Sunday, March 30, 2014

30 March 2014 - ENCS

The "A Disciple" series Pastor Neli Atiga today brought to an end
In Matthew twenty eight, the Great Commission Jesus did rend
Verses number sixteen to twenty Pastor Neli did use
To talk about keys if being a disciple is what we choose
First, the disciples went to where Jesus told them to go
An environment of obedience helps a disciple to grow
Second is that some disciples created an environment of worship
Although others created an environment of doubt, Pastor did quip
But as long as, like Thomas, our doubts to God we bring
It is not something that negates the benefit of worshiping
The fourth is Jesus' ultimate authority, per verse eighteen
And lastly is Jesus' presence, as in verse twenty is seen

Effective disciple making must leverage His presence and authority
For we need to lay our lives down if good disciples we are to be
Our bodies should be living sacrifices, in Romans twelve Paul did say
Per Genesis twenty two, for worship there is not just one way

About "proskuneo" and worship, Pastor Neli did then speak
To bow down and worship, proskuneo means in Greek
This means that passion in worship we must show
On Jesus, not ourselves, the focus must therefore go
Ina  true proskuneo state, our own selves we cannot see
And being prostrate, in a perfect position of rest we will be
Pastor concluded by saying we should worship not stress
For we should give our all constantly to Jesus, nothing less

Sunday, March 23, 2014

23 March 2014 - ENCS

The "Discipleship" series today Pastor Larry did conclude
That "A disciple is in Christ" is unlikely to lead to a feud
The enemy tries to distort our view, often at great length
Because he knows where we can find supernatural strength
In life, we often find our identity as part of a crowd
Usually it is something that makes us feel proud
But pastor said that these are all self-focused from the devil
For our heart is deceitful if with the Lord we are not level
In his early days, Paul's discipleship was driven by performance
But after his Jesus encounter, he rapidly changed his stance
Pastor referred to Second Corinthians chapter thirteen verse five
If we examine ourselves, only by being in the faith can we thrive
About Luke chapter eight more wisdom he did then impart
The seed is the God's word and the soil represents our heart
Pastor then looked at First Corinthians chapter one
To help clarify how "walking with Jesus" is best done

First is to be sanctified, or made holy, in Christ per verse two
Paul told the Corinthians that living sinfully they should not do
He pointed out that their lives were not aligned with God's desire
If people don't see Christ in our actions, the outcome will be dire
As was evident in Paul's life of ministry and some suffering
If we let our light shine, some offense the gospel may bring
But as per verse thirty nine of Romans chapter eight
From the love of God, nothing should ever us separate

The second point was based on Paul's words in verse four
That we don't deserve the grace Christ gave us is the core
Our lives are important to God, no matter how big the mess
So there is always hope despite our inherent wickedness
God's grace saves us, as per verse twelve of Titus chapter two
It teaches us to say 'no' when there are things we should not do
We should think of God when confronted by temptation
How can we hurt him after he has given us salvation

The third point is based on verses twenty eight to thirty one
We should only boast in God, no matter what we have done
For we are in Him because of Him and His sacrificial deed
Instead of paying the price for our sins, we have been freed

We can only be in Him, in conclusion Pastor Larry said
Because on the cross, Jesus took our place instead
When we stand up for Him, He will for us stand up too
Seeing our boldness, He will be pleased with the view

Thursday, March 20, 2014

20 March 2014 - Saul: The First King

Samuel appointed his sons as judges, per First Samuel eight
But it turned out that they were as dishonest as he was great
So the Israelite elders asked Samuel to appoint a king
To Samuel, this was not God’s plan and was displeasing
Samuel prayed to God and obeyed what He did say
God said the people rejected Him in yet another way
Samuel warned the people about what the king would do
And in response to pleas, “the Lord will not answer you”
After to the Israelite elders Samuel finished speaking
God then said, “Listen to them and give them a king”

