At Keene UCC, my mother read Luke two, one to eleven
The background and the arrival of Jesus from heaven
A census for the empire, Caesar Augustus did decree
Everyone returned to their hometown, per verse three
So to Bethlehem, Joseph and his fiancé Mary did travel
From Nazareth in Galilee, on roads made just of gravel
There were no rooms, so in a manger Jesus was born
He was wrapped in cloths, no crown our King did adorn
Shepherds were watching over their flocks that night
And the glory of the Lord around the angel was bright
The shepherds were terrified at the extraordinary sight
But the angel said not to be afraid, verse ten does cite
For the angel was bringing good news and great joy
The long awaited Messiah was actually the baby boy
"In the town of David a Saviour has been born to you”
Little did the shepherds know everything He would do
Christ humbled himself as a human in a lowly manger
To most at the time, He was just the son of a a stranger
But He came to show the world the right way to live
And then gave his life so our sins God would forgive
To follow the example of Jesus Christ the servant king
We should humble ourselves as a sign of worshiping
Remembering the humbling that Jesus did not deserve
We should have no complaints no matter how we serve