Since we can influence others, we all lead in a unique way
For that is the definition that first came from John Maxwell
And is consistent with the Great Commission Jesus did tell
In order to lead well, Arnie gave us important points three
Along with sharing several passages for us to read and see
The first is that as leaders we must know who to follow
The answer is God our Creator, as we should all know
He has plans for us, per Jeremiah twenty nine eleven
For we are loved unconditionally by our God in heaven
By following Jesus, according to Matthew four nineteen
He will make us fishers of men, as can be clearly seen
To lead people to Jesus is the core of our mission
He will then bring a change in their lives to fruition
Put another way, leaders should listen to God’s word
And by the Holy Spirit be led, from Arnie we heard
The second is that as we lead, we should always serve
From needs and opportunities we should never swerve
Every day there are numerous chances to others bless
In Acts six, the disciples took action to prevent a mess
Picking seven to serve others, leaving others to preach
Of good repute, full of His Spirit and wisdom were each
We cannot serve unless we have a character very strong
If secure in our identity with Christ, we won’t go wrong
For God uses our weaknesses to show His power
Steven sang His praises even in his martyred hour
The third is that as we lead, we need to demonstrate love
Even small gestures can have a big impact to be proud of
Using Facebook, Skype and other forms of technology
We can span great distance as we share our theology
Pastor Arnie then pointed us to First Corinthians thirteen
For without love, even great acts are nothing, it is seen
And remember that we love because God first loved us
So we should also love others without making a fuss
God shows His love in so many ways, per First John four
Sending His Son as an atoning sacrifice, we cannot ignore
In summary, we are all called to influence and therefore lead
Which means to follow, serve, and love as we do proceed