Sunday, November 5, 2017

5 November 2017 - ENCS

Pastor Josh spoke on Genesis chapter eight verse twenty two
God said “while the earth remains”, seasons we would view
Akin to summer and winter, we have our individual seasons
We should remember that God does this for different reasons
Webster says that a season is a time that is suitable or fit
The key is to know what season we are in and understand it
Otherwise we get frustrated and God’s plans do not achieve 
His seasons are unique for each of us, we should believe

Know that each season has its own challenges and benefits
Both evident and not evident, as God decides and permits
Per Jeremiah seventeen five, we must trust God not man
Sometimes hardship is part of the Lord's overarching plan
We must work hard during harvest time, per Proverbs ten
Responding to God’s windows of opportunity like wise men
Blessed is he who trusts in God, per Jeremiah seventeen
They will bear fruit in every season, in verse eight is seen

God provides throughout, sometimes more, sometimes less
That is why Chisholm penned “Great is Thy Faithfulness"
Josh said patterns are a reminder of God’s steadfastness
Per James one, if we ask then with wisdom He will us bless
Paul, in his second letter to Timothy, said to preach the Word
To be ready both in and out of season was stated not inferred
In summary, our various seasons we should accept with joy
Doing God’s work while our God-given talents we do employ

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