Samuel brought the elders together, per First Samuel ten
And told them that they had rejected God once again
All the Israelite tribes and clans were all presented to God
From Benjamin’s tribe and Matri’s clan, Saul got the nod
“But when they looked for him, he was not to be found”
God said Saul was hiding in the baggage without sound
Following that news, the people “ran and brought him out”
He was a head taller than anyone, of that there was no doubt
So Saul was named king, as had been the Israelite goal
Samuel wrote regulations of the kingship down on a scroll

In First Samuel fifteen, Samuel gave instructions to Saul
To punish the Amalekites, the Lord wanted to destroy all
Saul led his troops and attacked Amalekites as he should
But he disobeyed and kept alive “everything that was good”
God grieved because Saul had turned away from Him
Samuel cried to God all night, for the situation was grim
Saul told Samuel that God’s instructions he had followed
And that he kept the best cattle for a sacrifice hallowed
But Samuel said that God honored obedience even more
King Saul’s disobedience and arrogance God did abhor
Saul had rejected the mantra “to obey is better than sacrifice”
God rejected him as king because he rejected God’s advice

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

19 March 2014 - Samuel: The Last Judge

In First Samuel one, the story of Elkanah the Zuphite is told
His childless second wife in prayer he continued to uphold
Giving her double portions of meat because he loved her so
Yet from her rival, continual provocation she had to undergo
Hannah wept much and did not eat, yet to the Lord she did pray
If He would grant her a son, from His path he would not stray

After Eli prayed that God would grant Hannah her wish
Her face brightened and she ate more than one dish
She conceived and gave birth, Samuel was his name
Hannah praised the Lord and felt no more shame
She declined to go to the temple with her spouse
For Samuel forever would live in the Lord’s house

The boy Samuel upheld God with ministry and prayer
Per Samuel two, a linen ephod he did always wear
The Lord rewarded Hannah for doing as she had professed
With three sons and two daughters she was later blessed
“The Lord was with Samuel as he grew”, per chapter three
He was recognized as a prophet, as all of Israel could see
Through His word, God did to Samuel Himself reveal
In chapter seven, Samuel always lived as a judge ideal

19 March 2014 - Ruth: Love and Loyalty

While the judges ruled, there was a famine in the land
Emilech moved to Moab, from Ruth one we understand
But he died and then so did his sons after ten years
Leaving their wives Naomi, Orpah and Ruth in tears
Naomi told her daughters-in-law to Judah she would return
She told them to stay in their Moab home out of concern
But Ruth replied that she would follow Naomi anywhere
She would assimilate and for her mother-in-law always care

They arrived in Bethlehem as the harvest was about to start
Ruth volunteered to help out of the goodness in her heart
Behind other workers, she picked up leftover grain in the field
But cousin Boaz told her not to, in order to from others shield
Ruth asked why a foreigner like herself had such favor found
Boaz replied that her treatment of Naomi did many astound
“May the Lord repay you for what you have done”, he did say
“May you be richly rewarded by the Lord” each and every day

Ruth went to Boaz’s threshing floor one night, per Ruth three
Because Naomi told her that Boaz might a good husband be
She did “wash and perfume herself” and good clothes wear
Then she lied down by his feet, uncovering them with care
He acknowledged her when he awoke in the middle of the night
And said all the townspeople knew she was noble and right
But since there was a kinsman-redeemer more closely related
Before marrying, that man’s rights would have to be vacated

In Ruth four, Boaz met the other man as he had planned
The man declined to take the widow Ruth with her land
So Boaz gladly stepped up and took her as his wife
They were happy and brought pleasure to Naomi’s life
Ruth gave birth to Obed, who honour to the family did bring
Obed fathered Jesse who fathered David, the shepherd king

Sunday, March 16, 2014

16 March 2014 - Deborah Samson and the Judges (part two of two)

Yet again “the Israelites did evil” that God too often had seen
God delivered them into Philistine hands, per Judges thirteen
Then to a sterile woman, an angel of the Lord did one day appear
She would have a son, but from unclean foods she must stay clear
The boy would be a Nazirite; “no razor may be used on his head”
“He will begin the deliverance of Israel” is what the angel said
So “the woman gave birth to a boy and named him Samson”
“The Lord blessed him” with strength that could not be outdone
The Spirit of the Lord stirred in him more than in his peers
Samson subsequently led the Israelites for twenty years

