About relationships, Pastor Harris shared more today
We are to love God and our neighbours, Jesus did say
These two commandments, as per Matthew twenty two
Are the basis of all other laws because they are so true
As we heard last week, relationships are based on trust
Just as importantly for relationships, love is also a must
We all hear about love in songs and poems and vows
First Corinthians thirteen describes attributes to espouse
Patient and kind, not envious or boastful, but enduring
That we cannot do this, our imperfect nature is ensuring
Earlier in the chapter, of love’s importance Paul writes
For without love, meaningless is our faith and its heights
Per Galatians five, Paul talks about the works of the flesh
The fruit of the Spirit is love so of course they do enmesh
And having Spirit-love in us allows us to each other love
Per First John four, that Spirit is given to us by God above
Josh cautioned us to continue with Jesus to spend time
So that our thoughts, words, and deeds are in fact prime
We love because Jesus first loved us, per First John four
Even while on the cross, His persecutors He did pray for
To harness that Spirit we also need the right environment
For our own flesh cannot be trusted one hundred percent
Because sin includes what we have and have not done
We should share God’s love with others, as did His Son