Sunday, April 13, 2014

13 April 2014 - The Kingdom Divides

After being king in Jerusalem for forty years, Solomon died
Per First Kings eleven, his son Rehoboam did then preside
But when the people asked him to lighten their heavy load
He ignored his elder advisers and the people he did goad
By saying he would make their load heavier and with more pain
The people of Israel were upset and did more than just complain
Except for the tribe of Judah, they did against him all rebel
This fulfilled God’s promise, First Kings twelve does tell

The rest of Israel decided to name Jeroboam their new king
Per First Kings twelve, he feared what the future might bring
So he made two golden calves, one in Bethel and one in Dan
Hoping the people would support him instead of God’s plan
The people worshipped the calves and it was indeed a sin
Jeroboam even appointed priests who were not Levite kin
Therefore “this was the sin of the house of Jeroboam that led”
“To its downfall and…destruction”, First Kings thirteen said

13 April 2014 - ENCS

The "Cross Words" series today Joseph Bonifacio did continue
He referred to Luke chapter twenty three, from verse thirty two
Jesus said "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do"
Even as He was being ridiculed and abused by more than a few
By calling "Father", despite being under physical and emotional stress
Jesus affirmed that God is with us no matter the hardship or the mess
He also showed that at all times, His first instinct was just to pray
Whether He was teaching or resting or facing His crucifixion day
Jesus said "forgive them" despite that they were doing to Him
He prayed for the people who wanted to tear him limb from limb
By doing so, He was showing us how we should try to live
No matter who does what to us, we should always forgive
But there are limits to human forgiveness, Pastor Joseph said
It might be what we can forgive, or who, or how often instead
Peter asked if forgiving seven times is enough, per Matthew eighteen
But in verse twenty two, Jesus' answer "seventy times seven" is seen
His words are powerful because a "forgiveness scarcity" is how we think
But as Jesus showed by forgiving us, this concept is just out of sync
"To let things slide" sounds good but leaves us with an open wound
But restorative power comes with forgiveness, to which all can be attuned
Jesus forgave the rulers and soldiers before they did ask
For us to do likewise seems to be a reasonable task
The power to heal and restore result from a forgiveness surplus
Which Jesus released to all from the cross, Joseph did discuss
But when faced with a situation, can we say what Jesus did say?
We should, since Jesus forgave us so for our sins we do not pay
But, Joseph did then say to us, that before we can forgive like Christ
We must receive His forgiveness, which has always more than sufficed
He continued by saying what we did to Jesus is the greatest debt
So whatever others do to us we should readily forgive if not forget
For this world to work, we need both forgiveness and healing
If we do not forgive, we may face consequences unappealing
In conclusion, about the topic of forgiveness Joseph had these words to say
"Imperfect people having perfect relationships because made new every day"

Friday, April 11, 2014

11 April 2014 - Solomon: Temple and Temptation

When Hiram heard about Solomon, per First Kings five
He was pleased for with David the relationship did thrive
To Hiram, a message about a temple Solomon did send
Saying that to build one for God was what he did intend
For there were no more wars and Israel was finally at rest
It was the right thing to do, for the nation was blessed
Solomon asked Hiram that cedars from Lebanon be cut
Hiram said Solomon was a very wise man, not some nut

Solomon “devoted [himself] to study”, per Ecclesiastes one
While king of Israel, he explored by wisdom all that is done
He said that he had seen all the things done under the sun
And concluded that all of them were meaningless, even if fun
“There is a time for everything”, per Ecclesiastes three
And under heaven, there is “a season for every activity”
“”A time to be born and a time to die”, it does reveal
A time to plant and to uproot, to kill and to heal
To tear down and to build, to laugh and to weep
To mourn and to dance, also to sow and to reap
To keep and to discard, to be silent and to speak
To love and to hate, to be bold and to be meek

“Two are better than one”, it says in Ecclesiastes four
By working together, they can achieve so much more
They can help each other out in times of trouble
For their combined strength is more than double
Per Ecclesiastes twelve, “Not only was the Teacher wise”
“But also he imparted knowledge” to people of every size
He found the right words and “wrote what was upright and true”
Without change, the proverbs he wrote told everyone what to do
“The conclusion of the matter” is that God should be feared
Man’s duty is to keep the commandments that appeared