In Judges sixteen, with Delilah Samson did later fall in love
The Philistines asked her to find out his secret from above
They promised her lots of silver for this valuable information
For then they would subdue the leader of the Israelite nation
He said that seven fresh undried strings would do the trick
She did this but he snapped out of them with a mere flick
Samson was thus able to ward of the Philistine threat
“So the secret of his strength was not discovered” yet

After three such instances, Delilah got angry with Samson
And said that was no way to treat a supposed loved one
“So he told her everything”, that his hair had never been cut
He was finally telling her the truth, she then knew in her gut
By doing this, Samson has disobeyed God’s commands
So the Philistine rulers returned with silver in their hands
His head was shaved and his strength then disappeared
The Philistines gouged Samson’s eyes out and they jeered

The Philistines offered a sacrifice and started to celebrate
People wanted to see Samson perform in his feeble state
They did not realize that his hair had started to grow back
And that Samson then prayed to God for one final attack
So in between two pillars of the temple Samson stood
He then pushed them with all the strength that he could
The temple thus came down, crushing many a Philistine
In the end, Samson’s love for the Lord proved genuine

16 March 2014 - Deborah, Samson, and the Judges (part one)

Per Judges two, the people served the Lord for a generation
But then nobody had seen what God had done for the nation
“Then the Israelites did evil” and the Baals they did serve
God’s anger was provoked when these acts he did observe
Whenever they went to fight, they did not have his blessing
So they were defeated all the time, it was quite distressing
“Then the Lord raised up judges”, who did the people save
But as soon as a judge died, evil ways again they did crave
The people became “even more corrupt” than in earlier days
Refusing “to give up their evil practices and stubborn ways”

“After Ehud died, the Israelites again did evil” in God’s eyes
So the Lord sold them; being made slaves was their demise
After twenty years, the people cried out to God in distress
Per Judges four, Israel was led by Deborah the prophetess
She sent for Barak and told him what God did command
That he should take ten thousand men from their land
God promised to deliver Sisera and his troops to be killed
Barak refused, not trusting that God’s plan would be fulfilled
Deborah said she would accompany the fearful man that day
“The Lord will hand Sisera over to a woman”, she did then say

To Barak, Deborah said “has not the Lord gone ahead of you?”
Per Judges four, she told him what he was supposed to do
Sisera and his chariots and army, the Lord did then rout
While his army was being decimated, Sisera bailed out
He fled on foot to the tent of Jael, who invited him in
Jael then gave Sisera milk and covered him with a skin
As he slept, she took a tent peg and a hammer inside
Jael “drove the peg through his temple…and he died”

16 March 2014 - ENCS

"A disciple is a disciple maker" was today's topic for Ivy Toh
In Matthew 28, Jesus told His disciples into the world to go
The Great Commission says that Jesus has all authority
We are to baptize others in the name of the Holy Trinity
Connecting people with God is the first step, Ivy did say
For if God is not in the picture, problems will not go away
We need to look at our problems as a reason to focus on God
Our relationships with Him differ for we are not a clone squad
She said that we should start by telling people God's name
Peace, Provider, Healer, Emmanuel, Savior - all we can claim
For Ivy, God has been so important in her life for so long
That not to share the good news would be seriously wrong
Challenging others to experience God is the second step
The first part of this is to "know it" - using His Word as prep
Then we must "do it" and "teach it" before we challenge others
This starts the cycle all over again, as would be God's druthers
We make disciples with God's Word as well as fellowship
If we do not use both tools, we cannot others fully equip
For then with either a social or a religious club we end up
Both work together to lead others to drink from His cup
Ivy then spent some time talking about what gets in our way
Mostly is that all too often "we are not good enough" we say
While this is indeed true, the relevant point is actually missed
God's grace is more than enough, Galatians three did insist
In conclusion, Ivy said that each of us needs to help disciples make
For if we do not, others' souls more sinister forces will surely take
God is too good and time is too short, she ended her message today
For us not to make disciples every opportunity each and every day

