The "Back to the Future" series today Pastor Larry did close
Talking about various resurrections, Bible stores everyone knows
With the Easter service more than filling the movie hall
He told us more about the greatest resurrection of all
For without Christ's resurrection, our lives would be pointless
But today He is alive, so we are thankfully not in that mess
Pastor read from Luke 24, verses one to three and six to seven
The women heard that "He is arisen" from angels down from heaven
The story is repeated in each of the gospels four
Thus reminding us of Christ's power and more
He can change us and heal us, Pastor did then say
No matter how much wickedness there appears today
The time we live in often seem wicked and dark
And doing the right thing is no walk in the park
We may not have all the answers all of the time
But that is to be expected, it is not a crime
And so when we want to complain about how we feel
And we ask God "why does it take so long for me to heal?'
Remember that our God is both the beginning and the end
When the time is right, answers and healing to us He will send
Pastor referred to Luke chapter eleven, verse twenty nine
Which talks of a wicked generation looking for a sign
As with Jonah and the Ninevites before, there would only be one
For this generation, it was the death and resurrection of God's son
In Ephesians 5 verse 16, Paul's strong feelings on this we can see
"Because the days are evil, make "the most of every opportunity"
In the same way, we need to firmly say
"Jesus is alive and so am I" every day
A powerful and moving testimony we did then hear
The lady's sons were both very sick for many a year
Isaiah 60 verses two and three talks of darkness covering the earth
The lesson learned is that God's light will prevail, bringing great mirth
For God wants us to be filled with faithfulness and joys
We will see the difference in our lives, just like her boys
Pastor reminded us again that in His time, God answers our prayers
For through it all and despite our sins, for us He truly always cares
Pastor said that it was time for believers to rise up in unison
Per Philippians 3:10, sharing in Christ's suffering as one
In that way, we can Christ's power know
And attain eternal victory over the foe
He asked us to be Christians by action, not just by name
Believing that our prayers can heal and change and tame
Pastor referred again to one who did so much, the apostle Paul
And asked if we would do likewise, willing to face abuse and all
In Acts 4:13 we read about courage that was clearly heavenly sent
Despite a lack of education, the disciples' bold words were so evident
Remember that Jesus did not come to make bad people good
He came to make dead people alive in every neighborhood
Pastor then also spoke of Isaiah 60 verses one to three
We must rise up to allow God's shining light others to see
We should listen to Romans 8:11 and the clarion call
By doing so, others can see that hope is available for all
In the same way that Jesus rose up to give life, Pastor did state
We should open our hearts and rise up to avoid a deathly fate
In each of our hearts, God's spirit can dwell
Thus giving us power and a story to tell