by denying self, God’s promises He will not fulfill
Our life’s direction will change dramatically once we follow His will

Undergoing circumcision is a permanent sign, per verse eleven
It is a sign of the covenant between man and our God in heaven
In the same way that a physical circumcision does not disappear
A spiritual one ensures our relationship with God is always near

Uncircumcised people would be ostracised, per verse fourteen
Each of us can turn away, although consequences will be seen
We must make the personal choice in our heart as God will see
Our faith and relationship with God determine our place in eternity

Sunday, September 30, 2018

30 September 2018 - ENCS

The sermon “The Power of Worship” was delivered by Calvin Hong
Who talked about seeing a waterfall that was scary and very strong
But once Calvin went under the water he felt refreshed completely
Worship also brings refreshment and healing, sometimes discreetly

In Psalm thirty four, David said the Lord he would bless all the time
Both in good times and when challenging obstacles he had to climb
For when we are weakest, God makes us strong via the Holy Ghost
And then in complete humility, we can give thanks and of God boast

Magnifying something means giving it focus and thus highest priority
Seek first the Lord and his righteousness, as per Matthew thirty three
Sacrificing and giving all to our Lord God in heaven is worship’s heart
For what we believe, not what we do, is what in His eyes set us apart

In Matthew six from verse nine Jesus taught His disciples how to pray 
Always starting by giving praise to God the Abba Father, He did say
And when we pray to God, He will hear our call and then will respond
God knows our daily needs because with us He has a special bond

In Mark twenty five, a woman reached out and touched Jesus’ cloak
She immediately recovered due to the faith she had and did invoke
Jesus told the woman to go in peace and from her suffering be freed
The same power is available to each one of us when we are in need

Per Hebrews eleven, faith is what is hoped for with evidence not seen
When we hear the Word of God and act in ways that do not contravene
We reap rewards if we step out of our comfort zone and pay the price
Even if our reputation and some relationships we may have to sacrifice

When we worship earnestly and then in all that we do we give our best
Per Psalm one hundred, with thanksgiving we enter His gates blessed
We should never stop believing in God for breakthroughs and healing
For both individual and corporate prayer God finds extremely appealing

Sunday, August 26, 2018

26 August 2018 - ENCS

To the end of Genesis fifteen Pastor Joey took us today
It contains the fourth “behold” in the chapter he did say

Like Abraham, we should have a long term perspective
For God’s covenants last for much longer than we live
This means we should think about the future generations
What we do today can often have long term implications

Similarly, it is for future generations that we should build
And of course training them so that they are aptly skilled
For the foundations of the future are put in place today
By what we do, we don’t do, and of course how we pray

Per the last two verses, our boundaries we should know
God promises a delightful inheritance that to us will flow
When we understand God’s covenant and long term view
Our values will change and we will know what best to do

Sunday, August 19, 2018

19 August 2018 - ENCS

Pastor Neli visiting from Brisbane did share on Genesis fifteen
From verse twelve on, an impactful dream by Abram was seen
Between the truth of God’s promise and circumstantial reality
In Abram’s life and often in ours, a big gap may appear to be
But most promises require a process before we see provision
Allowing God to strengthen us and to address our imprecision

Per verse thirteen, His promises can refer to future generations
Because His timeline is different from ours, we face frustrations
Remember the Israelites asked for a king and were given Saul
His character was not aligned so he ended up taking a big fall
On Egypt, God promised Abram that he would bring judgement
For the country as well as the world system is what God meant

God builds through us for generations to come, Neli did opine
Although a man of faith, Abram sinned via Ishmael’s bloodline
Abram would live to an old age, verses fifteen and sixteen state 
And in the fourth generation, the Israeli people would repatriate

God builds with us has two meanings, as Neli did give a view
All believers are living stones in God’s house, per First Peter two
And we are also God’s co-labourers, per First Corinthians three
Providing a foundation that others build upon is often our legacy

