Pastor Joey noted that the start of twenty twenty
Has seen global challenges and disasters plenty
Given current conditions, more we will surely see
But the greatest obstacle can be an opportunity
Then to Hebrews chapter twelve Pastor did refer
From the term "once more”, seriousness we infer
God will shake the heavens as well as the earth
What cannot be shaken must be of great worth
For it is God’s kingdom that cannot be shaken
Our worship, awe and reverence should awaken
Shaking can break you or be your breakthrough
So that our journey of destiny we can pursue
In Genesis forty one, Joseph was given power
Pharaoh knew that he was the man of the hour
Joseph got the wisdom to plan and to execute
For God rewarded his faith which was absolute
Per verse forty nine, much grain was then stored
That does not mean in lockdown we should hoard
Perhaps this time of being shaken is necessary
So we let go of things of which we should be wary
This reminded me of the song “Clear The Stage”
Jimmy Needham’s lyrics are exceptionally sage
“Anything I put before my God is an idol” he sings
We must “crush the idols”, both actions and things
Egypt had seven years of abundance then famine
When disasters happen, His word we must examine
Unless we can learn, these events will happen again
That is why all the world came to Egypt to buy grain
Pastor opined that covid19 is more than just a virus
God is doing something for the world and each of us
Akin to Joseph's brothers, we must improve listening
To determine what in this season for us God is doing
Joseph could not control himself in chapter forty five
He explained to his brothers why he was kept alive
They should be be distressed as there was a reason
Similarly, there is a reason for suffering in this season
This reminded me of Romans five from verse three
Suffering produces perseverance, we clearly see
Which produces character and then finally hope
And hope does not disappoint, so we should cope
Pastor said a plane can fly but needs direction
Our lives need God’s purpose as an injection
We each have a unique purpose in each season
Remember serving God is the universal reason