Sunday, March 2, 2014

2 March 2014 - The Exodus

“At midnight the Lord struck down all” the Egyptian firstborn
This affected people and cattle, so they did wail and mourn
The Egyptians then urged the Israelites to leave in a hurry
Despite all of the deaths, their intent was far from blurry
Per Exodus twelve, they realized that they might all die
So the Israelites took their dough which was on standby
They also followed the instructions that God had earlier told
By asking the Egyptians for clothing, silver, and even gold
The Egyptians gave them all, for God’s control they were under
In a sense, as the Israelites were leaving, Egypt they did plunder

Per Exodus fourteen, hardened again became Pharaoh’s heart
He decided to chase the Israelites soon after they did depart
With more than six hundred chariots he did pursue
As the Israelites saw them approaching, their fear grew
Moses told the people to stand firm and not be afraid
For on that day, God’s power would again be displayed
The Lord told Moses to stretch his hand over the sea
The water would divide and a dry path there would be

Moses did as he was told and God drove the sea back
Between the walls of water, the Israelites had a track
Pharaoh’s army and horses followed them into the sea
They were thrown into disarray so God’s people could flee
The Egyptians were scared and wanted to get away
God’s love for the Israelites was clearly on display
Moses stretched his hand and the sea went back to place
Drowning the Egyptians before their steps could retrace

The day Israel saw the Egyptians dead on the shore
They feared God and trusted Him that much more
Exodus fifteen starts with Moses singing a song
Which speaks of how God is so good and strong
“I will sing to the Lord, for he is highly exalted”
“The horse and its rider” into the sea He has vaulted
“The Lord is my strength…and…my salvation”
“And I will praise Him” with much celebration
“The Lord is a warrior; the Lord is his name”
For He put Pharaoh’s great army to shame
None can compare to his majesty, glory, and wonders
He will lead His people despite all of their blunders
“The Lord will reign for ever and ever” per verse eighteen
Moses’ sister Miriam then sang, playing her tambourine

Psalm one hundred five extols all that God had done
It mentions wonders and miracles since time had begun
The Exodus is the focus of verses thirty seven to forty four
“He brought out Israel, laden with silver and gold” and more
“Egypt was glad when they left” because God they did fear
Once the Israelites left, the plagues would also disappear
God covered then with a cloud and a fire He did light
This protected them and gave them guidance at night
“They asked, and he brought them quail” so they could eat
“He opened a rock, and water gushed out” that was sweet
For He remembered the promise given to Abraham
He led them like a shepherd leading a lost lamb
“He brought out His chosen ones…with shouts of joy”
They inherited lands; His people others could not destroy

About time at Mount Sinai, Exodus nineteen had much to say
The Israelites arrived there three months later, to the very day
God told Moses what to say to His people camping there
He reminded them of their escape from Egypt under His care
God added that if they would obey Him fully in all locations
Then Israel would be most treasured among all the nations
“A kingdom of priests and a holy nation” they would become
If His path they would follow all the time, not just for some
Moses took the message to the elders who did quickly agree
God said he would come as a dense cloud others could see
Then the trust in Moses by the people would be widespread
And “then Moses told the Lord what the people had said”

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