Pastor Neli Atiga last night spoke on “The Herd That Heard”
First Samuel one to four formed the basis for his erudite word
Neli said that sheep inherently know the voice of their shepherd
Similarly, we need to know God’s voice, from Neli we heard
Barren Hannah prayed to God and was seen by Eli the priest
He thought she was drunk but her desperation only increased
She promised that her son would serve God is she conceived
God answered her prayer and then Hannah no longer grieved
So Samuel lived at the temple under Eli's mentorship and care
But there was no frequent vision and the word of God was rare
Pastor Neli then spoke to the AG graduating class in a side note
They should create, not just import, worship was his apt quote
Samuel rested in the temple while Eli slept at his own place
Another sign that between Eli and God there was a big space
Neli said that we must be careful and always with God rest
Even doing the work of God can become idolatry he did attest
Samuel heard a voice and eventually realised it was the Lord
Consequences loomed for it was the priestly position Eli adored
With Eli, these dire warnings for his family Samuel did share
Because about God more than man’s view Samuel did care
When he heard about the lost ark of God, Eli met his demise
For he was more focused on his appearance in man’s eyes
Remember that God fills us up to send us out, Pastor Neli did say
To give us the character we need for our platform, we should pray
We should position ourselves to carry out our calling with humility
For it is the heart behind our actions that our Lord God does see