Sunday, March 26, 2023

26 March 2023 - ENCS

Pastor Joey concluded the relationship series
Referencing The Lego Principle and its theories
Lego bricks can connect, disconnect, reconnect
For our relationships, a great analogy in effect

Pastor read from verse one of Ecclesiastes three
There is a time for everything and every activity
Likewise a time to be born as well as a time to die
This applies to people and relationships, no lie

Our time is limited to twenty four hours a day
That limits our relationships, Pastor did say
A reminder is found in First Corinthians fifteen
Bad company corrupts good character, it is seen

The reality is that relationships do change over time
Relationships need pruning when not in their prime
Relationships change in part because evil exists
But the core rationale for relationships still persists

Our best response to this reality is to directly speak
With God’s help we should restoration try to seek
Yet there are times when separation is necessary
Even when many others may say to the contrary

Even with separation there is always redemption
Maintain hope for the person without exemption
Trusting God for healing and His reconciliation
That is a very powerful and potent combination

Sunday, March 19, 2023

19 March 2023 - ENCS

Pastor Josh continued the series on relationships this day
All of them are in the context of God’s big picture, he did say
We are to have an abundant life, per John ten verse ten
But so then why do we face challenges again and again?

Chrina Hansen from Rohei Philippines with us did share
Comfort has a habit of slipping away, despite much prayer
But their massive grief is where God’s vision in them began
God made room in their lives and hearts to see His plan 

We should deny ourselves and follow Jesus, per Mark eight
Matthew eighteen states that the least of us shall be great
To do service for other people is the position of leadership
If we follow God’s own heart, He will us adequately equip

Submission is a topic discussed in James chapter four 
Romans thirteen and Ephesians six add that much more
Gifts, talents, and opportunities can fall into submission 
Submission is what is given, what is taken is oppression

In summary, Josh said surrender, self-sacrifice, submission
Surrender your life to really live per The Great Commission
Self-sacrifice as the last will be first, per servant leadership
Submission personally, positionally, preferentially on life's trip

We should not lose heart, as per Second Corinthians four
Regardless of outwardly wasting, inward renewal is more
Our momentary troubles help us to achieve an eternal glory
So we should keep our eyes focused on the unseen eternity

Sunday, March 5, 2023

5 March 2023 - ENCS

About relationships Pastor Joey started a new series
The core of who we are is subject to many theories
But we need to know, understand, accept, embrace
That leads to mastery that we can not undo or erase
The title of today's sermon was “Mastering the core”
About creation, the Creator, mankind he did explore

The core of creation is what Pastor Joey first dissected
It is inter-related, inter-dependent, and inter-connected
Next was the core of the Creator, whom none can eclipse
He is unique, the God of freedom as well as relationships
Created in the image of our God is the core of mankind
Not to be alone but with God to be one, always aligned