Sunday, August 30, 2015

30 August 2015 - ENCS

About “Honouring Leadership” Pastor Arnie did speak today
Since we can influence others, we all lead in a unique way
For that is the definition that first came from John Maxwell
And is consistent with the Great Commission Jesus did tell
In order to lead well, Arnie gave us important points three
Along with sharing several passages for us to read and see

The first is that as leaders we must know who to follow
The answer is God our Creator, as we should all know
He has plans for us, per Jeremiah twenty nine eleven
For we are loved unconditionally by our God in heaven
By following Jesus, according to Matthew four nineteen
He will make us fishers of men, as can be clearly seen
To lead people to Jesus is the core of our mission
He will then bring a change in their lives to fruition
Put another way, leaders should listen to God’s word
And by the Holy Spirit be led, from Arnie we heard

The second is that as we lead, we should always serve
From needs and opportunities we should never swerve
Every day there are numerous chances to others bless
In Acts six, the disciples took action to prevent a mess
Picking seven to serve others, leaving others to preach
Of good repute, full of His Spirit and wisdom were each
We cannot serve unless we have a character very strong
If secure in our identity with Christ, we won’t go wrong
For God uses our weaknesses to show His power
Steven sang His praises even in his martyred hour

The third is that as we lead, we need to demonstrate love
Even small gestures can have a big impact to be proud of
Using Facebook, Skype and other forms of technology
We can span great distance as we share our theology
Pastor Arnie then pointed us to First Corinthians thirteen
For without love, even great acts are nothing, it is seen
And remember that we love because God first loved us
So we should also love others without making a fuss
God shows His love in so many ways, per First John four
Sending His Son as an atoning sacrifice, we cannot ignore

In summary, we are all called to influence and therefore lead
Which means to follow, serve, and love as we do proceed

Monday, August 24, 2015

23 August 2015 - ENCS

Pastor Josh and wife Nani spoke on “Honouring Men” today
Per Ephesians five, wives submitting to husbands is God's way
This naturally brings about female feelings of angst and pain
But is good if put in the proper perspective, Nani did explain
For this relationship mirrors that of Christ and the church
And a godly husband will never leave his wife in a lurch
Submission is like having an umbrella, Nani did then share
Finding a godly husband is worth the wait for they are rare
She said that wives should treat men with honour and respect
Focusing on the potential in their lives instead of any defect
The key to a happy marriage is found in verse thirty three
Husbands loving and wives respecting is always the key

On the topic “What Is A Man?” Pastor Josh then shared his view
To be honoured, being a man of honour is what man must do
He then referred to verse twenty one, which should be read
As it points out that all should submit to each other instead
David told his son Solomon, per First Kings chapter two
To “be strong and prove yourself a man” in all he would do
Pastor Josh then shared about what this really does mean
From many passages, several truths he was able to glean
First is that real men honour God and His Word follow
Living in integrity, loving the Lord, and in His truth go
Second is that real men take responsibility “like a man”
Not shirking away like a little boy who ignores the plan
Third is that real men exert their dominion over the earth
Per Genesis one and two, that role existed since birth
Fourth is that real men acknowledge from God they veer
And that the good news of Jesus is needed to draw near

In summary, or “so how” Josh said in the local parlance
We need to give Roman five more than just a glance
Remember that is was Adam who let the serpent in
And also did not prevent Eve from committing sin
But Jesus’ precious gift to us is worth so much more
So we do not need to live a defeated life as before
And real men also need to focus on real true love
Per First Corinthians thirteen, following God above
Making disciples should be a real man’s key mandate
That is the Great Commission, per Matthew twenty eight

Sunday, August 16, 2015

16 August 2015 - ENCS

Pastor Josh continued the “Honour” series today
On “Honouring Women” he had quite a lot to say
Our experiences provide a lens through which we view
in the same way, our intentions can be misinterpreted too

To talk of honour, we must also consider submission
In the Old Testament, there were laws and permission
But we are no longer under the law, per Galatians three
For we are “all one in Christ Jesus” we can clearly see
To God, we now all have complete and open access
In that we are all equal so nobody is worth any less
Of course there are differences we can not ignore
But we should only care in cases God would honour
Still having different toilets for women and men
Is very different than segregated ones back then
In other words, if a difference we choose to highlight
It needs to be to honour others, by doing things right