Saturday, March 15, 2014

15 March 2014 - Joshua and The Promised Land (part two of two)

Joshua six tells how the Israelites conquered Jericho
The town was tightly shut up, nobody could come or go
The Lord told Joshua to march around it for six days
And on the seventh day to blow trumpets of praise
Then when the people shouted, the walls would collapse
And the Israelites would easily walk in through the gaps
Joshua followed God’s plans and destroyed the town
Rahab’s family was spared when the city burned down

Moses passed along commandments, per Joshua eleven
Joshua did all in line with these instructions from heaven
By doing so, Joshua conquered Canaan and the entire land
The Lord’s great power, none of the kings could withstand
To each tribe land as an inheritance Joshua did then give
“Then the land had rest from war” and in peace did live

Joshua’s farewell address is detailed in Joshua twenty four
He said to “fear the Lord” and for all other gods to abhor
“But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord”
They agreed because His actions could not be ignored
Joshua warned them that the Lord is a holy and jealous God
And therefore with sins and rebellion not to his anger prod
But the Israelites said that the Lord they would always serve
Promising Joshua from God’s path they would not swerve

Friday, March 14, 2014

14 March 2014 - Joshua and the Promised Land

Moses was one hundred twenty in Deuteronomy thirty one
He was no longer able to lead the people as he had done
God told him that he would not enter the Promised Land
But the people should proceed under Joshua’s command
“The Lord your God Himself will cross over ahead of you”
And will destroy any nations that Israel may pass through
“Do not be afraid or terrified because of [other nations]”
“God will never leave nor forsake you” or your relations
To Joshua in public, Moses did these words repeat
The handover of leadership was then almost complete
Moses wrote down the law, giving it to the Levites clan
Joshua would succeed Moses, for he was a great man

After Moses died, God spoke to Joshua in Joshua one
He said to get the people ready to cross the River Jordan
For the Israelites would inherit the Promised Land soon
From God’s power, no other people would be immune
God then told Joshua to “be strong and courageous
By following the law, things would be advantageous
God said in prosperity and success the nation would grow
“For the Lord … [would] be with [them] wherever [they] go”

Joshua secretly sent two spies into Jericho, per Joshua two
They entered Rahab’s house, where they could get a view
The king of Jericho was told that the spies were present
Rahab said that she did not know which way they went
So the king’s men left the city and followed false tracks
In fact, on her roof Rahab hid the spies under some flax
Her people were fearful and mass destruction they did expect
In return for her actions, they promised to her family protect
Joshua said, after the spies returned from seeing the lands
“The Lord has surely given the whole land into our hands”

14 March 2014 - Love the Lord your God

In Deuteronomy six, about the laws Moses did convey
That they were what the Lord God directed him to say
The Israelites were to observe the laws and teach
Especially in the land that they would soon reach
“Israel, be careful to obey so that it may go well with you”
“That you may increase greatly”, for God’s word is true
Moses said, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart”
“And with all your soul and…strength”, he did impart

Thursday, March 13, 2014

13 March 2014 - Balaam: Blessing and Judgment

Balaam saw what pleased God, per Numbers twenty four
He turned his face and did not resort to sorcery anymore
“The Spirit of God came upon him” and he uttered an oracle
Which talked of Israel’s blessings in ways not just allegorical
“May those who bless [Israel] be blessed”, he did conclude
“And those who curse [Israel] be cursed” as Egypt viewed

In Numbers twenty five, some Israelite men began to stray
They “indulged in sexual immorality” with Moabites each day
They also worshipped the Moabite gods, making it worse
“The Lord’s anger burned” and these men He would curse
In First Corinthians six, Paul says “flee from sexual immorality”
For it is a sin against his own body if someone sins sexually
The “body is a temple of the Holy Spirit” to treat very nice
“Honor God with your body” which was “bought at a price”