Sunday, August 12, 2018

12 August 2018 - ENCS

On Genesis and Abram, Pastor Joey did the very long series continue
In chapter fifteen, Abram was told to count all the stars, not just a few
God said he had brought Abram from Ur to the land he would possess
How would he know, a believing but dubious Abram did then express
In our lives today, the uncertainty Abram felt we do regularly mirror
We want to believe God’s promises but have doubts and some fear

God told Abram to bring a dove, a pigeon, a ram, a goat, and a calf
So Abram did so and without asking, knew to cut each animal in half
Shedding blood was an integral part of agreeing a contract those days
There was an implied threat if broken is what Jeremiah thirty four says

For a very serious matter a contract or covenant was duly considered
It always contained three main components, from Pastor we then heard
The acceptance of an offer, the terms considered, and parties involved
Walking through a river of animal blood is how agreements were solved

God’s covenant with Noah was based on a promise for all of mankind
This one with Abram was the Lord's first to a single individual confined
Abram never did waver in his faith, per Romans four from verse twenty
He gave glory to God and trusted God would deliver on promises plenty
Pastor said God’s Word is a sacred covenant that we should thus treat
The amount of time we spend with it helps make the covenant complete

To Psalm one hundred three verses two thru five, Pastor did then refer
We should bless the Lord and not forget all the benefits he did confer
Our sins He forgives, our diseases He heals, and our lives He redeems
He crowns us with eternal mercy and love as well as goodness streams

Sunday, August 5, 2018

29 July 2018 - ENCS

Pastor Josh continued the Genesis series, still in chapter fifteen
Per verse two, Abram pointed out that a child he had not seen
As happens to all of us at times, he was frustrated and confused
It must have appeared that his greatest dreams were bruised
God had already promised that there would be a great reward
But Abram felt that this promise was somehow bring ignored

His name meant “blessed father” but to others this was a joke
When combined with God’s promise, it probably felt like a yoke
Similarly, there can be much pain and waiting on our journeys
This can cause angst and doubt, often bringing us to our knees

But then the Word of the Lord came to Abram, per verse four
Reminding us that no matter what our dreams, God offers more
For we need the Word of the Lord, not just a one time miracle
Akin to teaching someone to fish, from a perspective empirical

That Abram’s heirs would be flesh and blood, God made clear
Comparing the total offspring to the stars countable in a year 
To look to heaven, God was probably also reminding Abram
This is something we should remember when we are in a jam

Per verse six, Abram believed God and was made righteous
To believe righteousness can come from actions is treasonous
For we all have sinned and even a little sin makes us impure
But Jesus died to cleanse us of our sin, of that we can be sure

Pastor Josh then talked about what we should do while we wait
To Isaiah in chapter forty nine, three prophecies God did state
But God had even bigger plans, for these were "too light a thing”
And Isaiah’s prophecies were later manifested by Jesus the King

In conclusion, Josh said that seeing God made Abram righteous
The lesson about waiting on the Lord should apply to each of us
For in each season we do walk through, we get a new revelation
With an “I am”, our prayers God answers with a holy sensation
Put another way, our fears and doubts God’s Word can destroy
So we walk in righteousness, experiencing God’s peace and joy

Sunday, July 22, 2018

22 July 2018 - ENCS

The series on Genesis, Pastor Harris today did continue
Focusing on chapter fifteen verse one, providing his view
God told Abram three important things in this one verse
Of course they came in the form of a promise not a curse

By telling Abram to ”fear not” is how God did commence
Which is strange for Abram had not committed an offence
But sometimes we do the right things yet they feel wrong
Especially in this world, our principles seem not to belong
This can lead to a fear of missing out or lacking provision
Sometimes it can even lead to being the target of derision

God then said “I am”, two words to which we must listen
Followed by “your shield” which elicits a calming vision
In Hebrew, shield means to cover, surround, or defend
God has our back, on that fact we can always depend
Per First John chapter four, perfect love casts out fear
And God’s love is immense, from Romans five we hear

