Sunday, October 21, 2012

21 October 2012 - ENCS

Pastor Kenneth spoke today about "Father's Love"
1 John 3:1 says that we are children of God above
Everlasting love is highlighted in Jeremiah 31:3
We are sons, not slaves in Galatians 4:6-7 we see
"Moving from Spiritual Slavery to Spiritual Sonship"
Pastor Kenneth focused on in order for us to equip

All earthly love is by God's love far surpassed
Our love versus His perfection does contrast
Experienced this love many of us have not
Even though it is talked about quite a lot
In John 14:18, Jesus provides us with a big clue
"I will not leave you as orphans, I will come to you"
He was of course talking about our spiritual state
Hoping that we do not end up following Satan's fate
Lucifer was the worship leader before he did transgress
But out of wickedness, he chose to be fatherless
To break our relationships, Satan doesn't need a sword
He knows that all he must do is to sow seeds of discord
But when God from Eden pushed Adam and Eve
He always loved them even though He did grieve

Pastor then spoke about orphan hearts
Versus hearts of sonship, in five parts
Image of God, Theology, Need for Approval were three
Followed by Motivation for Purity and View of Authority
Orphan hearts, to please God, harder and harder try
Hearts of sonship know it is God's relationship, that's why
Orphan hearts love the law and try to rules adhere
Hearts of sonship live by the law of love it is clear
Orphan hearts want constant earthly approval and praise
Hearts of sonship know God accepts them all of their days
Orphan hearts need to be holy to get God's nod
Hearts of sonship want to be holy to honor God
Orphan hearts view any authority with suspicion
Hearts of sonship respect those in higher position

God wants us each to make that trip
From orphan heart to heart of sonship
The prodigal son who returned with repentant heart
The elder brother for the wrong reasons did his part
In other words, the orphan heart must change
Into a heart of sonship it must exchange
For misrepresenting God's love, we must our parents forgive
None of us is perfect, but in a broken state we cannot live
On being sons and daughters to our parents, focus we must
In that way, we can learn to honor, respect, obey, and trust
For in 1 Corinthians 15 verse forty six it does say
The natural precedes the spiritual, that is the way
As the son of God and of man Jesus did himself refer
To have the heart of sonship, we should not defer

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