“Experiencing church community” started the new series One Accord
Into Acts chapter two verse forty two, Rachel Ong in depth explored
Per that verse, four specific things the early Christians did in earnest
Learning, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer aided their quest
The first and the last link us with God, the other two with each other
Reminding us that in both parts of community we should smother
The early believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching
We also have access to the entire Bible plus of course preaching
To commune with God, Rachel has a yellow chair in a specific place
Similarly, we should daily read the Word at a given time and space
And in the same way that we focus on our phones and children
When we meditate on God's Word, we should pay full attention
The early believers devoted themselves to growing fellowship
We have life groups, which establish more than one relationship
Although we may get hurt, in others we should believe the best
Of course forgiving others as Jesus did is a very difficult test
For “loving your neighbour as yourself” is a godly command
By making this intentional, our diversity can be a strong stand
Also, per Genesis one, God has always wanted to be our friend
If is therefore not healthy or God-like if being solitary is our trend
The early believers devoted themselves to breaking of bread
Which is not just about eating, but also fellowship Rachel said
We can share life, hospitality, and kindness through our food
By breaking bread, into our networks we others can include
The breaking of bread is also symbolic, per Luke twenty two
As it did foreshadow the ultimate sacrifice Jesus would do
We influence others by serving them, per John seventeen
This servant leadership was in Jesus’ life constantly seen
Finally, the early believers also devoted themselves to prayer
During which we should listen, not just talk, for God does care
Jesus showed us how best to pray, per verses in Matthew six
Rachel said we can not pray right until our priorities we do fix
For when we do manage to put God’s will first, all else will flow
God will inspire us in prayer and then into the world we can go
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