Monday, February 24, 2025

23 February 2025 - ENCS

The spirit empowerment series was continued by Mark Chew
Focusing on the fruit of the Holy Spirit and what it can do
Per First Corinthians thirteen, to use our gifts we need love
The passage also lists facets of love that come from above
These facets correspond to a list in Galatians chapter five
John thirteen and Romans thirteen tell us how to be alive
Loving one another as Jesus loved both Jew and Gentile
Praying for others, even if they have been extremely hostile

An Attitude of Gratitude includes giving thanks all the time
For our blessings and even when things are not in the prime
We should Pray Outwards for our needs God already knows
That ia for the lost, believers, and those who do us oppose
We should Know Our Worth for we were bought with a price
We are chosen and are children of God to be very precise

Monday, February 17, 2025

16 February 2025 - ENCS

Pastor Josh continued his “spirit-empowered” series yesterday
Knowledge needs to turn to wisdom, Josh did pointedly say
We are all given spiritual gifts but need to remember the giver
Because God loves us, no matter the gift, we should not quiver
Josh referred to Ephesians chapter four and Romans twelve 
Into First Corinthians thirteen and James one he also did delve

Since every good and perfect gift comes from God above
We should know they come to us personalised with love
Gifts can be motivational, of ministry, or for manifestation
We must share our gifts with others without any hesitation
Spiritual gifts equip us to edify Christ’s body by serving
Even if at times the concept may seem quite unnerving

The Validity of Spiritual Gifts  is that they are given by God
That means they are good and perfect, far from slipshod
Each gift is valuable due to The Variety of Spiritual Gifts
The different gifts combine into one body which uplifts
The Value of Spiritual Gifts is to overcome evil with good
Equipping others to serve and to grow, as we all should

Sunday, February 9, 2025

9 February 2025 - ENCS

The “spirit-empowered” series Pastor Josh did continue
He read from Genesis one, Luke eleven, and Acts two
We may not sense it but the Holy Spirit is with all of us
About Pentecost and the apostles Josh did then discuss

Rushing wind and tongues of fire came upon the group
Speaking in other tongues threw the crowd for a loop
The Spirit gave Peter the courage to eloquently speak
Then the followers did PMPF* throughout the week

The Holy Spirit baptism is God-powered, Jesus-provided
Providing us all the power to be witnesses, Spirit-guided
With courage and conviction, show compassion and love
We receive the Holy Spirit by having faith in Jesus above

*Pray, Meditate, Proclaim, Fellowship

Sunday, February 2, 2025

2 February 2025 - ENCS

I could blame the long absence on my cancer
But in truth that is really not a very good answer
For I should always be able to find the time
To listen to a sermon and summarise in rhyme

On being Spirit-empowered Pastor Josh spoke 
Per Acts one, the Holy Spirit we should invoke
When Jesus was baptised, God sent a dove
Symbolising the power of the Spirit from above

Pastor Josh ran through John fourteen to sixteen
Where references to the Spirit are clearly seen
The Spirit gives peace, per Psalm twenty three
So troubled and/or afraid we should never be

The Holy Spirit is God, our Helper, and the Truth
We should not allow ourselves to be uncouth
Giving us help is actually God’s great delight
So let the Spirit in to help make situations right