Per First Kings eleven, Solomon loved women from many a nation
Although doing so broke God’s orders and risked His condemnation
“As Solomon grew old, [to other gods] he wives turned his heart”
Unlike his father David, from God’s ways Solomon did depart
God told Solomon that He was angry that Solomon did not obey
As a result, after his death his kingdom would be taken away

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

8 April 2014 - Solomon: The Wisest King

As David was ready to die, in Second Kings two
He told his son Solomon important things to do
He said, “Be strong, show yourself a man”
“Keep His…commands” as best as you can
“So that you may prosper in all you do and wherever you go”
“If your descendants…walk faithfully”, the kingdom will grow
So then, as per First Chronicles twenty nine
Solomon sat on the throne and did just fine
All of Israel to King Solomon pledged their submission
“The Lord highly exalted Solomon” in everyone’s vision

God appeared to Solomon one night, per First Kings three
The Lord said to him, “Ask whatever you want [from] me”
Solomon was wise and showed great humility on his part
He therefore asked God to give him “a discerning heart”
So he would be able “to distinguish between right and wrong”
God was pleased that he had not asked for wealth or life long
With “a wise and discerning heart” Solomon was thus blessed
God said that in this way, as a king, he would be the best
In addition, God gave him riches and honor and many things
“So that in [his] lifetime [he would] have no equal among kings”

The Israelite people were numerous, per First Kings four
They ate and drank and had a lot to be thankful for
Solomon ruled over all of the kingdoms in the region
“These countries brought tribute” to him that was legion
“God gave Solomon wisdom and very great insight”
“He was wiser than any other man”, be it day or night
To all the surrounding nations, his fame did thus spread
He wrote thousands of proverbs and songs, it is said
“Men of all nations came to listen to Solomon’s wisdom”
For he would teach about everything to them who did come

In Proverbs one, Solomon wrote about their purpose and theme
“For attaining wisdom and discipline”, “words of insight” teem
“For…doing what is right and just and fair”
To the simple, giving prudence and care
And to “let the wise listen and add to their learning”
To provide guidance for those who are discerning
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge”
True wisdom and discipline are worth more than college
In Luke eleven, Jesus said “this is a wicked generation”
For they asked for signs, but will only get condemnation
“The Queen of the South…came…to listen to Solomon’s wisdom”
But “now one greater than Solomon” to earth has come

Sunday, April 6, 2014

6 April 2014 - ENCS

Pastor Joshua Harris started the "Cross Words" series
Focusing on the last words of Christ, not just theories
Matthew twenty seven verse forty six was the core text today
"My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" Jesus did say
Everyone can all relate at one level to feeling forsaken
When bad things happen or a loved one's life is taken
But for Jesus, whose life's purpose was prophesied in Matthew one
We often forget that He spent His first thirty years as a human's son
Although Jesus was perfect and therefore knew everything
To His parents Mary and Joseph, He willingly was submitting
To Matthew twenty six and twenty seven, Pastor Josh did revert
There were so many examples of how Christ Jesus was hurt
His betrayal by Judas, his disciples sleeping while he prayed
The disciples leaving Him, being ridiculed, tortured, and flayed
Peter denying Him three times, criminal justice being perverted
And then three hours of darkness when Jesus was deserted
So Jesus is the only person who can say He knows how we feel
Because no matter what our situation, He experienced it for real
Similarly, God had to watch this happen to His beloved Son
It was not fair at all, but for our sake it really had to be done
At the time of Jesus' death, the temple curtain was ripped in two
Symbolizing that everyone was now saved, not just the select few
Jesus took on all of the world's sin and pain and hurt
So we will never be forsaken by God, Pastor did assert
We should have confidence when talking with God, per Hebrews ten
Thanks to Jesus the High Priest, no intermediary will be needed again
We should have "full assurance of faith" with our hearts sprinkled clean
For on our collective behalf, Jesus did on the cross sacrificially intervene
In conclusion, 'let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess"
Pastor said that our only real response to God should be "yes"

Friday, April 4, 2014

4 April 2014 - David: The Shepherd King (part two of two)

God spoke to David, per Second Samuel seven
Through Nathan, a prophet God sent from heaven
God said that He would make David’s name great
And give him rest from enemies who did Israel hate
God promised the kingdom would pass to David’s son
Who would build a temple that would be rivaled by none
And even when the son did wrong despite being clever
David’s “house and [his] kingdom will endure forever”

