Pastor Joey Bonifacio spoke about Genesis twelve at service today
Abram, even before his name change, listened to what God did say
Unlike his ancestors' migrations, Abram’s was a pilgrimage with God
So into the new land Abram walked with confidence, he did not plod
Contrasting that versus those in Genesis eleven, Joey did highlight
With Abram, God used the words “I will” to assure all would be right
Promising to him make a great nation, a great name, and a blessing
While in Sinar they said “let us” while God’s plans they were messing
Pastor Joey then spoke about being driven by faith rather than by fear
Fear of the unknown, of loss, of failure, and of pain is real, we did hear
But it is so very dangerous to allow our lives by that fear to be deterred
Instead we should be positive and be driven by listening to God’s word
Joey said a desire for fame and being driven by fear are clearly linked
But a desire for God’s glory links to faith and life, a point very succinct
Also, a dependence on one’s own efforts will not over time succeed
While relying on God ensures that He will provide for our every need
So between the terms “let us” and “God will” we must make a choice
One leads to scattering; the other to blessing, allowing all to rejoice
In summary, we should look to Abram and his reasons for migration
Remembering that by listening to God, he fathered a great nation