In Psalm eighty six, to God David did earnestly pray
“Hear…and answer me, for I am…needy” he did say
“You are my God; save your servant who trusts in you”
“Have mercy on me” for I call to you in everything I do
“Bring joy to your servant, for to you…I lift up my soul”
For God is “abounding in love to all”, David did extol
Per Ephesians two, all were dead in their transgressions
“Gratifying the cravings” and desiring many possessions
By following the “desires and thoughts” of our sinful nature
“We were by nature objects of wrath”, the law does ensure
But our God is merciful and “made us alive in Christ”
Proving that His love and grace more than sufficed
“Job replied to the Lord”, Job chapter forty two reported
“You can do all things; no plan of yours can be thwarted”
In Psalm sixty eight, the power of God David did proclaim
For God is all-powerful and awesome, deserving acclaim
Jeremiah, in chapter thirty two, did on God praise shower
God “made the heavens and the earth by [His] great power”
“Nothing is too hard” for the “great and powerful God”
His great purposes and mighty deeds are no facade
For His “eyes are open to all the ways of men”
He rewards everyone’s conduct, time and again
In Revelation four, John said that worthy is the Lord
His “glory and honor and power” should not be ignored
In Psalm one hundred thirty nine, David did declare
He could not flee from God, for God is everywhere
In the heavens, on earth, and “on the far side of the sea”
To guide and protect, God’s right hand would there be
Jeremiah twenty three emphasized God’s great worth
He is nearby and far away, filling “heaven and earth”
The disciples were commissioned in Matthew twenty eight
His authority over everything, nobody should ever debate
“Go and make disciples of all nations”, Jesus did say
“Everything I have commanded you”, “teach them to obey”
His last words were “and surely I am with you always”
“To the very end of the age”, throughout all the days
God knows everything, per Psalm one thirty nine
He knows our actions and thoughts for He is divine
Before we speak, He knows the words on our tongue
This is true even if we are very old or very young
In Romans eleven, Paul talks about God’s knowledge
It is unfathomable no matter how many years of college
“The word of God is living and active”, per Hebrews four
It is sharper than any sword, so every heart it can explore
Since “nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight”
“Everything is uncovered and laid bare”, Paul did write
Moses told Israel “the Lord is One” in Deuteronomy six
Love God with all heart and soul, so there are no conflicts
God “will be king over the whole earth”, per Zechariah fourteen
Then, only one Lord, his name being the only name, will be seen
Romans three says God is of the Jews and the Gentiles too
Since there is only one God, he will justify all without ado
“There is but one God”, in First Corinthians chapter eight
“From whom all things came”, the apostle Paul did state
“There is one body and one Spirit”, per Ephesians four
“One Lord, one faith, one baptism” Paul did implore
About God, Psalm one hundred twenty four imparts
“O righteous God, who searches minds and hearts”
“End the violence of the wicked”, David did then plea
“Make the righteous secure”, for righteous God will be
God talks of a righteous Branch in Jeremiah twenty three
“The days are coming” when “a King will reign wisely”
Then “Judah will be saved” and Israel will not be mauled
“The Lord our Righteousness” is the name He is called
Jesus will speak to God in our defense, per First John two
He is the atoning sacrifice for sins the world does accrue