Today Pastor Josh continued on the theme of “Clarity”
In Genesis one, God’s creation plan was plain to see
He had clarity of purpose and followed a logical plan
He created the earth, water, animals, and then man
Pastor then provided us with a piece of sage advice
That sometimes we may need to be not entirely nice
We need to say ‘no’ at times, for a variety of reasons
So we can be more fruitful and happy in all seasons
God saw everything He had made, per Genesis one
‘Very good’ was His view in terms of all He had done
That result came from steps aligned with a clear vision
There were daily objectives, all achieved with precision
It is very important that per verses twenty six and seven
Man was made in the image of the triune God in heaven
And as Josh said, it is very difficult for us to comprehend
But having a relationship with us is what God does intend
Matthew twenty eight refers to the Father, Son, and Spirit
God’s pleasure with His Son was evident for all to hear it
God was well pleased before Jesus even began His work
Likewise, not based on works, His love for us is not a quirk
The nature of our relationship with God and others is trust
Josh highlighted five elements that he considers a must
The acronym Truth, Reliability, Unity, Standards, and Time
(That last one makes it relatively easy to develop a rhyme)
Josh pointed to John fourteen verse six in regards truth
McDonalds is reliable although often targeted at youth
The reliability point also made in Hebrews thirteen eight
Everything moves at the speed of trust, Covey did state
Per James one, unity will never change on God’s part
In Psalm eighty six, David asks for an undivided heart
We must avoid relationships with those of standards low
Per First Peter one, in holy obedience we should grow
God is faithful throughout time, per Psalm thirty seven
Isaiah forty says forever stands the Word from heaven
And while human maturity leads to more independence
A mature Christian sees reliance on God in ascendance
The key to every relationship we have is therefore trust
Something we must work on but God never has to adjust
In summary, Pastor highlighted key actions to take four
To pray, to meditate, to proclaim, and to fellowship more