The series on Genesis, Pastor Josh did this evening continue
Per chapter eight eighteen, God did what He said He would do
He delivered Noah’s family and all the animals from the flood
He protected them from harm with no loss of life or even blood
When we get breakthroughs, Pastor asked about our celebration
Or do we tend to focus more on our God in times of desperation
For a lack of gratitude is dangerous, per Romans chapter one
As people’s hearts darkened when God they foolishly did shun
Jesus healed ten lepers, per Luke eleven verses eleven to sixteen
But only from the Samaritan was thankfulness to Jesus even seen
Pastor reminded us that when an illness God does for us defeat
The first thing we should do is to give thanks and fall at His feet
Having a ‘foreigner’s attitude” so everything is amazing and new
Gives us fresh eyes and into our hearts thankfulness will imbue
This is what Noah demonstrated in Genesis eight verse twenty
Upon exiting the ark, he built an altar and gave offerings plenty
God was pleased and made a promise never to destroy again
Although as a righteous judge, He had to deal with sinful men
His solution involved his only son Jesus, per Isaiah fifty three
Who was offered as a perfect sacrifice, crucified so willingly
What that means for each of us, Pastor Josh did then conclude
Is our response should be thankfulness, worship, and gratitude
We should easily find many things to give thanks for each day
And reflect that in our attitude, not just to God when we pray