Sunday, September 8, 2013

8 September 2013 - ENCS

Pastor Josh continued the series on Price Tag
Despite the overhead projections having a snag
His reference text was from Luke chapter fifteen
The story of the prodigal son, one often seen
Taking his inheritance, reckless was his living
He spent on himself, never once to others giving
He clearly did not handle his resources well
We need practical accountability, Pastor did tell
Pastor then referred to Galatians six verse seven
Our actions should never mock our God in heaven
For in the end, we will reap what we sow
God watches everything, this we know
If our thoughts and actions prioritise God above
Then we will end up with a life of peace and love
Since God has adopted us, per Romans eight
We are worthy heirs, so should not consternate
And no matter how far from Him we may wander
Our inheritance from God we can never squander
For He will always await us with a living embrace
Our return will bring a joyous smile to His face
The father in the parable was a good steward
His resources grew, they were not skewered
As a result, he had plenty with which to celebrate
Therein was another message, Pastor did state
In response to his jealous and confused elder son
Whose focus was on all the serving he had done
The relationship matters most, the father did point out
The parallel with God is clear, there is no doubt
Pastor Josh reminded us of the concept of value
Both quantity and quality count, that is very true
For quality, above all else God's love does rate
And for quantity, of course eternal life is great
For God is the way, the truth. and the life
Following His path, we will avoid all strife
He then referred to verses 8 and 9 in Philippians 3
For Jesus' sake Paul lost all things, we did see
If Jesus is our priority, it should impact what we do
Opportunities to bless and forgive others are not few
Pastor said that we can still our lives enjoy
As long as this approach to life we do employ

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