Sunday, June 24, 2018

24 June 2014 - ENCS

The final part of the series on the church, Pastor Joey did share today
Church involves a pattern, a purpose, and a pursuit he did again say
But without participation my members, those three Ps will fall short
Because, as Pastor did emphasise, church is not a spectator sport
In Matthew sixteen, Jesus called on Peter to be the church’s rock
Against the gates of hell, the church is built to push back and block

The enemy appears as a tempter, deception, adversary, and accuser
But our participation can help ensure that the enemy will be a loser
Pastor highlighted four actions, each of which serves as an antidote
The first is to always pray, per the Matthew chapter twenty six quote
Per Matthew six verse nine, we need God’s help to resist temptation
We should pray to God, tapping into his resource via daily declaration

Meditating on the Holy Word arms us against the enemy’s deception
Per Psalm one, this applies to all aspects of our life without exception
Proclaiming our faith is by far the best way to combat condemnation
Per Romans eight, Luke two, and chapter five of the book of Galatian
Fellowshipping with other people of God helps fend off accusation
For we are stronger and able to resist the enemy when not in isolation

So in conclusion, we should pray, meditate, proclaim, and fellowship
Allowing the Holy Spirit to enter our hearts so it can continually equip
For per the Bible, the Spirit can teach, reveal, counsel, and baptise
Always illuminating the path to eternal life, which is the ultimate prize
Thus for the church to have meaning, everybody should participate
Not just in church but in our daily lives, Pastor did emphatically state

Sunday, June 17, 2018

17 June 2018 - ENCS

Pastor Josh spoke about “Why Dads?” on this Father’s Day
Starting with what to Jesus at His baptism His Father did say
Per Mark chapter one, via the Holy Spirit coming like a dove
God said Jesus was His Son who he loved and was proud of

All children look for such affirmation, affection, and availability
Fathers should thus try although there is no earthly infallibility
Josh noted three things fathers do to foster that environment
To defend, define, and discipline should be the ongoing intent

Defending the family involves providing, protecting, praying
Per First Timothy five, a believer not providing is dismaying
Nehemiah four says to fight for our families against intrusion
Prayer is the best because human control is a mere illusion

There are many Bible stories about fathers using their voice
Genesis thirty five, Luke one, and Numbers thirteen - rejoice
Isaac, Zechariah, and Moses each saved the day somehow
Per Numbers thirty, a father’s words can nullify a child’s vow

Josh said children need healthy boundaries for life to enjoy
Proverbs thirteen says we spoil if the rod we do not employ
Per Hebrews twelve, God disciplines us for our own good
We are actually illegitimate if He does not do as He should

No earthly father is perfect for a variety of obvious reasons
But per Psalm sixty eight, God is our father for all seasons
John fourteen says that if we love Jesus, God will us love 
Per Romans eight, we will then be adopted by God above

To have a wonderful earthly father, I am very very blessed
And having God on my side ensures I will not be oppressed
For my children and godchildren, I pray for the right direction
So I remember to affirm, be available, and to show affection

Sunday, June 3, 2018

3 June 2018 - ENCS

The series on “What is Church”, Pastor Joey did today continue
About the pattern and purpose of the church he did first review
The purpose is for spiritual community, growth, and intimacy
Having a spiritual family helps us to grow our spiritual maturity
Each church has a set of core values, its own distinctiveness
Pastor Joey said that here are five Every Nation does possess

Putting a high value on our obedience, at the core is lordship
‘Lord’ is in the Bible thirty times as much as grace or worship
We must understand the Lord before other things we can do
Without strong foundations and actions, destruction will ensue
In Luke six, Jesus used a parable to teach us how to aptly live
‘No’, ‘Not Yet’, ‘Not Now’, and ‘Now’ are answers God may give

Then come evangelismdiscipleshipleadership, and family
EN values lost people, for Luke nineteen was not an anomaly
Per Luke fifteen, we should pursue the lost sheep in every land
Help people to follow God, Matthew twenty eight does command
In Second Timothy two, Paul implores us to entrust reliable people
Long term relationships hold the church together under the steeple

These four pillars support the church, but lordship is at the heart
Embracing them all enables us to be salt and light, doing our part