Her point was that nobody likes waiting, she then did state
Whether due to uncertainty, fear, or possible disappointment
But waiting is part of life’s journey so might be heaven sent
The title of Joy’s sermon was “Wait for What?”, not surprisingly
Several verses about Joseph throughout Genesis we did see
In chapter thirty seven, Joseph had his first noteworthy dream
His brothers only laughed and resented him more, it did seem
His father sent Joseph to help his brothers despite their feeling
They threw him in a dry pit with no clothes despite his appealing
To a bunch of Egyptian-bound traders Joseph was then sold
Apparently taking him further away from the dream he was told
But God was with Joseph and favour did He continue to show
Nonetheless, into prison Joseph was for no good reason thrown
He must have felt that the distance to his dream has again grown
But in prison, God showed him more favour and steadfast love
Allowing Joseph to interpret dreams with guidance from above
The cupbearer was released and about Joseph did soon forget
For two more long years, about his dream Joseph had to fret
But eventually Pharaoh’s dream Joseph did rightly interpret
And as a result, both power and a new nice robe he did get
After all of that, Joseph’s original dream did come to fruition
For he believed in God and God’s purpose, not just intuition
From Psalm one hundred thirty, Joy did read in conclusion
We should wait on the Lord, of that there is no confusion