The Redemption Stories series was continued by Pastor Mark Chew
He said we all have stories, some that are old and some that will be new
God is actually redeeming us, per Philippians chapter one
Our picture and story reflect our response to what is done
More often with others, our stories we should share
That is one way we can show God that we do care
Luke chapter twelve warns us against covetousness
The rich man planned for more but ended up with less
Pastor Mark's goal was to have a condo and cars three
Looking back, he realizes just how foolish that would be
The phrase 'full time' was planted in his brain
If he loved God so much, the answer was plain
God's gifts are irrevocable, per Romans eleven
Mark tried to bargain with our God in heaven
But he felt no peace, so he decided to take the leap
In his first church job, the learning curve was steep
Similarly, God has already called each and every one
We might have to give up dreams or even some fun
But per Psalm thirty one, in God we should trust
Pursuing God's dream with excitement is a must
For if to God we say yes and serve full time
He will not shortchange us by even a dime
Full time takes various forms, Pastor Larry did say
It does not mean being in the church every day
But whether in church or in the marketplace
On God's plans, our actions we must base