The passage ends with “your reward will be very great"
Although like the Levites, for this we might need to wait
For per Deuteronomy eighteen, God is their inheritance
But only God brings true happiness, don’t take a chance

Sunday, July 1, 2018

1 July 2018 - ENCS

Pastor Joey restarted the Genesis series after a five week cessation
He reminded us that Abraham participated in many a large migration
Looking at Genesis chapter fourteen, he asked what are our essentials
Something that has been evaluated by many with academic credentials
The eighty/twenty principle and the rule of the vital few to name just two
Getting the most “bang for the buck” and benefit out of everything we do

From Sodom and Gomorrah, four kings took all their goods and food
Per verse twelve, they also took Abraham’s nephew Lot into servitude
As a side note, the first mention of “Hebrew” verse thirteen does contain 
Pastor pointed out Abraham, not the kings, in our memory does remain
Abraham and three hundred eighteen men pursued the kings and armies
Per verse sixteen, they routed the kings and the possessions did seize

The Bible is silent on how this was achieved, but God was clearly key
The people welcomed Abraham back but neglected to God give glory
Except Melchizedek, the priest of God Most High, per Hebrews seven
He was the king of righteousness and peace, which come from heaven
Akin to communion, Melchizedek welcomed Abram with bread and wine
Per Psalm eighty five, righteousness and peace effectively do intertwine

And per Hebrews seven, Melchizedek represented Jesus as the tenth king
For the number ten represents finality and perfection in virtually everything
Pastor said that to get righteousness and feel peace, we must God hear
If we do not hear God, we aren’t listening or trusting or keeping Him near
We should know bread and wine represent His righteousness and peace
By listening to God and focusing on His Word, both will no doubt increase

Sunday, June 24, 2018

24 June 2014 - ENCS

The final part of the series on the church, Pastor Joey did share today
Church involves a pattern, a purpose, and a pursuit he did again say
But without participation my members, those three Ps will fall short
Because, as Pastor did emphasise, church is not a spectator sport
In Matthew sixteen, Jesus called on Peter to be the church’s rock
Against the gates of hell, the church is built to push back and block

The enemy appears as a tempter, deception, adversary, and accuser
But our participation can help ensure that the enemy will be a loser
Pastor highlighted four actions, each of which serves as an antidote
The first is to always pray, per the Matthew chapter twenty six quote
Per Matthew six verse nine, we need God’s help to resist temptation
We should pray to God, tapping into his resource via daily declaration

Meditating on the Holy Word arms us against the enemy’s deception
Per Psalm one, this applies to all aspects of our life without exception
Proclaiming our faith is by far the best way to combat condemnation
Per Romans eight, Luke two, and chapter five of the book of Galatian
Fellowshipping with other people of God helps fend off accusation
For we are stronger and able to resist the enemy when not in isolation

So in conclusion, we should pray, meditate, proclaim, and fellowship
Allowing the Holy Spirit to enter our hearts so it can continually equip
For per the Bible, the Spirit can teach, reveal, counsel, and baptise
Always illuminating the path to eternal life, which is the ultimate prize
Thus for the church to have meaning, everybody should participate
Not just in church but in our daily lives, Pastor did emphatically state

Sunday, June 17, 2018

17 June 2018 - ENCS

Pastor Josh spoke about “Why Dads?” on this Father’s Day
Starting with what to Jesus at His baptism His Father did say
Per Mark chapter one, via the Holy Spirit coming like a dove
God said Jesus was His Son who he loved and was proud of

All children look for such affirmation, affection, and availability
Fathers should thus try although there is no earthly infallibility
Josh noted three things fathers do to foster that environment
To defend, define, and discipline should be the ongoing intent

Defending the family involves providing, protecting, praying
Per First Timothy five, a believer not providing is dismaying
Nehemiah four says to fight for our families against intrusion
Prayer is the best because human control is a mere illusion

