About why dear Abraham did revert to his old way
There are many reasons such reversion is viewed
Recessive memory, reinforced values and attitude
We don’t want to change for the old way did work
It is about ourselves that old habits we do not shirk
Abraham had wrestled with the Lord in his old life
But still he claimed Sarah was his sister not his wife
He feared for his life when Abimelech he did meet
What he did in Genesis twelve, he then did repeat
Thoughts, words, actions, habits, character, destiny
That is an unfortunate progression we often do see
Blind spots are dangerous and can affect our identity
Without our purpose, we can lose our life’s serenity
In Abraham's new life, God did beneficially intervene
He can bring newness of life even into a bad scene
Even when we are faithless in some things we do
God is always faithful to us, per First Timothy two
Then in Abraham’s now life, everyone God did heal
For faith is about what we do today towards the ideal
Per Hebrews eleven, faith is assurance and conviction
For God gave us Jesus, that is a fact not mere fiction
In summary, Rhia read from Isaiah chapter fifty five
An important point we should remember while alive
Versus ours, God’s thoughts and ways are higher
So having faith in Him helps us escape a quagmire
Sometimes we need friends who tell us hurtful truth
This applies no matter whether old or still a youth