God told Moses to “take vengeance on the Midianites
One thousand men from each tribe prepared for fights
They fought as God had commanded and killed every man
They took the women and children, but that was not the plan
For it was the women who had turned the Israelites astray
That had led God to launch a plague due to His dismay

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

12 March 2014 - Israel Tests God in the Desert (part two of two)

Of how God crushes rebellion, Numbers sixteen does tell
Some became insolent; against Moses opposition did swell
Moses was aggrieved, saying that they had gone too far
He found the Levites’ lack of gratitude to be quite bizarre
Korah and his men gathered at the tent, not on bended knee
Then “the glory of the Lord appeared to the entire assembly”
Moses warned all the other Israelites to keep their distance
God opened the earth around Korah, ending his resistance

Moses disobeyed God in Numbers chapter twenty
There was no water, so there was grumbling plenty
Once more, the people were ungrateful and did criticise
God told Moses to speak to the rock before their eyes
He promised that water would flow out from the rock
Thus providing a drink for them and their livestock
Moses did as he was told, but then used his staff
Water gushed out but this was quite a big gaffe
The Lord said that because Moses did not fully trust
The plans for entering Canaan He would have to adjust
“Because [he] did not…honor [God] as holy” in their sight
Moses would not get to enter the promised land outright

The Israelite people grew inpatient, per Numbers twenty one
They spoke against God despite what He had often done
The again complained about the lack of water and bread
God then sent “venomous snakes among them” instead
After many deaths, the rest to God and Moses did repent
Moses prayed to God to take back the snakes he had sent
To put a snake up on a pole was the instruction God did give
In that way, anyone bitten by a snake could look up and live
Jesus referred to this incident in John chapter three
“The Son of Man must be lifted up” for all to see
“For God so loved the world that He gave His...only Son”
“Whoever believes in Him”, God for eternity will not shun
“For God did not send His Son…to condemn” the earth
“But to save the world through Him” through a rebirth

After the Amorites were destroyed, per Numbers twenty two
The Moabites were terrified of what the Israelites might do
So their leader Balak sent a messenger to Balaam find
After praying to God, their offer he initially declined
Balaam was hired to curse Israel after God did agree
But God protected Israel, per Deuteronomy twenty three

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

11 March 2014 - Israel Tests God in the Desert (part one)

Per Numbers nine, the Tent of the Testimony a cloud did cover
The Israelites would set out and follow wherever it did hover
“From evening till morning the cloud” appeared to be fire
But about where to go, the Israelites never had to enquire
Sometimes the cloud of God stayed for only a day over the plain
Other times, for a month or even a year it did in one place remain
“At the Lord’s command” they either encamped or set out
The Israelites followed God’s daily guidance, without a doubt

“They willfully put God to the test”, per Psalm seventy eight
The Israelites demanded “the food they craved”, it did state
“When the Lord heard them”, he was angry and upset
Somehow, they did not believe in God’s deliverance yet
Nonetheless, he opened the skies and let manna rain down
Eating the “bread of angels”, the Israelites should not frown
God “rained meat down on them’ which they ate until overly full
“He had given them what they craved” but they were not grateful
God killed the sturdiest ones because He was far from grinning
Despite all of this, they did not believe but just kept on sinning

God asked a leader of each tribe to explore the promised land
They went and came back but most did not fully understand
There was an abundance of fruit, milk, and honey to be found
But most of the group were afraid it would be a burial ground
Caleb said to proceed confidently and of the land take possession
Others feared that powerful inhabitants would impede progression
That night people wept and grumbled, per Numbers fourteen
Wanting to return to Egypt, forgetting the way things had been
By rejecting the promised land and doubting God’s strength
The Israelites merely added to their wilderness stay’s length