There are many Bible stories about fathers using their voice
Genesis thirty five, Luke one, and Numbers thirteen - rejoice
Isaac, Zechariah, and Moses each saved the day somehow
Per Numbers thirty, a father’s words can nullify a child’s vow

Josh said children need healthy boundaries for life to enjoy
Proverbs thirteen says we spoil if the rod we do not employ
Per Hebrews twelve, God disciplines us for our own good
We are actually illegitimate if He does not do as He should

No earthly father is perfect for a variety of obvious reasons
But per Psalm sixty eight, God is our father for all seasons
John fourteen says that if we love Jesus, God will us love 
Per Romans eight, we will then be adopted by God above

To have a wonderful earthly father, I am very very blessed
And having God on my side ensures I will not be oppressed
For my children and godchildren, I pray for the right direction
So I remember to affirm, be available, and to show affection

Sunday, June 3, 2018

3 June 2018 - ENCS

The series on “What is Church”, Pastor Joey did today continue
About the pattern and purpose of the church he did first review
The purpose is for spiritual community, growth, and intimacy
Having a spiritual family helps us to grow our spiritual maturity
Each church has a set of core values, its own distinctiveness
Pastor Joey said that here are five Every Nation does possess

Putting a high value on our obedience, at the core is lordship
‘Lord’ is in the Bible thirty times as much as grace or worship
We must understand the Lord before other things we can do
Without strong foundations and actions, destruction will ensue
In Luke six, Jesus used a parable to teach us how to aptly live
‘No’, ‘Not Yet’, ‘Not Now’, and ‘Now’ are answers God may give

Then come evangelismdiscipleshipleadership, and family
EN values lost people, for Luke nineteen was not an anomaly
Per Luke fifteen, we should pursue the lost sheep in every land
Help people to follow God, Matthew twenty eight does command
In Second Timothy two, Paul implores us to entrust reliable people
Long term relationships hold the church together under the steeple

These four pillars support the church, but lordship is at the heart
Embracing them all enables us to be salt and light, doing our part

Monday, May 28, 2018

20 May 2018 - ENCS

A new series titled “Being Church”, Pastor Josh did undertake
Relationships and community, all humans endeavour to make
Josh said that in order for people to make a quality connection
They look for availability, affirmation, acceptance, and affection

Community was mentioned seventy times in the Old Testament
But only twice in the New, as ‘church” was much more frequent
Church comes from Greek words meaning “called out people”
People called to assemble, not just the place under a steeple

We are all living stones in a spiritual house, per First Peter two
Knowing that whatever we suffer, Jesus already lived through
When we read the Bible, we need our Lord God to bring it alive
By praying for guidance, we glean wisdom and therefore thrive

“I will build my church, said Jesus in Matthew sixteen eighteen
And “the gates of hell cannot prevail” it is subsequently seen
God accepts us as we are but He continues to with us work
Becoming who we can be is an objective we should not shirk

God builds his house with dressed stones, per First Kings six
Serving to remind us that each has different flaws He can fix
In the same way, we each have unique talents and abilities
With a place in His house, the opportunity we should seize

Relationships come from trust, love, dialogue, and forgiveness
Trust takes time to build but only with God do we not guess
With love we show grace and dialogue leads to discipleship
We should be quick to forgive, a sign of good stewardship

The church establishes community with a common mission
Into a royal priesthood and a holy nation without condition
This allows us to bless others and proclaim His goodness
Helping all of our interactions with others to be a success

Per Ephesians four, the whole body is joined, growing in love
Like interdependent ligaments and bones, as Paul did speak of
Pastor said that as long as we focus on God, we should know
Being around those who differ from us actually helps us to grow

Monday, May 14, 2018

13 May 2018 - ENCS

Pastor Joey spoke on “Wonder Women” this Mother’s Day
He first highlighted what Proverbs one fourteen does say
Her own house, the wise woman builds with her own hand
The foolish one tears hers down, we read and understand

