Pastor Josh reflected on decision making in a sermon “The Walk”
He said we often find ourselves balancing between two extremes
Per Matthew seven, opting for the narrow gate is hard - so it seems
But choosing the wide gate often leads down a road of destruction
Whether that be of trust, body, relationships, or just our production
Going through the narrow gate leads to where God wants us to be
And gives us excitement and joy every morning for others to see
But decisions in life are rarely that easy, Josh so appropriately said
So how we make good decisions must use both our heart and head
Four sequential ‘P’s to guide us, Pastor Josh did then with us share
Before he gave the stage to the worship team and took his chair
The first P is principles, which Josh said are partial not complete
Nonetheless, as guidance providers, they are very hard to beat
Per Isaiah forty, listen to and read God’s Word, as it stands forever
Per Second Chronicles seven, pray to God who ignores us never
And if we do not get clarity from words written or from heaven
Then seek advice from wise counsellors, per Proverbs eleven
For, as Josh astutely said, God wants us to behave relationally
Principles are a good start, but more is needed occasionally
The second P is priorities, as these are reflected by our choices
Put another way, our actions and decisions also act as our voices
Per Second Corinthians five, we should live for Jesus who died
When making decisions, choose which will result in Him glorified
Per Matthew six, we should opt for treasures eternal, not of the earth
Jobs should be to spread light and salt, not just building our net worth
The third P is preferences, as some decisions are actually situational
Per Psalm thirty seven verse four, delighting in the Lord is foundational
It says that when we do that, God will give us the desires of our heart
For through it all, God has wanted our friendship from the very start
Second Corinthians five instructs us to walk by faith, not by sight
When we do that, Pastor Josh said our decisions will be alright
The fourth P is person; Jesus should be honored by every decision
Per John fourteen, Jesus is the way, the truth, the life - our provision
And when we turn to Jesus and use our faith to make a choice
Even if it is wrong, God will help us “win” and for that we rejoice
In summary, principles, priorities, preferences, and the person
If we make decisions with that framework, God’s will be done