“The Lord is my shepherd” David wrote in Psalm twenty three
To green pastures and beside quiet waters “He leads me”
“He guides me in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake”
Even if a walk in “the valley of the shadow of death” I may take
“I will fear no evil, for You are with me”
“Your rod and…staff”, comforting they be
“You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows”
“Goodness and love will follow” wherever He goes
In John ten, “I am the good shepherd” Jesus did say
For his sheep, the good shepherd will his life lay

In Second Samuel eleven, David sent his army out
Both the Ammonites and Rabbah they did rout
But in Jerusalem, in his palace David did stay
From his roof, a beautiful woman he saw one day
He sent for Bathsheba and together they did sleep
News of her pregnancy from Uriah David tried to keep
He had Uriah come back to give him a report
But since the army was fighting, Uriah did retort
He would not return to his house or lie with his wife
Saying “I will not do such a thing” in his entire life

So instructions to Uriah’s field commander David sent
And therefore into a dangerous position Uriah went
“Some of the men in David’s army fell”; Uriah also died
When his wife Bathsheba heard the news, she cried
After mourning, she married David and bore him a son
But the Lord was displeased with what David had done
To Nathan in Second Samuel twelve, his sin David did confess
The Lord decided to spare David’s life out of His goodness

After confessing to Nathan, David wrote Psalm fifty one
Asking for mercy from God for what he had done
“For I know…my sin is always before me” and is not right
“Against you, I have…done what is evil in Your sight”
“Surely I was sinful at birth” as with everyone is the case
“You desire truth…and teach me wisdom in the inmost place”
“Blot out all my iniquity…and create in me a pure heart”
“From your presence” do not allow me to be apart

4 April 2014 - David: The Shepherd King

Per First Samuel sixteen, for Saul Samuel did still mourn
But God said the next king to Jesse already had been born
To meet Jesse and all of his sons, Samuel did his part
The Lord said to look not at the outside, but at the heart
Through Samuel, God rejected sons one through seven
The youngest was in the field but was chosen by heaven
So Samuel took the horn of oil and did David anoint
For David, the Spirit of the Lord would not disappoint

Saul and the Israelite army in the Valley of Elah did camp
To face the Philistines and Goliath, a nine foot tall champ
Over one hundred twenty five pounds his armor did weigh
Goliath challenged the entire Israelite army every single day
The winner would rule over the nation of whomever died
“Saul and all the Israelites were dismayed and terrified”

Despite his age, young David volunteered to Goliath fight
Saul said that he would be no match for the giant’s might
But David had killed a bear and a lion while tending sheep
And was confident that safe the Lord God would him keep
In regards the “uncircumcised Philistine” who did God defy
David was very confident that at God’s hand he would die
Saul’s armor and helmet were far too unwieldy for the boy
So only took his sling and five stones – and God’s joy

David and Goliath approached each other in the field
David solo; Goliath had someone carrying his shield
Goliath saw David was a boy and did him despise
Because he seemed unarmed and due to his size
Goliath insulted David and by his gods did curse
David replied with promises that were not terse
He said that God would let him cut off Goliath’s head
So that all would know the victory was God’s instead
And so it transpired, in line with the plan of the Lord
David killed Goliath and cut off his head with a sword

“One in spirit with David” Saul’s son Jonathan did become
Into his house, Jonathan made David more than welcome
Whatever Saul sent David to do, he did exceedingly well
“This pleased all the people”, chapter eighteen does tell
Women came out to sing and play tambourines with their hands
“Saul has slain his thousands, and David his tens of thousands”
This greatly angered Saul as the refrain definitely did him gall
He figured that David would end up with the kingdom and all
So from that day forward, on David Saul kept a jealous eye
Saul turned out to be an evil-spirited jealous vindictive guy

Saul told many to kill David in First Samuel nineteen
But Jonathan’s fondness for David was clearly seen
He warned David and told him to go into hiding
He talked with his father, even risking a chiding
Saul listened to his son and promised not to harm David
Then Jonathan called David from the place he had hid
David killed more Philistines when war broke out
They “fled before him” as his force led to a rout
But an evil spirit came across Saul, who had a spear
David eluded Saul and escaped, for his life he did fear

In First Chronicles ten, the Philistines again did attack
Israel was pressured, as David’s strength they did lack
Saul was wounded and his three sons had all died
He asked his aide to kill him because he could not hide
In the end, Saul died when he fell on his own sword
Then the Israelites fled away from the Philistine hoard
“Saul died because he was unfaithful to the Lord”
So David became king without raising his sword