Pastor Josh continued talking about Embracing Maturity
The thief comes to steal, kill, destroy in John ten we see
Jesus came that we might have life - and life to the full
Make sure it is overflowing with good things, not bull
Josh said that how we think determines how we live
We should be joyful even when trials life does give
Per Second Peter one, make effort to add to faith
That includes goodness and knowledge, it sayeth
Possessing these attributes in increasing measure
Prevents unproductively and ineffective for sure
Every grows old but not everyone actually matures
Maturity involves mistakes, as each person endures
The more we know God, the closer we get to Him
And his vision for us grows brighter, far from dim
Therefore let God define us rather than our history
Promises given to Abraham are ours, no mystery
Josh pointed out that we should mature together
No matter the circumstances or even the weather
Per First Corinthians twelve, we all have differences
In terms of gifts, service, working, and our senses
But the same Spirit and God is at work all the time
So trusting in Him should always be our paradigm