A careful reading of Genesis one verse twenty seven
Says both man and woman came from God in heaven
Since in His image both sexes were actually created
The obvious differences should not be underestimated
For if the intention was that all humans were the same
There would be no need for individuals, or even a name

1 Peter three refers to woman as the “weaker vessel”
This is obviously true physically, Pastor Josh did tell
The passage says that God will answer a man’s petition
If the man honours his wife without any precondition
Josh said that women tend to be more perceptive
That shows in how men and women tend to live

God intended for us all to exist in partnerships
Genesis three tells of the first of man’s many slips
Covenants are serious, per Malachi chapter two
Marriage is a sacred covenant, that is not new

In terms of how man should honour woman therefore
Josh focused on two important points, nothing more
Man should not rebuke, per 1 Timothy chapter five
With purity, he should view all woman while alive
And per Ephesians four, speak all things in love
For we all belong to the body of Christ from above

Sunday, August 9, 2015

9 August 2015 - ENCS

This National Day sermon was shared by Dr Lee Suan Yew
He talked about history, the present, and the future too

The history of the Bible and Judaism are important to know
Understanding their language and culture help us to grow
Relative to twenty five hundred years, Jesus’ story was short
But his three ministry years were impactful, Dr Lee did report
We should also make good use of our limited time on earth
Building up treasures in heaven is the only true store of worth
While money is important to have, Dr Lee warned about greed
During the war years, resourcefulness was what they did need
Thanks to God’s Word, the colonialists Dr Lee eventually forgave
Proverbs chapter three verses five and six tells us how to behave
For it says that if we trust in the Lord with all of our heart
God will then make our paths straight, Solomon did impart

At present, Singapore has diversity, global presence, and green
But when independence came, the Singapore River was unclean
Ephesians five tells us to make the most of every opportunity
It also says we should understand what the Lord’s will may be
To Philippians chapter four verse six, Dr Lee did then refer
We should not worry about anything, from Paul we do infer
Instead, with thanksgiving, to God we should petition and pray
We succeed by setting appropriate priorities, Dr Lee did say
For the nation, hardwork and honesty have led to success
For our leaders, we should of course expect nothing less

In future, we should all aim to learn from our collective past
Through integrity and education, our success can long last
“Mens sana in corpore sano” in Latin Dr Lee did then quote
The English “a sound mind in a sound body” gets my vote
This will help us to help fulfill God’s purpose in our lives
Matthew six states that only eternal treasure survives
Our eyes should have a cross instead of a dollar sign
In this way, our path forward with God’s plan will align
Dr Lee then shared from this morning’s Daily Bread
Reading what Psalm number forty six verse ten said
We should be still and exalt God always, everywhere
And remember that our foundation should be prayer
Per Isaiah forty, even young men tire, stumble, and fall
But the Holy Spirit can renew and is there for us all

In summary, God providence is with us Dr Lee did saith
Miracles can still happen if we just have a strong faith

Sunday, August 2, 2015

2 August 2015 - ENCS

A new series on 'Honor', Pastor Josh did today start
To truly honor God, it must come from the heart

With First Peter chapter one, Josh then began
God offers hope and abundant life to all man
An imperishable eternal inheritance, we can get
God builds for the long term, we should not forget
Trials make us stronger and precious like gold
They also serve to purify us, we were then told
In this way, we can more brightly shine
And thus reflect Jesus and His ways divine

No matter what, we can shine for God above
Instead of being a victim, treat things with love
This led Josh to refer to Romans chapter five
About persevering as long as we may be alive
Suffering leads to persevering, character, and hope
Only with God’s love can we persevere and cope
If we have a vision, we will of course make a sacrifice
About our race, First Corinthians nine gives advice

Stop living for self, per Second Corinthians five
To live for Jesus, who died for us, we should strive
For God works for our good, says Romans eight
Being called, justified, and glorified is our fate

Trying to change ourselves is a disaster recipe
Either pride appears, as in Proverbs six we see
Or we quit, as we are unable to get everything done
So only boast in the Lord, per 1 Corinthians one
Not by might or power, per Zechariah four
But by His Spirit, which can do so much more

In John fifteen, Jesus says that he is the vine
If we abide in God, we can most surely shine
Perseverance, power, and presence are key
Because honouring God is meant to be