Pastor Joey today spoke on “The Heart-Eye Connection”
Per Matthew six, our eyes are like lamps giving direction
If our eyes are healthy, then our body will be full of light
If our eyes are unhealthy, our body will be dark like night
The biblical perspective is that values determine vision
So what, why, and how you see follows with precision
Social media algorithms reveal what our focus has been
If values are wrong, we see the wrong thins on screen
Vision is powerful, so the devil wants to take it away
The eye is the lamp of the body, Matthew six does say
Per Proverbs twenty nine, without vision, people perish
In Jeremiah twenty nine, God’s promises are not bearish
Joey concluded with how to have a healthy vision
Pray unceasingly, as Daniel did when facing a decision
Always meditate on God’s word as per Philippians four
And fellowship with God’s people, find a good mentor
In other words, treat the ENCS mantra as a big tip
Always PMPF - Pray, Meditate, Proclaim, Fellowship