Monday, September 28, 2020

27 September 2020 - ENCS

On Braving the Hidden Epdemic, Pastor Joey did speak
Because the health of our minds is something to seek
Millions in the world are already suffering from depression
Some say this could triple due to covid-related oppression

A spectrum goes from healthy to disordered to dangerous
Pastor Joey then referred to chapter three from Exodus
A bush burning but not consumed is what he aimed for
The outside may look ok, but the inside matters more

Per Second Timothy one, God didn't give us a spirit of fear
But the power of love and a sound mind, we did then hear
Our brain is quite light but lots of energy it does consume
Like a computer’s memory and CPU, Joey does presume

Our minds contain memories, intellect, and imagination
Knowledge, understanding, and wisdom from cogitation
Despite walking in the flesh as do all women and men
The war we wage is different, per Second Corinthians ten

Joey said that we need to be vigilant for reasons three
First, we are at war especially with those we do not see
Second, we must our divinely-powered weapons know
And we must destroy anti-God arguments that do show

Per Jeremiah twenty three, God’s word is like a fire
So let the lies be broken by His words which are higher
Third, per Second Corinthians ten, know our strategy 
Every thought should be captive to obey God, we see

Per Romans twelve two, even though it may be the norm
Paul says to the world’s pattern we should not conform
This means by earthly standards we should not be moulded 
Nor to the methods of this world should our values be folded

Instead we should be transformed by a renewal of the mind
Beyond reformed, in the right place things should be aligned
Joey added that just like a garden, we should renew and test 
Because per Romans twelve, God’s will is definitely the best

Monday, September 21, 2020

20 September 2020 - ENCS

Today Pastor Joey spoke about the topic of health
Most sermons focus on our souls, minds, or wealth
But given the environment we are living in today
Look at what Ecclesiastes nine four has to say
That anyone who is among the living has hope
So staying physically healthy helps us to cope

Related to our bodies, there are two extremes
The body obsessed, preoccupied even in dreams
The body abused, who neglect most of the time
We must find the appropriate balanced paradigm
This relates to choices, looks, nutrition, and rest
Coming up with what is right and what is best

Per oft quoted First Corinthians six verse nineteen
Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, it is seen
A temple is where we meet God, so holy and pure
Our bodies belong to Jesus, His death did procure
Per Ephesians two, we are God’s workmanship
To do His good works, our bodies He did equip

On what defines our bodies, Pastor then did talk
Essence, value, and purpose in our earthly walk
Our bodies and behaviour should honour God
Taking care of our bodies is more than a facade

We must also fill our bodies, per Acts chapter two
To get the Holy Spirit, to repent is what we must do
Acknowledging God and under His influence being
Per Ephesians five, this is actually be quite freeing

Unlike alcohol which if drunk too much can debilitate
The Spirit is unlimited and always is a positive state
Out of Spirit flows living water rivers, per John seven
This is a promise directly from the Son of heaven 

Walking by the Spirit is different, per Galatians five
We must be decisive so the Spirit’s fruits come alive
Be determined as those fruits take time to mature
The result will be both health and holiness for sure
And be dependent on the Spirit by keeping in step
That is without a doubt the best type of health prep

Monday, September 14, 2020

13 September 2020 - ENCS

Pastor Josh spoke on the topic of destiny Sunday
Doing one thing very well is the key, he did say
If about ourself and others we speak correctly
Then God’s destiny will come to pass directly

Per Psalm thirty three, God’s word led to creation
We are all made in His image so by extrapolation
Our words have power per Proverbs eighteen
Death and life come from the tongue, it is seen

About the power of the tongue, James three talks
Akin to how a bridle impacts how a horse walks
Josh also said ships are guided by a small rudder
How large fires get started, it makes me shudder

So since our words can determine our direction
We should thus aim to utilise them in perfection
Children often look to parents for their identity
Parents need to be extra careful, as they see

An old story about his daughter, Josh did share
Unable to do math, “i’m dumb” she did declare
Josh realised that saying nothing would affirm
He said she was smart, helping her long term

Mouths can bring either a curse or a blessing
The former is of course extremely distressing
Like a water fountain with good water and bad
The chance of poison is not a chance to be had

Our tongue problem is really one of our heart
As Matthew chapter twelve to us does impart
Guard your heart per Proverbs four twenty three
For everything flows from it, we can all see

Some end up letting hardened be their heart
From God, that ends up alienating and apart
For ignorance creeps in, per Ephesians four
Then our mouths speak arrogantly even more

The better way is to allow our hearts to heal
Per Psalm thirty four, God’s presence is real
In Psalm one forty seven, wisdom is imparted
God binds wounds, healing the brokenhearted

Josh referred to Philippians four re our role
Rejoicing in God always should be our goal
And if we pray, meditate, proclaim, fellowship
We will not be anxious through our life’s trip

Friday, April 24, 2020

24 April 2020 - Anxiety

Anxiety should never be underestimated
It leaves individuals struggling and debilitated
Anxiety comes in many forms and is not gentle
Be it physical, emotional, spiritual, or mental
Each individual’s battle is naturally unique
But we are not alone, and definitely not weak

As Asaph wrote in Psalm number seventy three
“God is the strength of my heart” we do see
And even if “my flesh and my heart may fail”
God’s strength and plans will always prevail
So on His presence and people, let me rely
Also to help others rid their anxiety goodbye

