The "Serve Nations" series Pastor Larry Matsuwaki did continue
In terms of reaching nations, the church takes on a world view
To support the Great Commission, each person has a different role
Some people go or fund, but about those who pray Pastor did extol
He mentioned that Singapore is hosting many events of prayer
Jesus' life and ministry revolved around prayer, he did share
This is why Jesus' disciples asked Him to teach them to pray
And why the enemy attacks our prayers, Pastor did then say
In Matthew twenty one, Jesus said the temple was a house of prayer
But the moneychangers and merchants turned it into a robber's lair
Jesus was a passionate prayer warrior who prayed for many others
For people of all backgrounds and situations, not just His brothers
Pastor Larry said that in terms of types of prayer, there are two
First is personal prayer, which is something we all tend to do
There is nothing wrong with asking for things, per Philippians four
Which also says that prayer should push anxiety out the door
But if or perhaps when our prayers are not immediately answered
Questioning God leads to doubt and uncertainty, which is absurd
For blessed are those who keep the faith without understanding
To our knowledge that "God is still God", we should always cling
It is natural at times to complain about the situation we may be in
Per Second Corinthians twelve, even Paul expressed his chagrin
But God responded to Paul that His "grace is sufficient for you"
But also that the Lord knows exactly what we are going through
Pastor said that the second type of prayer is prayer for the nations
Group prayer is very powerful and establishes strong foundations
God told the Jews to pray for peace and prosperity for their captor
Per the words in verse seven of Jeremiah, the twenty ninth chapter
For God had great plans for His nation, filled with hope and a future
By praying and knowing God better, they could their troubles endure
Similarly, we should pray for those who God has thrust into our life
That is how to others around the world we show love and avoid strife