About the spirit empowered ENC mission, Joey Bonifacio spoke
Quotes from both Oswald Charles and Jim Cymbala he did invoke
Believers experience the Holy Spirit, but it takes time to understand
Remember that it is omnipresent, always there to give us a hand
Per John ten verse ten, the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy
To prevent us from living God's abundant life he will use any ploy
He relies on temptation, deception, condemnation, and accusation
But God provides us antidotes to the enemy’s acts of abomination
Prayer, truth in the form of His Word, the gospel, and fellowship
Individually and collectively, they help us avoid even a little slip
Pastor Joey said that the Holy Spirit plays a very important role
Helping us apply these four tools to achieve God’s intended goal
Per Romans eight verse twenty six, the Holy Spirit help us to pray
The Spirit guides us in truth, John sixteen verse thirteen does say
The Spirit is our advocate, per John fourteen and Romans eight
Ephesians one says the Spirit marks us with a seal that is great
In summary, the Holy Spirit helps us achieve and live our life
As God fully intends us to have “perissos” and joy, not strife
We must remember that the enemy is indeed real and a threat
But the Spirit is just as real yet is the strongest ally we can get