Genesis is the Bible’s seed plot, Pastor Josh did say
Freedom was the focus on his sermon on Sunday
In Genesis two, God commanded the man to be free
With one exception, Adam could eat from any tree
God gave us freedom to choose right from wrong
But with choices come consequences, some lifelong
Adam was told if he ate from that tree, he would die
He made the wrong choice and our God did not lie
God blesses us but if we don’t treat blessings right
A blessing can become a curse, but not from spite
We must remember to worship God, who provides
Rather than the blessing itself, which has downsides
The more connected we are with God in a relationship
The easier it will be to ignore others and avoid a slip
Per Romans six, just because we are under grace
We should not sin because death we will still face
Whatever overcomes a man, per Second Peter two
Is what unfortunately he will then be enslaved to
Also from Romans six, from sin we are all set free
So that slaves of righteousness we choose to be
We each choose who to serve - self, Satan, or God
Per First Peter, a free servant of God gets the nod
And instead of always struggling to themselves find
Per Philippians three, God is the target for mankind
The phrase “free love” is a dangerous contradiction
The nature of love is to bind itself, that is not fiction
Following God’s commandments, per First John five
Is not burdensome if we love God while we are alive
Per Galatians five verse one, Christ has set us free
So we should never again submit to a yoke of slavery
Through love serve each other, per Colossians three
For the Spirit’s fruit is love, in Galatians five we see
Josh then shared his four steps that help us equip
We should pray, meditate, proclaim, and fellowship