Sunday, March 8, 2015

8 March 2015 - ENCS

Scott Douma from EN Japan gave the sermon today
He spoke on hope, which everyone wants every day
He said buying lottery tickets is not the way to go
For as Christians, we have real hope, that we know
Interestingly hope and rope share the same Hebrew root word
For rope can connect us to whatever we want, we then heard
Connecting with God links His promise to our reality
Per Hebrews six nineteen, like an anchor hope will be
An anchor is large and brings stability in every storm
Having hope in God means stability will be our norm
God is with us and He cannot lie, Pastor did go on to say
He keeps His promises, not always in the expected way
Our hope in finances and relationships will eventually disappear
We should put our hope in Jesus, for He will always be near
If we are not connected, per Hebrews two verse one
We end up drifting, which is more dangerous than fun
To God and His promises, we need to connect every day
Life is not meant to be drifted, at least in a spiritual way
For ups and downs and movement, a ship's anchor does allow
Similarly Romans eight verse thirty nine is still quite valid now
Whether hoped-for miracles happen or not, God is always there
Despite the reality of a world of broken people everywhere
Without such hope, our rope would soon get very frayed
Jesus' purpose was to connect us to God, so He prayed
He became that rope to God when He died on the cross
And since God now lives in us, His death was not a loss
Pastor referred to Jeremiah chapter twenty nine verse eleven
"Plans to prosper...and not harm" come from God in heaven
What is oft forgot is that these words came during dark days
Israel was in decline and exile as a result of its errant ways
But we have "hope and a future" because of God's great nature
He is with us and cannot lie, so of His promises we can be sure
Per Ephesians one eighteen, we should enlighten the eyes of our heart
Getting rid of our blinders of hopelessness is the perfect way to start

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