Sunday, April 30, 2023

30 April 2023 - ENCS

Pastor Josh referred to PMPF as how we equip
Praying, meditating, proclaiming, and fellowship
For these habits can help us to encounter Jesus
The more we do them, the his love can seize us
In Second Corinthians three, we were informed
That looking at God is how we are transformed

“The old has gone” per Second Corinthians five
And “the new is here” with a promise to thrive
But why is there such a disconnect to look into
Between what I should do and what I actually do
Jesus acts as the bridge by offering us salvation
Bringing us back to God's path and His nation

Our life should involve a growing understanding
About God’s holiness, our sin notwithstanding
Burnout can result from always trying to perform
The alternative is worse, Pastor did us inform
We try to hide our sin in guilt, fear, and shame
But hopelessness leads to despair just the same

Josh then focused on what we should try to do
We are saved, being saved, will be saved too
That is justification, sanctification, glorification
Justification, per Romans five, is for the duration
In Hebrews ten more on sanctification is seen
Glorification is per First Corinthians fourteen

How to be transformed, Josh did then ponder
Second Thessalonians' advice do not squander
For true freedom is being what you want to be
Not doing what you want to do, Josh did plea
Per Romans twelve, do not confirm to the earth
For transformation follows your mind's new birth

Whenever we think others owe us something
Remember all that was done by Jesus the King
Life is a journey of letting Him play a bigger role
Directly or indirectly, from the human race whole
Humility means asking God our problems to fix
We must believe in the one God sent per John six

Sunday, April 23, 2023

23 April 2023 - ENCS

Today Samuel Whitefield did speak about discipleship
He came from the US to Singapore - that's a long trip
The foundational value is based on Jesus’ command
Remember that every day and minute, He is at hand

The goal of discipleship is not learning or transforming
These are admirable tools which are heart-warming
But the real goal is based on the old Jewish tradition
Follow rabbi Jesus and emulate based on fascination

For it is through fascination that transformation is seen
As Paul did state in Second Corinthians three eighteen
In today’s lingo, let Jesus be the influencer we follow
Worshiping Him ensures that our life will not be hollow

As a suffering servant the Lord Jesus came to earth
To be rejected and despised despite his eternal worth
Our fascination with Him should extend to the mundane
In conversing, serving, and worship Samuel did explain

The core of discipleship therefore is this fascination
Discipline and other tools are built on this foundation
The fruits of the Spirit should be evident in what we do
Our fascination with Jesus ensuring we pull through

Sunday, April 16, 2023

16 April 2023 - ENCS

Pastor Joey Bonafacio gave us a very clear view
As the good news of Jesus series he did continue
He titled it "Our insatiable appetite for approval” 
Our need for justification, there can be no removal

Our need for approval means we continually search
A historical need for acceptance even with a church
A need to prove ourselves can not be self-attained
And a need to be whole will always leave us drained

There are several problems with self-justification
It is exhausting, often leaving us with nothing to give
It is demanding emotionally, physically, and mentally
A never ending cycle - unsustainable fundamentally

The good news of Jesus through the Bible is seen
We are justified by faith, per Galatians two sixteen
We are also justified to be saved, per Romans one
We are justified to be sanctified, all of us bar none

Sunday, April 9, 2023

9 April 2023 - ENCS

Vicki Tekwani shared with us this Easter Sunday
We should understand the meaning, he did say
To answer the question of what Easter is all about
And why we celebrate Jesus day in and day out

Often we keep doing things, forgetting the reason
But our faith is not just rituals through each season
It is based on a a higher power who came to earth
Taking on a human body despite His eternal worth

The world has changed a lot throughout the years
No such thing as “just business as usual" it appears
We face volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity
The pandemic amplified issues, causing more anxiety

Sin in society and our lives is in fact the root cause
That we are flawed and broken should give us pause
The solution can not be a person or a government
Or a process or religious ritual no matter the intent

We need a true leader who has suffered as a human
A conqueror by love and truth, who serves every clan
A sovereign relational being who is a healer and friend
Jesus will never disappoint us, on that we can depend

Christ revolutionised the world, being inclusive for all
Defeating death thus ensuring the enemy’s downfall
Meaningless rituals, Christianity does not in us instil
Nor do we follow blindly, for each of us has free will

Jesus paid the price for our right standing with God
We no longer need to give self-condemnation a nod
About Easter’s importance in John chapter ten we see
He came that we might have and enjoy life abundantly

Sunday, April 2, 2023

2 April 2023 - ENCS

From Malaysia, the preacher today was Tim Loh
He said Matthew twenty eight we all likely know
But knowing the Great Commission is not enough
Beyond the words, actually following it is tough

He then referred to Paul in Ephesians chapter six
Surprisingly, he did not pray for his situation to fix
Or even to take care of his numerous bodily pains
But referred to himself as an ambassador in chains

He prayed to declare boldly the gospel’s mystique
Per verse twenty, to speak as he ought to speak
We should also each for Jesus be ambassadors
Whether be at work or home, indoors or outdoors

In the Bible, "ought to” is a phrase so often seen
Per Romans fifteen, Ephesians five, John thirteen
Telling so many examples of what we ought to do
Prayer and testimony can lead to a break through

A caring gesture and even some basic conversation
They do not actually have to be that long in duration
There are dozens of opportunities daily to be a gem
For a small move from us can be a big move in them