Tuesday, August 29, 2023

27 August 2023 - ENCS

Pastor Josh continued talking about Embracing Maturity
The thief comes to steal, kill, destroy in John ten we see
Jesus came that we might have life - and life to the full
Make sure it is overflowing with good things, not bull

Josh said that how we think determines how we live
We should be joyful even when trials life does give
Per Second Peter one, make effort to add to faith
That includes goodness and knowledge, it sayeth
Possessing these attributes in increasing measure
Prevents unproductively and ineffective for sure

Every grows old but not everyone actually matures
Maturity involves mistakes, as each person endures
The more we know God, the closer we get to Him
And his vision for us grows brighter, far from dim
Therefore let God define us rather than our history
Promises given to Abraham are ours, no mystery

Josh pointed out that we should mature together
No matter the circumstances or even the weather
Per First Corinthians twelve, we all have differences
In terms of gifts, service, working, and our senses
But the same Spirit and God is at work all the time
So trusting in Him should always be our paradigm

Sunday, August 27, 2023

20 August 2023 - ENCS

Emerging Victorious is what Josh spoke about
Following on from the Maturity series with clout

Maturity requires trials, temptation, and trouble
James one says to consider them joy double
For the testing of faith produced perseverance
So complete maturity can make an appearance
Waiting and enduring pain makes you stronger
Per Hebrews twelve, discipline may last longer
For God demonstrates love through discipline
Which then enables us to His holiness share in

Perseverance also produces righteousness
One's character grows when under stress
Per Romans five, we should therefore rejoice
For going down this path is the best choice
Endurance leads to character and then hope
Hope does not disappoint but helps us cope
We face trouble in this world, per John sixteen
But Jesus overcame the world, it is then seen

Saturday, August 19, 2023

13 August 2023 - ENCS

The “Maturing in Christ” series, Pastor Josh did continue
The title “A Mature Mentality” we did on the screen view
Josh stated that the journey to our maturity is the key
To experiencing life to the full, per Colossians three

A mature mentality is not playing the part of a victim
Saying always and never, plus criticising ad infinitum
It's also not saying I don’t have enough as if in poverty
And per Philippians four, “Christ who strengthens me"

A mature mentality is what in Numbers Joshua showed
And how Jesus humbled himself to take on our load
A mature Christian focuses on and trusts in God above
Which leads the individuals to serve others and to love

Taking off the old mentality and put in the new mentality
Ignore momentary pleasures, as per Colossians three
We are made in God’s image so should walk in unity
Letting Christ's word and wisdom dwell in us richly

Sunday, August 6, 2023

6 August 2023 - ENCS

From the Firm Foundations series, Pastor Joey did follow
Per Hebrews six, more than baby food we should swallow
In order to be "taken forward to maturity", we then viewed
He therefore titled today's sermon “Beyond Baby Food”

Maturity in Christ is about moving forward and growing up
As per Hebrews five, on solid food the mature should sup
Growth is gradual, imperceptible, over time and seasons
We should grow up in the right things for the right reasons

Maturity is becoming more like Christ, per Romans eight
He equips us for good works, Ephesians four does state
For God uses everything and uses everything for good
Becoming more like Christ is critical, that is understood

The Lord God matures us by giving us the ability to do so
We are earthly and spiritual, First Corinthians does show
Like a gardener, God often prunes us per John fifteen
And gives examples to follow, in First John two is seen