Sunday, April 12, 2020

12 April 2020 - Easter

As the morning sun rises in the eastern sky
Jesus’ resurrection we celebrate and magnify
For our sins, we understand He chose to die
For our eternal life, He returned to sanctify

Without His life, how to live we would not know
Without His death, to heaven we would not go
Without His resurrection, victory goes to the foe
Without His love, to others we could not show

So here’s wishing a large blessed Easter call
For despite the covid-19-linked gloom and pall
Stopping us from eating out or going to the mall
Jesus’ resurrection is truly good news for all

Thursday, April 9, 2020

9 April 2020 - Maundy Thursday

On Passover, Jesus and His disciples did meet
To fellowship, to celebrate the day, and to eat
After Judas had left, Jesus did break the bread
“Take and eat, this is my body”, He then said
Then saying His blood, the wine did represent
For the forgiveness of sins, why Jesus was sent

In Singapore, we are now in circuit breaker mode
Everyone is effectively confined to their own abode
Perhaps we should take this time to fervently pray
Per Matthew six, as Jesus taught us the right way
Giving thanks, repenting, and asking for His grace
And may His love be seen by the entire human race

Saturday, March 28, 2020

22 March 2020 - ENCS (2)

Pastor Joey noted that the start of twenty twenty
Has seen global challenges and disasters plenty
Given current conditions, more we will surely see
But the greatest obstacle can be an opportunity

Then to Hebrews chapter twelve Pastor did refer
From the term "once more”, seriousness we infer
God will shake the heavens as well as the earth
What cannot be shaken must be of great worth

For it is God’s kingdom that cannot be shaken
Our worship, awe and reverence should awaken
Shaking can break you or be your breakthrough
So that our journey of destiny we can pursue

In Genesis forty one, Joseph was given power
Pharaoh knew that he was the man of the hour
Joseph got the wisdom to plan and to execute
For God rewarded his faith which was absolute

Per verse forty nine, much grain was then stored
That does not mean in lockdown we should hoard
Perhaps this time of being shaken is necessary
So we let go of things of which we should be wary

This reminded me of the song “Clear The Stage”
Jimmy Needham’s lyrics are exceptionally sage
“Anything I put before my God is an idol” he sings
We must “crush the idols”, both actions and things

Egypt had seven years of abundance then famine
When disasters happen, His word we must examine
Unless we can learn, these events will happen again
That is why all the world came to Egypt to buy grain

Pastor opined that covid19 is more than just a virus
God is doing something for the world and each of us
Akin to Joseph's brothers, we must improve listening
To determine what in this season for us God is doing

Joseph could not control himself in chapter forty five
He explained to his brothers why he was kept alive
They should be be distressed as there was a reason
Similarly, there is a reason for suffering in this season

This reminded me of Romans five from verse three
Suffering produces perseverance, we clearly see
Which produces character and then finally hope
And hope does not disappoint, so we should cope

Pastor said a plane can fly but needs direction
Our  lives need God’s purpose as an injection
We each have a unique purpose in each season
Remember serving God is the universal reason

Monday, March 23, 2020

22 March 2020 - ENCS (1)

Before online worship, we heard from Pastor Bonafacio
When we feel overwhelmed, which direction do we go?
Pastor encouraged us to let God overwhelm us instead
And be thankful since God's got us covered, Pastor said

Per Matthew six and Luke eleven, His Kingdom will come
“His will be done” is a command we must not shirk from
We do not know how or when His purposes will prevail
But His presence and pre-eminence will never go stale

Everyone should praise His power, purpose and provision
And be confident and thankful for peace and protection
We know that God will protect us from all kinds of evil 
So we should not to worry even in this massive upheaval

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

22 December 2019 - ENCS

This is unfortunately more than a little bit late
But I think the words carry just as much weight
So please do forgive my tardy poetic posting
I guess towards year end I started coasting

****At the start of service we did see****
****A nice carol from Charles Wesley****
****"Hark the herald angels sing****
****Glory to the newborn king****
****Peace on earth and mercy mild****
****God and sinners reconciled"****

Pastor Josh then spoke to us about faithfulness
What we celebrate about the Lord, he did stress
God honours our faithfulness with responsibility
Even if that often may take away our tranquility

Like Jesus who appeared as a babe in a manger
If we believe we are not special, we risk danger
For like Jesus whose substance outshone his form
He changed the world, introducing us to a new norm
For Paul wrote about this in First Corinthians one
We are righteous because of what Jesus has done

Per Luke two verse ten, the angels said not to fear
“Good news of great joy” were the words to hear
We all need a saviour because of our imperfection
By following Jesus we head in the right direction

From our Creator who so loves us, we have hope
God knows what is our full potential and scope
Per Colossians one, He delivered us from the dark
The contrast with the Holy Spirit is extremely stark
The Spirit gives us righteousness, peace, and joy
About substance versus form, Josh was not coy

The kingdom of God is about your soul’s health
And sharing it with others generates true wealth
We are branches from Jesus’ vine, per John fifteen
If we abide in Him, much fruit will be born and seen

Ephesians two says He makes us alive despite sin
Jesus is the spiritual air that we should breathe in
Per First Thessalonians five, pray without ceasing
With prayer, our relationship with God is increasing
Per Psalm one hundred nineteen, open our eyes
So we can see His wonders on land and in skies

God clothes us with salvation, per Isaiah sixty one
But we also need earthly community in the long run
Per Ephesians two, we are all part of His household
So we fellowship with others both young and old