Pastor Mark Chew continued "The Greatest Gift" series today
When shopping we are all keen on free gifts he did say
Per Matthew 10 :8, Jesus told his disciples how to live
He commanded "freely you have received, freely give"
But we can only give what we have, Pastor did note
From Acts 3 and Exodus 4:2 he then did quote
What we have may be just what someone else needs
That is why simple actions can turn out to be great deeds
Our ability to give is constrained by our supply
But what if our supply was as limitless as the sky?
For as per Philippians four verse nineteen
God will meet all our needs even when unseen
If God can get his hands on what He has given to us
He will not only use it but multiply it without a fuss
Remember the story of the five loaves and the two fish
After feeding thousands, the leftovers were many a dish
2 Corinthians 9:10 says that God will supply the seed
And enlarge the harvest to meet everybody's need
But to freely receive, we must unlock our heart
Then and only then can God do His part
That is how we receive God's mercy and love
Forgiveness, trust, and life's destiny from above
For the nature of God is to give, we can clearly glean
His greatest gift to us is mentioned in John 3:16
He gives to us all the time in so many varied ways
If it pleases His heart, he will give all of our days