About making decisions, Pastor Josh today did continue
Per Genesis twenty seven, Esau’s anger at Jacob grew
Rebekah warned her son Jacob of Esau’s stated intent
To her brother Laban in Haran she wanted Jacob sent
As a result Jacob would be on the run most of his life
She said life would be worthless if he took a Hitite wife
Pastor Josh focused on starting over despite one’s age
Basically saying it is never too late to start a new page
Isaac called Jacob to bless him and give him instruction
Teaching us not to let our place in life be an obstruction
Pastor said even if we take wrong turns on life’s route
It is never too late to start over with a spiritual reboot
Esau saw that Isaac gave Jacob blessing and direction
However taking a third wife was very far from perfection
That we should not try to be another is a lesson to learn
Instead focus on being the best we can be at every turn
Be content with our current state, per Hebrews thirteen
But wanting God to improve us in ways often unseen
Esau erred in four different ways, Pastor Josh did share
He applied knowledge without counsel, let alone prayer
He followed form without power, as Paul later did warn
In Second Timothy three, about this trait he did mourn
Esau effectively hid behind tradition without revelation
Per John five, only closeness to God leads to salvation
To work without relationship, change Esau tried to bring
Per Luke fifteen, relationships matter more than anything
Those four mistakes match up nicely with steps to take
By now, the message should be quite clear, not opaque
Pray, meditate, proclaim with actions as well as words
And fellowship to keep our plans aligned with the Lord's