He spoke about Zechariah and wife Elizabeth, per Luke one
They were righteous despite what the Herodians had done
But despite praying and walking blamelessly in God’s sight
Elizabeth was barren, so their future did not look so bright

Once entering the temple, to Zechariah an angel did appear
The angel’s first words to the pious priest were “do not fear”
He told Zechariah the couple’s prayers would be answered
They would have a son because their pleas had been heard

In order for Zechariah to have the promised gladness and joy
He must name his son John and give no alcohol to the boy
This was because into John the Holy Spirit would instead fill
So he could turn many to God, according to God’s divine will

Zechariah unfortunately doubted the message that God sent
So until his son's birth his vocal cords were completely silent
This reminds us that our words carry a huge amount of clout
It is better to be quiet than to God’s promises verbally doubt

Eight days after the boy was born, he was duly circumcised
Their family wanted to name him Zechariah, it is surmised
But Elizabeth intervened in order to protect the boy’s destiny
Naming him John, which Zechariah supported for all to see

Remember that with the world, God’s ways don't always align
But if we incubate them, His plans will inevitably turn out fine
Be like Elizabeth and do not be afraid to apt objections raise
Then, like Zechariah, we can speak and to God send praise

It is interesting that Elizabeth had more faith than Zechariah
She was the hero, saving her husband from being a pariah
So on this second Sunday in May, all mothers we celebrate
Thanking them for prayers and support which never abate

Sunday, April 1, 2018

1 April 2018 - PLMC

Three PLMC pastors reflected on the meaning of Easter Day
As we gathered for service to greet the morning’s first sun ray

Pastor Chris asked what if Christ was not raised from the dead
And leaving us with only Good Friday and forgiven sins instead
Our faith would be futile, per Paul in First Corinthians thirteen
For without the resurrection God’s work is incomplete, it is seen

Pastor Irene concluded that Easter makes our faith a daily event
Per Romans eight, in us dwells the Holy Spirit that God has sent
The women shared the good news, as per Matthew twenty eight
We should do likewise with other people, for it is never too late
God will give us strength, according to Ephesians chapter three
Christ’s power enables us to do more than we imagine, we see

Pastor Jonathan spoke about the heavy stone in Mark sixteen
It can represent obstacles in our lives, both visible and unseen
Whe the women reached the tomb, the stone was rolled away
The promise that God deals with our obstacles holds true today

In conclusion, Easter provides us hope and promises salvation
This good news we should share without further procrastination

Sunday, March 4, 2018

4 March 2018 - ENCS

Pastor Joey Bonifacio spoke about Genesis twelve at service today
Abram, even before his name change, listened to what God did say
Unlike his ancestors' migrations, Abram’s was a pilgrimage with God
So into the new land Abram walked with confidence, he did not plod

Contrasting that versus those in Genesis eleven, Joey did highlight
With Abram, God used the words “I will” to assure all would be right
Promising to him make a great nation, a great name, and a blessing
While in Sinar they said “let us” while God’s plans they were messing

Pastor Joey then spoke about being driven by faith rather than by fear
Fear of the unknown, of loss, of failure, and of pain is real, we did hear
But it is so very dangerous to allow our lives by that fear to be deterred
Instead we should be positive and be driven by listening to God’s word

Joey said a desire for fame and being driven by fear are clearly linked
But a desire for God’s glory links to faith and life, a point very succinct
Also, a dependence on one’s own efforts will not over time succeed 
While relying on God ensures that He will provide for our every need

So between the terms “let us” and “God will” we must make a choice
One leads to scattering; the other to blessing, allowing all to rejoice
In summary, we should look to Abram and his reasons for migration
Remembering that by listening to God, he fathered a great nation

