Pastor Josh spoke on Genesis four verses eight to ten
We must understand Biblical context to be wise men
But we must also see how to apply the lessons today
If we are to follow God’s desires rather than to stray
Cain’s emotional turmoil led to to sin and then death
In the field, his evil actions led to Abel’s last breath
With our words and thoughts, we must take great care
They can kill relationships, Pastor Josh did declare
Part of the journey of life is letting God into our heart
His Word finds places where it has been torn apart
In those areas of darkness, His word produces light
So the Spirit can work and experiences become right
God asked Cain where his brother was in verse nine
Cain’s response said that “it is no business of mine”
The implication for us is evident and comes through
It is easy to love Jesus, but we must love others too
In Luke ten, we read about the Good Samaritan
Who took the injured man to the local Sheraton
This parable no doubt generated some controversy
But the Samaritan showed compassion and mercy
Knowledge can be dangerous, Pastor Josh did imply
For in God’s eyes, that makes the expectations high
And since we know the Scripture, we must respond
Toward those who hate us, we must love and be fond
In verse ten, to God the voice of Abel’s blood did cry
Hebrews twelve said to pay the price, Jesus did die
About his brother’s reaction to a crash, Josh did share
Mirroring that about our safety, Jesus does always care