Pastor Larry began a new series "The Greatest Gift"
With a message and words that will serve to uplift
"Be The Gift" was the sermon's title today
Pastor then proceeded to tell us the way
He said that we are God's gifts to others
We should treat everyone like our brothers
If we are not God's gift, then others we do deprive
For receiving gifts makes us feel valued and alive
Romans 6 : 23 says the wages of sin is death
But God's gift to us is eternal life and breath
We must remember the joy of salvation when depressed
For if we receive God's gift first, He will do the rest
Pastor then referred to Ephesians two verses eight to ten
We are God's workmanship, to do good works Paul did pen
In other words, for each of us God has a unique plan
That has actually been the case since the world began
We then heard a powerful testimony from sister Ruby
Psalm 27:10 states that "the Lord will receive me"
For in God's eyes, nobody's life is a waste
By being a gift, the world can be graced
Remember that others will watch what we may do
Acts of kindness should be many, not just a few
He mentioned the New York City policeman's kind act
Buying boots for a homeless man was great, that's a fact
Pastor referred to Peter and John in Acts 3 : 1-7
They reached out to the lame man with a gift from heaven
Why was then able to walk after so many lame years
He shared this testimony into many people's ears
Similarly, we should ask the Lord what he wants us to do
So others' physical and emotional lameness can attend to
For if we deal with others showing various forms of love
We are obviously sharing the gift from the Lord above
For if we read from verses 6 and 7 of Micah chapter four
God will create a remnant that others can not ignore
He has saved us for a purpose here on this earth
To save nations and people, for great is their worth
Matthew 10:8 says to freely receive and freely give
That, said Pastor, is the right way for us to live
And from verses 37-40 of Matthew chapter twenty five
We can glorify God with our actions while we are alive
In summary, Pastor said to be the gift God wants us to be
Then God's love wil lshine brighter than any Christmas tree
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