Sunday, January 29, 2023

29 January 2023 - ENCS

Pastor Josh concluded the “Miracles” series today
Referring to “one story, many verses”, he did say
About Lazarus, John chapter eleven does relate
He was ill and then an early death was his fate

Lazarus was the brother of Martha and Mary
To see him so ill would have been quite scary
Jesus was alerted to his condition in verse four
He cared for them but waiting would mean more

To Judea he ventured when the time was right
Despite Jewish opposition, Jesus had no fright
Thomas told the others to follow in verse sixteen
Even if death with Jesus was what it would mean

Lazarus had been in a tomb for four long days
Mary and Martha were in mourning, John says
Martha was focused on her pain and bother
Per Greek, Mary’s prayer was for her brother

Jesus was troubled and wept, per verse thirty five
But in response to our prayer, Jesus can thrive
Josh reached into his 80s playlist for Vanilla Ice
If there’s a problem, yo Jesus can solve it - nice

Jesus asked the crowd to roll away the stone
For a miracle they were about to be shown
Removing the stone represents seeking truth
That this leads to stench doesn’t require a sleuth

Lazarus come forth” Jesus said in a loud voice
Thanking God so that the people would rejoice
To bring dead people alive, Jesus came to earth
This can result in physical and/or spiritual rebirth

Sunday, January 22, 2023

22 Janaury 2023 - ENCS

From Josh, more on the Miracle series we did hear
As we usher in the start of the Chinese New Year
Jesus turned water into wine, as written in John two
But why highlight this given all else Jesus did do?

Jesus’ mother told Him that there was no more wine
Allegorically, like when joy into lives does not shine
That Jesus could fix any problem, His mother knew
Out of respect for her, Jesus responded as if on cue

The servants obeyed Him and filled jars to the brim
Without knowing the outcome, they just trusted Him
For Jesus listens and cares about the concert we tell
And of course it is evident that He does al things well

He manifested His glory with the miracle at the feast
Thus helping the belief of His disciples to be increased
This in turn helps us to have a fulfilled life in His name
For once we believe, things will never be the same

To the Tiger Year we did say good bye
And the Rabbit says Gong Xi Fa Cai!

Sunday, January 15, 2023

15 January 2023 - ENCS

Pastors Neli and Tina Atiga spoke about progress today
Progress is possible and it is also purpose, they did say
Neli and Tina both complimented and complemented
And a very powerful message they jointly presented

Neli referred to Exodus fourteen, verses six to fourteen
The Israelites yearned for where slaves they had been
Egypt was significant for Abraham, Jacob, and Isaac
All three went there at times when food they did lack
But when Moses brought the Israelites to the Red Sea
Moving towards the Promised Land, they did not agree
Akin to lifting weights to gain strength, as we know
We must be broken, rest, replace, in order to grow
But this process of progress should not be feared
Per verse fourteen, the Lord has never disappeared

Tina said we need a new wineskin in order to progress
We have had setbacks, heartaches, and often a mess
But Tina pointed out that we must recognise the pain
Not easy but failure to do so will our progress constrain
We must know our purpose, clearly rooted in our identity
God’s plans for us stand forever, per Zephaniah three
Psalm one hundred thirty nine says to God give praise
For we are fearfully and wonderfully made, to paraphrase
Our words can give death and life, per Proverbs eighteen
Speak positively so as children of God we are to be seen

Remember Proverbs chapter nineteen verse twenty one
We may have plans, but God’s purpose will be done
The Lord chose us because of our future faithfulness
Thankfully not because of our past failures or success

Sunday, January 8, 2023

8 January 2023 - ENCS

Pastor Josh continued the "Miracles” series today
We must read passages carefully, he did often say
John six does highlight Jesus' supernatural power
Especially if into each of the passages we do scour

Many thousand hungry followers Jesus did face
He took the boy’s bread and fish and said grace
It seemed like a mismatch but Jesus was undaunted
Telling the people to take as much as they wanted

By collecting fragments that remained strewed
“Nothing was lost” applied to the lesson and food
For God’s provision is always more than enough
Even when the situation seems extremely tough

The problem is people in desperation and in need
A lack of resources which can be amplified by greed
Our provision is gratefulness even without finance
Bringing what we have and enjoying His abundance

Pastor Josh focused on our priorities to conclude
Do we want an easy life or a real life of certitude?
Do we want a one time fix or eternal pleasance?
Do we want temporary pleasure or His presence?

The answers seem so obvious but we often resist
We will turn to the Lord when things are in a twist
Yet then forget about Him when things are well
But this is not the right path, Pastor Josh did tell

Sunday, January 1, 2023

1 January 2023 - ENCS

Pastor Josh started a series “Miracles” in church today
The aim of miracles is to let God be known, he did say
It is very challenging when unanswered go our prayers
Per Second Corinthians five, have faith for God cares

John wrote about Jesus’ miracles so we would believe
Per chapter five, healing a sick man could not achieve
An angel would appear when the pool water was stirred
But the man’s pleas to get into the water went unheard

Jesus then asked the man if he wanted to be made well
This actually related to the man’s identity, Josh did tell
Our challenges can be physical, emotional, or mental
Not following and believing in Jesus is quite detrimental

Sans explanation, Jesus told the man to arise and walk
The man was cured and walked away without more talk
Jesus said to take his mat, thus getting rid of the past
But then by the Jewish leaders the man was harassed

The Jewish leaders were wrongly focused on traditions
Jesus tried to rid them of their external-focused positions
The healed man did not know Jesus, let alone wax lyrical
We should be focused on the miracle man, not the miracle

All things are possible for one who believes, per Mark nine
We should pray for help with our unbelief from God divine
This is a passage that we should remember all life long
For where we are weak, the Lord God can make us strong