At ENCS on this last Sunday of the 2014 year
A double message from pastors we did hear
First from Pastor Larry, who the year did recap
Focusing on positives allowing energy to tap
We cannot put God in a box, Pastor did then say
When we come together, nothing can get in our way
He implored us to 'dream together' for Singapore's jubilee
Believe, intercede, and grow BIG, so success we will see
Then Pastor Arnie spoke on Philippians chapter three
In verse fourteen, the words goal and prize we do see
He said our goal for the year comes from verse eight
To draw near and know God, the reward is so great
He referred to Psalm 145:18 and John four twenty four
Of course the Bible is full of similar passages many more
God's Positioning System directs our life's path
Ensuring we get His blessing instead of His wrath
If we try to know, gain, be in, and be like Christ
At the end of life, it will have more than sufficed
Arnie then spoke about winning the prize
A life fully committed to God never dies
It is about disciple-making discipleship
To commit and submit helps us to equip
Jesus is our Savior and Lord so we will never lack
But as disciples, we must move forward not back
As Henrichsen said, "destroy avenues of retreat"
For then we can ensure that the enemy we defeat
In conclusion, we can press on and win the prize
For Jesus paid the price and from death did arise