Sunday, September 24, 2017

24 September 2017 - ENCS

Pastor Josh continued the Genesis series, looking at chapter six
Commenting that our hearts, more than our bodies, we should fix
The sons of God married daughters of man, per verses one and two
But “any they chose” implied that without God's guidance they did do
The words ‘saw, good, took’ mirrored those of Eve in Genesis three
And the result of that mentality was bad, as we once again will see
For in verse three, God said the Spirit shall not abide in man forever
For any man to live more than one hundred twenty years - never

Josh said to remember this about God, per Jonah chapter three
God sent Jonah to Ninevah, where much wickedness He did see
Jonah preached “forty more days and Ninevah will be overturned”
Led by their king, the Ninevites then paid attention and learned
And per verse ten, they turned from their evil ways and repented
So then God had compassion and from His threats He relented
It was actually not God who changed, it is very important to note
But the circumstances, as was made clear in Jonah’s anecdote

Man’s intentions and thoughts were evil, per Genesis six verse five
Akin to Adam and Eve being spiritually dead but physically alive
The works of the flesh, per Paul in Galatians five verse nineteen
Lead us away from the inheritance of God’s kingdom, it is seen
We are all guilty of some of those sins, such as anger or envy
Opposing the fruits of the Spirit, per verses twenty two and three
In the Old Testament, God dealt with sinful ways physically
But after Jesus died for us, He dealt with our sin spiritually

God regretted he made man, per Genesis six verse six and seven
Because of the pain man’s actions caused on earth and in heaven
Fortunately per verse eight, Noah found favour in the Lord’s eyes
We will each be hit with our own floods, Pastor Josh did advise
Per Second Corinthians twelve, God’s grace is more than sufficient
In our weakness, God's power is perfected and far from deficient
And when God’s grace appears, according to Titus chapter two
It purifies us and also encourages us what is good to always do
We should thus approach God’s throne, per Hebrews chapter four
With confidence to receive mercy and grace and so much more
And because our God is filled with love (and definitely not hate)
Josh concluded that to repent and follow God, it is never too late

On a personal note, thanks for all the emails, prayers, and concern
I will be fine and am sure many a lesson through this I will learn
For although the wrist is fractured, it could have been far worse
And I have faith that this will become a blessing, not a curse

Sunday, September 17, 2017

17 September 2017 - ENCS

I apologise in advance for the abbreviated poem today
A bicycle accident and the pavement got in the way
As it is rather difficult to type and harder still to write
I will attempt to convey the points Pastor Joey did cite
At the end of Genesis five, about Noah we do read
His name meant to provide comfort for those in need
His purpose was to provide relief from the cursed land
He had kids at the age of five hundred, we understand

Our names can indicate our destiny, who we are to be
In England, with Thatcher and Archer it is plain to see
God calls us for a unique purpose and by our own name
Don’t try to be someone else, for none of us is the same
Noah walked with God, per Genesis chapter six verse nine
So did his grandfather Enoch, but their paths did not align
Joey said that God created each of us for a specific reason
And of course that may change depending on the season

When we find that purpose in life, things will work out
For self pity and self centredness die without a doubt
But Pastor said that most do not fulfil their destinies
Because the identity God gave us we refuse to seize
Remember that God has a purpose, even for our pain
Devotion and discipline are the key, Joey did explain
We must be willing to forego the things of this earth
Because only in the Lord can we find our true worth
For we are God’s masterpiece, pre Ephesians two
Called for a purpose in everything we say and do

Monday, September 11, 2017

10 September 2017 - ENCS

Pastor Joey spoke about Enoch using Genesis chapter five
Per two verses, Enoch "walked with God" while he was alive
But then Enoch “was no more, because God took him away”
The fact that he did not die is unique, Pastor Joey did say

The prophecy of Enoch is mentioned in Jude verse fourteen 
God would come to execute judgement, it is clearly seen
The Lord revealed His plans to prophets, per Amos three
Which is why the Old Testament is important for us to see

Enoch fathered Methuselah, whose name was a prophecy
“His death shall bring judgement” was a Godly guarantee
Seven days before the flood, at age nine hundred sixty nine
Methusaleh died, his grandson Noah to carry the bloodline

In order to fully appreciate His grace, we must fear the Lord
In this regard, Proverbs nine verse ten should not be ignored
In Matthew ten verse twenty eight, the disciples did all hear
As Jesus reiterated that God, not any man, we should fear

Enoch did not experience death, per Hebrews chapter eleven
Because he walked in faith, God took him directly to heaven
Romans ten verse seventeen says faith comes from hearing
Hearing the word of Christ is thus more than just endearing

Three steps we can take to have faith, Pastor Joey did highlight 
Being in God’s Presence, not being present, is what is right
Agreeing with God, not merely acknowledging Him, is key
Choosing God’s Pleasure over ours should be our reality

Per Psalm sixteen, in God’s presence there is fullness of joy
Since God is everywhere, this true joy nothing can destroy
We cannot please God without faith, per Hebrews eleven
And if we have faith, our eternal reward awaits in heaven

Sunday, September 3, 2017

3 September 2017 - ENCS

The series on Life and Death, Pastor Joey Bonifacio did conclude
Speaking about the "King of Kings”, or Christ Jesus, with certitude

He should be the foundation of all that we build, we clearly see
For fire tests the quality of our work, per First Corinthians three
Revelation nineteen says Christ’s eyes are like flames of fire
Implying that into our actions, from heaven He will duly inquire

Jesus’ throne in heaven is surrounded, per Revelation four
By twenty four elders who then laid their crowns on the floor
We are all promised crowns in heaven, Pastor Joey did state
Crowns of righteousness, imperishable, glory and life do await

The righteousness crown is awarded, per Second Timothy four
To those who have kept the faith by fighting the fight with vigour
To get the imperishable crown, per First Corinthians nine
Joey stated that we must treat our faith as a passion genuine

The crown of glory can be ours, per First Thessalonians two
If we use boldness in reaching others in what we say and do
The crown of life is promised to those, per James chapter one
Who persevere under trial and stand the test in the long run

The elders cast their crowns, Pastor Joey did paraphrase
For the King of Kings Christ Jesus is worthy of all our praise