Sunday, February 18, 2018

18 February 2018 - ENCS

Pastor Joey was in keeping with the CNY season clad in red
For three years we will look at the book of Genesis, he said
From Genesis eleven verse ten we read of Shem’s family line
And per verse twenty seven, Terah set out from Ur by design

The beginning of chapter twelve speaks of Abram’s migration
All three - Noah, Terah, and Abram - decided for separation
Why people choose to migrate, there are three basic reasons
Environmental, socio-political, or extreme economic seasons
The exception to this rule was Abraham, who chose to obey
He was called to an unknown place, Hebrews eleven did say
Abram listened to God’s voice, because he did in God believe
Only much later his inheritance did Abram from God receive

Pastor Joey then asked us three questions on which to ponder
They should help ensure the from God’s path we do not wander
First and foremost, whose voice will we listen to this year?
Spending time to read the Bible if God’s voice we are to hear
He referred to William Penn, who books landed him in prison
But from whose later writings the US constitution was arisen
And if we listen to God, He will take care of the other issues
Philippians one verse six says to be confident in this news

The second is on whose promises will we trust this year?
God always delivers on his promises, so we should not fear
In Hebrews eleven verse nine, the word ‘promise’ is repeated
Abraham’s family lived in tents until the promise completed
The last one is what are we looking forward to this year?
By focusing on a godly foundation, our lives will rightly steer
In the same way a good house relies on a strong foundation
We should look to and hear God’s word without cessation

Pastor Joey said we should trust God to bless us at length
The secret is to admit our weakness and trust in His strength
The first part of that should be easy given our human nature
The second part relies on having a faith that is quite mature

Sunday, February 11, 2018

11 February 2018 - ENCS

We were blessed this morning by visiting pastor Steve Murrell
'Who we are' is more important than 'what we do', he did tell
Using Genesis eleven, the multi-year series he did continue
Verses one through nine he did from the ESV read through
We often ask what to do when God’s plan differs from ours
But when that happens what does God do given His powers

In Genesis one, God told man to be fruitful and fill the earth
This was reiterated in chapter nine, emphasising its worth
Mankind decided to build a tower so they wouldn’t migrate
God thus dispersed the disobedient people, Steve did state
In a similar vein, from Deuteronomy one we then did hear
An eleven day trek to the Promised Land took forty year

In Acts one , the believers were told about the Holy Spirit
Upon receiving it, to the end of the earth they were to split
They stubbornly stayed in Jerusalem per Acts chapter eight
A massive persecution of the church was the resulting fate
Scattered throughout the world, this led the believers to be
God’s original plans coming to fruition, we once again see

Resisting God’s will may be normal but we should submit
Even Jesus asked if a change in plans God would permit
It is impossible to follow the example of Jesus on the cross
He paid the penalty for all of our sins with His life’s loss
But He can help us do God’s will be changing our heart
Giving us the grace to surrender to God and do our part

Resisting God’s will is not abnormal, similar to temptation
What matters is how we respond, with love as a foundation
So God, please be clear in how your plan you do convey
And have patience with me if from your path I do stray
Because I know that part of me will oft resist and protest
Yet I acknowledge that your plan for me is for the best

Sunday, February 4, 2018

4 February 2018 - ENCS

To the series on Genesis, Pastor Joey Bonifacio returned today
There are three basic biblical principles to remember, he did say
What it meant then, what is means now, what it means for me
Context, relevance, application are thus what we should see

The tower of Babel was the focus of Genesis chapter eleven
People building a city with a tower brought God from heaven
In all aspects of life the principles of building can also be seen
So Joey asked to focus on how to build well in twenty eighteen

He said the three requirements to build effectively for mankind
Are agreement, communication, and of course a plan aligned
Per Genesis, the way that the city was built and all was down
People came, stayed, thought, and worked together as one

The issue was not that the people built a city in which to live
It was that making a name for themselves was their motive
When we are looking to take action, a motive is what we seek
But motives, Pastor said, can be good or bad, strong or weak

