Pastor Larry brought the series on the book of Acts to an end
There is power in one prayer and one message, he did contend
And there is clearly power of the gospel in this world of selfies
For when shared, the gospel can change lives with great ease
Paul was not ashamed of the gospel, per Romans one sixteen
For the gospel is the power of God for salvation of all, it is seen
Peter and the centurion Cornelius were at the core of Acts ten
Cornelius may have been the one about whom Luke did pen
Devout, generous, God-fearing, and prayerful per verse two
We should not look at appearances but on what people do
Pastor Larry then said that the gospel builds faith to pray
Which then reminds us of the power of praying every day
From verse nine, Peter had a vision telling him to eat everything
Which was God’s way of telling him that to tradition not to cling
God said “do not call anything impure that God has made clean”
For sharing the gospel with Gentiles is what He really did mean
Pastor Larry then highlighted that the gospel trumps tradition
The gospel is available to everyone, for God has no predisposition
In the next part, we are reminded about Peter and the number three
Cornelius sent three men and the vision three times Peter did see
Linking to his denials and Jesus’ reinstatement in John twenty one
For God prepares us for the future as he repairs what we have done
Pastor Larry then stated that the gospel heals our broken past
So once we accept the gospel, there is no reason to be downcast
Peter spoke to a large group of people, starting with verse thirty four
God’s message and the Holy Spirit are for everyone, he did implore
This is why believers have been charged with the Great Commission
Because in God’s ideal world, there should not be a single omission
Pastor Larry concluded by saying that the gospel is to be preached
That is the only way the good news can be shared with the unreached