Concluding the series, Nate Curtis spoke on "Spiritual Family"
To describe family, some pictures and diagrams we did see
About our family, four concentric bubbles reflect our perception
The inner one is of course ourselves, there is never an exception
To the immediate family our understanding then does grow
Then local and global spiritual families we come to know
Family is very important to God, as Nate did very adroitly distill
In Matthew twelve, Jesus' family includes all who do God's will
Per First Corinthians twelve, the church is one body, many parts
From those two concepts, knowledge of a spiritual family starts
A family, natural or spiritual, provides an identity and destiny
A family, natural or spiritual, provides an identity and destiny
Remember that within any family, differences there will be
But since Jesus is coming back not for a harem, but for His bride
That means that the church must work together and not divide
For those who believe in Jesus, this includes all, not just some
Whether Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox, or Coptic they are from
Spiritual families are important as they form building blocks that are key
The kingdom of God, our identity, as well as a stable and safe society
Spiritual families multiply, teach, train, exercise knowledge, and love
This is in keeping with biblical teaching which comes from God above
First Corinthians twelve also states that if one part suffers, all parts do
Likewise if one part is honored, every other part rejoices with it too
About the Coptic Christian martyrs, a powerful poem Nate did then read
They were praying and singing hymns to God right until ISIS' ugly deed
The twenty one refused to deny Christ even when facing certain death
They remained true to God and the Christian faith until their last breath
Nate proceeded to tell us how we should fit into the family
Dive in and do good in whatever role we have is the key
God's blueprint for the family can only in Genesis be found
The linkages between God, us, and others are quite sound
Per Hebrews ten we should meet and encourage each other
In that way, toward love and good deeds we spur our brother
Romans twelve talks about being devoted in brotherly love
With passion, joy, and patience serving our Lord God above
In conclusion Nate said we should join in, jump in, and stay in
God's family is open, always waiting for another next of kin
We should strive to make a difference in whatever way
Thus in God's presence and family we will always stay