Per Numbers fourteen, Moses and Aaron fell face down
Along with Joshua and Caleb, who spoke to the town
“The land we passed through…is exceedingly good”
“If the Lord is pleased with us,…give it to us” He should
Into the land of milk and honey, God would surely lead
But the people grumbled and never with Joshua agreed
God heard the “wicked community grumble” and complain
He told Moses that His wrath He would no longer contain
He would give the Israelites what they complained about
Saying “in this desert your bodies will fall”, He left no doubt
That the grumbling masses would suffer before too long
Except for Caleb and Joshua, whose belief was strong
“Not one of you will enter the land I swore…to make your home”
Instead, they would suffer and for forty years in the desert roam

There is a need to listen to God’s voice, per Hebrews three
Quotes from Psalm ninety five talk of when God was angry
“See to it…that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart”
Otherwise, like the Israelites who from his ways did depart
Disobedient and hardened hearts cannot enter God’s rest
But by encouraging each other, believers can be blessed

Sunday, March 9, 2014

9 March 2014 - The Attributes of God (part two of two)

In Psalm eighty six, to God David did earnestly pray
“Hear…and answer me, for I am…needy” he did say
“You are my God; save your servant who trusts in you”
“Have mercy on me” for I call to you in everything I do
“Bring joy to your servant, for to you…I lift up my soul”
For God is “abounding in love to all”, David did extol
Per Ephesians two, all were dead in their transgressions
“Gratifying the cravings” and desiring many possessions
By following the “desires and thoughts” of our sinful nature
“We were by nature objects of wrath”, the law does ensure
But our God is merciful and “made us alive in Christ”
Proving that His love and grace more than sufficed

“Job replied to the Lord”, Job chapter forty two reported
“You can do all things; no plan of yours can be thwarted”
In Psalm sixty eight, the power of God David did proclaim
For God is all-powerful and awesome, deserving acclaim
Jeremiah, in chapter thirty two, did on God praise shower
God “made the heavens and the earth by [His] great power”
“Nothing is too hard” for the “great and powerful God”
His great purposes and mighty deeds are no facade
For His “eyes are open to all the ways of men”
He rewards everyone’s conduct, time and again
In Revelation four, John said that worthy is the Lord
His “glory and honor and power” should not be ignored

In Psalm one hundred thirty nine, David did declare
He could not flee from God, for God is everywhere
In the heavens, on earth, and “on the far side of the sea”
To guide and protect, God’s right hand would there be
Jeremiah twenty three emphasized God’s great worth
He is nearby and far away, filling “heaven and earth”
The disciples were commissioned in Matthew twenty eight
His authority over everything, nobody should ever debate
“Go and make disciples of all nations”, Jesus did say
“Everything I have commanded you”, “teach them to obey”
His last words were “and surely I am with you always”
“To the very end of the age”, throughout all the days

God knows everything, per Psalm one thirty nine
He knows our actions and thoughts for He is divine
Before we speak, He knows the words on our tongue
This is true even if we are very old or very young
In Romans eleven, Paul talks about God’s knowledge
It is unfathomable no matter how many years of college
“The word of God is living and active”, per Hebrews four
It is sharper than any sword, so every heart it can explore
Since “nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight”
“Everything is uncovered and laid bare”, Paul did write

Moses told Israel “the Lord is One” in Deuteronomy six
Love God with all heart and soul, so there are no conflicts
God “will be king over the whole earth”, per Zechariah fourteen
Then, only one Lord, his name being the only name, will be seen
Romans three says God is of the Jews and the Gentiles too
Since there is only one God, he will justify all without ado
“There is but one God”, in First Corinthians chapter eight
“From whom all things came”, the apostle Paul did state
“There is one body and one Spirit”, per Ephesians four
“One Lord, one faith, one baptism” Paul did implore

About God, Psalm one hundred twenty four imparts
“O righteous God, who searches minds and hearts”
“End the violence of the wicked”, David did then plea
“Make the righteous secure”, for righteous God will be
God talks of a righteous Branch in Jeremiah twenty three
“The days are coming” when “a King will reign wisely”
Then “Judah will be saved” and Israel will not be mauled
“The Lord our Righteousness” is the name He is called
Jesus will speak to God in our defense, per First John two
He is the atoning sacrifice for sins the world does accrue