Friday, April 24, 2015

19 April 2015 - ENCS

The "Serve Nations" series Pastor Larry Matsuwaki did continue
In terms of reaching nations, the church takes on a world view
To support the Great Commission, each person has a different role
Some people go or fund, but about those who pray Pastor did extol
He mentioned that Singapore is hosting many events of prayer
Jesus' life and ministry revolved around prayer, he did share
This is why Jesus' disciples asked Him to teach them to pray
And why the enemy attacks our prayers, Pastor did then say
In Matthew twenty one, Jesus said the temple was a house of prayer
But the moneychangers and merchants turned it into a robber's lair
Jesus was a passionate prayer warrior who prayed for many others
For people of all backgrounds and situations, not just His brothers
Pastor Larry said that in terms of types of prayer, there are two
First is personal prayer, which is something we all tend to do
There is nothing wrong with asking for things, per Philippians four
Which also says that prayer should push anxiety out the door
But if or perhaps when our prayers are not immediately answered
Questioning God leads to doubt and uncertainty, which is absurd
For blessed are those who keep the faith without understanding
To our knowledge that "God is still God", we should always cling
It is natural at times to complain about the situation we may be in
Per Second Corinthians twelve, even Paul expressed his chagrin
But God responded to Paul that His "grace is sufficient for you"
But also that the Lord knows exactly what we are going through
Pastor said that the second type of prayer is prayer for the nations
Group prayer is very powerful and establishes strong foundations
God told the Jews to pray for peace and prosperity for their captor
Per the words in verse seven of Jeremiah, the twenty ninth chapter
For God had great plans for His nation, filled with hope and a future
By praying and knowing God better, they could their troubles endure
Similarly, we should pray for those who God has thrust into our life
That is how to others around the world we show love and avoid strife

Monday, April 6, 2015

6 April 2015 - Grace Changes Everything

Second Corinthians chapter nine verse eight does imbue
That our "God is able to make all grace abound to you"
"So that in all things at all times, having all that you need"
"You will abound in every good work" and thus succeed
Per the ENCS sermon series, "Grace Changes Everything"
That reality should lead us to daily give praise and to sing
For in the words of one popular song, "I've been set free"
Gone are my chains, "My God, my Savior has ransomed me"
What does this mean for us at a given time on any given day?
It does not mean that our problems will necessarily go away
But it means that our view of them can for the better change
For God's plans for us are good, and solutions He will arrange

Sunday, April 5, 2015

5 April 2015 - PLMC Sunrise Service

At Sunrise Service today, Pastor Lynette Sithiasingam spoke
On "Come, see, ...go and tell", as the angel that day spoke
Her sermon leveraged the first ten verses of Matthew twenty eight
About what transpired at the tomb at dawn on that first Easter date
Pastor Lynette focused on an invitation and four imperatives
On this important aspect, all four gospels include narratives
"Do not be afraid" to the women, the angel on the stone did say
He invited them to COME into the tomb to assuage their dismay
In many circumstances, Jesus instructed people to COME to him
Per Matthew eleven, He called those who were weary and grim
Or in John four, the Samarian woman at the well He addressed
With an invitation and a promise that He would give them rest
The angel told the women to SEE where Jesus had been laid
They were then filled with joy, although still somewhat afraid
Although they witnessed the earthquake and the stone rolled
It was imperative they actually SEE what prophets had foretold
It is our relationship with God that defines our faith, Pastor said
For then we can share experiences with others and not be misled
"GO quickly" was the third instruction that the angel did convey
Which mirrors the Great Commission from Jesus, Pastor did say
As Christians, we should never be content to be complacent
We are to spread the good news why Jesus to earth was sent
It is not enough for believers to just their own faith cultivate
We must GO everywhere in order to His kingdom inflate
The last imperative from the angel to the Marys was to "TELL"
Our life - and its words and actions - should do this as well
We should TELL others of this urgent message of hope
All have direct access to God's grace, not just the pope
Our testimony of what we have seen is what we should share
For that is how we really show people that we earnestly care
The four imperatives are thus to COME, SEE, GO, and TELL
This call to action, Jesus' resurrection should us duly compel

Friday, April 3, 2015

3 April 2015 - Good Friday

John chapters 18 and 19 tell us what happened on that day
Jesus was tormented in both a physical and an emotional way
In Matthew 26-27, Mark 14-15, and Luke 22-23 there is more
All about Jesus' death on the cross, what He came to earth for
He was betrayed, arrested, put on trial, mocked, and beaten
Disowned by Peter, with whom the Last Supper He had eaten
But throughout it all, only positive things Jesus had to say
And even at the end, for others Jesus did continue to pray
His crucifixion clearly fulfilled Old Testament prophecies
And forgiveness of our multitude of sins He guarantees
When I think of the flogging and His nail-pierced hands and feet
And knowing that because of Jesus, my life can be complete
Reading the words, let alone watching screen adaptations
Hits me hard, shaking my supposed strong foundations
I realize that words of thanks can never really be enough
I should do as Jesus would do, even when times are tough
What I do and how I respond is my testimony and tribute
And one measure is how much to society I do contribute
But no matter how much I may do or even poetically say
I know that this is one debt that I can never fully repay
Fortunately, that is not what God wants from any believer
He wants us to be faithful to Him and to be a grace receiver
So on this Good Friday I humbly say thanks for His grace
And with faith, against challenges I move forward to face