Pastor Joey continued the “how’s your SQ” series today
Referring to Genesis when Adam and Eve went astray
In large part because with the serpent she did engage
The sermon title was “Breaking Free From The Cage”
Joey started by asking what’s freedom got to do with it?
Per Genesis two, it is a command that God did transmit
It is a daily decision whether to follow God, our free will
Love involves having that freedom which God does install
Freedom is powerful but quite dangerous it can also be
For along with great power comes great responsibility
He steals your freedom by perverting your freedom
It is clear in Genesis three the serpent is far from dumb
Temptation, deception, and accusation are his tools
Then we surrender our freedom, following his rules
We start building a cage with unrighteousness and guilt
Add in self-righteousness and shame - the cage is built
So how then we can regain our freedom is the real key
We must confess our sins, as in First John one we see
Per Second Corinthians five and also in Romans eight
That when we are with Jesus, we avoid our sinful fate
Per Galatians five, it is for freedom that Christ set us free
So stand firm, do not be burdened by the yoke of slavery