Our motive, per Christ’s words in Matthew five verse fifteen
Is to be a light in the world that is not hidden but always seen
For a light is meant to be put on a stand so others can see
That means that our good works should give God the glory

Underlying this motive, like any building, must be a foundation
This holds true whether it is an individual, a team, or a nation
The renovations for the leaning tower of Pisa took very long
Because its foundations were hard to correct, obviously wrong

So on God and His Word our foundation we must clearly make
For then what we build will have a good motive and no mistake
To me, that means to pray, to meditate, to share, and fellowship
So that through this journey of life here on earth I try not to trip

Sunday, January 28, 2018

28 January 2018 - ENCS

Pastor Joey finished the series on starting twenty eighteen
First by reviewing the key messages we had earlier seen
We need clarity and consecration to overcome habits bad
So discovery, desire, and decision can be more than a fad
Evolving into delight, devotion, and our God-driven destiny
Rather than a continual loop leading to repetitive discovery

Joey said there are many reasons why to self we must die
Most important, this is the path that pleases God most high
Secondly, by doing so we can resurrect that which was dead
Thirdly, it puts us on a path to a values-filled destiny instead
Finally, the path we follow and exhibit - make no mistake
Is the one that our children and friends will also likely take

We are to be the salt of the earth, per Matthew chapter five
Without losing our saltiness as long as on earth we survive
In biblical times, salt was important for a variety of reasons
It was for healing, flavouring, and preserving in all seasons
Implying that we should do the same in all our interactions
And not be too concerned with others’ words or reactions

In the same passage, Jesus admonished us to be a light
By illuminating, clarifying, and exposing wrong from right
In the presence of others, we must let God’s light shine
We must die to self and then live like Jesus who is divine
Connecting to today's world without compromise or offence
And being excellent for God’s glory no matter the expense

For myself, in order to obey and to be the salt and the light
Is more than just a matter of doing what is so clearly right
It also means saying and doing right in every opportunity
Regardless of whether actions others may or may not see

Sunday, January 21, 2018

21 January 2018 - ENCS

On leading an abundant life, Pastor Josh did continue
For per John ten, that is what Christ wants us to do
Paradoxically, we do so by denying self and serving
God values our service and He is always observing

Following Jesus brings us the correct relationships
For then our vision, other individual do not eclipse
And if God is who two people are mutually pursuing 
Then the end result is far better than random wooing

Being great, Jesus said in Mark ten verse forty three
Requires us to continually adopt a servant mentality
We should show this to avoid being a stumbling block
At home, the office, and at church - around the clock

Our bodies should be living sacrifices, Paul did say
Per Romans twelve verse one, this is the holy way
It is both reasonable service and spiritual worship
So between two translations, Pastor said not to trip

In Luke ten verse forty, about serving Jesus did speak
Martha was serving while knowledge Mary did seek
Jesus focused on each woman's underlying intention
If serving, details should not cause worry or tension

There are many ways to worship God, Josh did relate
And importantly, serving and worship are not separate
For we are not required to choose one from the other
If we have the heart, we can learn skills from a brother

Per Romans twelve, we are told our bodies to present
Just showing up indicates that we have the right intent
The term “a living sacrifice” implies a servant mentality
Which is how our lives as Christians really should be

In summary, Josh said serving helps us grow spiritually
And without service, incomplete is our worship actually
We should listen to God and to His instructions obey
He will empower us as we serve and follow His way

Sunday, January 14, 2018

14 January 2018 - ENCS

His series on the New Year, Pastor Joey did today continue
Into New Year’s resolutions, he shared his point of view
We should focus on that what is timeless, per Matthew six
In other words, on God’s kingdom our hearts should affix
Following up on last week’s message, values often shift
After nine eleven, church attendance did massively uplift
But instead of reacting to a crisis, we should be proactive
Ensuring that we have the right priorities each day we live

