The sermon “The Power of Worship” was delivered by Calvin Hong
Who talked about seeing a waterfall that was scary and very strong
But once Calvin went under the water he felt refreshed completely
Worship also brings refreshment and healing, sometimes discreetly
In Psalm thirty four, David said the Lord he would bless all the time
Both in good times and when challenging obstacles he had to climb
For when we are weakest, God makes us strong via the Holy Ghost
And then in complete humility, we can give thanks and of God boast
Magnifying something means giving it focus and thus highest priority
Seek first the Lord and his righteousness, as per Matthew thirty three
Sacrificing and giving all to our Lord God in heaven is worship’s heart
For what we believe, not what we do, is what in His eyes set us apart
In Matthew six from verse nine Jesus taught His disciples how to pray
Always starting by giving praise to God the Abba Father, He did say
And when we pray to God, He will hear our call and then will respond
God knows our daily needs because with us He has a special bond
In Mark twenty five, a woman reached out and touched Jesus’ cloak
She immediately recovered due to the faith she had and did invoke
Jesus told the woman to go in peace and from her suffering be freed
The same power is available to each one of us when we are in need
Per Hebrews eleven, faith is what is hoped for with evidence not seen
When we hear the Word of God and act in ways that do not contravene
We reap rewards if we step out of our comfort zone and pay the price
Even if our reputation and some relationships we may have to sacrifice
When we worship earnestly and then in all that we do we give our best
Per Psalm one hundred, with thanksgiving we enter His gates blessed
We should never stop believing in God for breakthroughs and healing
For both individual and corporate prayer God finds extremely appealing