Pastor said that In order to make God our topmost priority
We must overcome habits occupying of our time a majority
Two-thirds of who we are habits actually end up defining
How habits are developed Joey then spent time outlining
Discover something, desire it, make a decision, and delight
Per Genesis three, these decisions can be wrong or right
Where hearts are focused and habits exist, actions do show
And if actions are oft repeated, addictions develop and grow

To prevent bad addictions becoming an individual’s destiny
Implementing a real strategy for change habits is the key
At the core of any change must be a plan as well as prayer 
Prayer reminds us that God does exist and He does care
We should pray and listen through the day if we believe
An additional benefit is that stress levels He will receive
To build new and healthy habits, old ones we must break
Therefore a desire and decision to change we must make

But changing bad habits to good can often result in a dip
Thus gyms are only full for three months, Pastor did quip
The way around this conundrum is to a new delight find
This is effectively dying to our old self, Pastor did remind
Discipleship also involves dying to one’s self every day
We must adopt a servant mentality, Mark ten does say
For Christ came not to be served by others, but to serve
We must die to bad habits, even if that hits a raw nerve

Dying to self is not easy and requires even more prayer
But it helps relationships and health, Pastor did declare
Christianity is also to die to self, per Matthew sixteen
We are to emulate how Jesus lived, it is clearly seen
By following Christ and carrying our individual cross
We can gain abundant life serving the eternal boss
In summary, we should each make a new resolution
To align our values and die daily is the biblical solution
Last year, I changed health habits and lost some weight
Now I must take similar steps to other good habits create

Sunday, January 7, 2018

7 January 2018 - ENCS

The topic Pastor Joey communicated for the congregation to hear
Was based on Matthew six twenty one, titled “Values-Filled Year”
In order for us to have clarity and direction that is not arbitrary
Then we need to know what matters, is valuable, and necessary

For where your treasure is, Jesus said your heart will be as well
And then what we do shows our priorities and values in a nutshell
Verse twenty four declares that nobody can serve two masters
Trying to do so leads to conflict, pain, and eventually disasters
Pastor said that we should focus on what is eternal and timeless
Our priorities and values are evident so we don’t have to guess

God is more important than money and health more than a thing
Relationships matter more than food due to the joy they do bring
So God, relationships, health, money, food, things is the hierarchy
To put anything before God in word or deed is just plain malarkey
That prioritised list descends from timeless to that which decays
We should align our life with these values through all of our days

But Pastor hastened to add that the elements must in fact overlap
For we will not be fulfilled or whole if we have even one single gap
Having God and health without relationships leaves one lifeless
Money and enjoyment without excellence actually causes stress
Jesus said that toward God and His Kingdom our focus should go
Seek Him first and from His righteousness valuable things will flow

Relationships, health, finances, enjoyment, excellence can be great
If we focus on the core principles throughout year two zero one eight
Good relationships require a combination of trust, love, forgiveness
Good health is based on nutrition, rest, movement, and low stress
Good finances only result from earning, saving, and investing well
Excellence from hard work, passion, and diligence Pastor did tell

These essentials are universal although we each differently apply
As we improve each of those elements, quality will not pass us by
Of course the converse is unfortunately also true, that is a fact
If one element is askew, everything else it does negatively impact
But our efforts will not succeed without relying on God to us equip
So therefore we should pray, meditate, proclaim, and fellowship

God wants us to become the greatest, which means serving others
But of course this doesn’t just include Christian sisters and brothers
Per Isaiah fifty eight, we must loose our bonds and priorities reboot
Pastor said that we are to live with God-centred values at our root
As Jimmy Needham sings in one of his classic “Clear The Stage”
“Make some space for the one who deserves it” is indeed sage
And to make productive change in our lives, per a friend’s blog
We need to throw out things that otherwise might our lives clog
For myself, this particularly applies to how I invest my finite time
So this year, I must be more committed to changing my paradigm