Sunday, November 30, 2014

30 November 2014 - ENCS

The Redemption Stories series was continued by Pastor Mark Chew
He said we all have stories, some that are old and some that will be new
God is actually redeeming us, per Philippians chapter one
Our picture and story reflect our response to what is done
More often with others, our stories we should share
That is one way we can show God that we do care
Luke chapter twelve warns us against covetousness
The rich man planned for more but ended up with less
Pastor Mark's goal was to have a condo and cars three
Looking back, he realizes just how foolish that would be
The phrase 'full time' was planted in his brain
If he loved God so much, the answer was plain
God's gifts are irrevocable, per Romans eleven
Mark tried to bargain with our God in heaven
But he felt no peace, so he decided to take the leap
In his first church job, the learning curve was steep
Similarly, God has already called each and every one
We might have to give up dreams or even some fun
But per Psalm thirty one, in God we should trust
Pursuing God's dream with excitement is a must
For if to God we say yes and serve full time
He will not shortchange us by even a dime
Full time takes various forms, Pastor Larry did say
It does not mean being in the church every day
But whether in church or in the marketplace
On God's plans, our actions we must base

Monday, November 17, 2014

16 November 2014 - ENCS

The Redemption Stories series was continued by Rachel Ong
Despite fighting God's call at first, her testimony is very strong
For through her companies she can now reach the marketplace
Bringing to others the messages of God's joy, hope, and grace
She then referenced the book of Job, with chapters forty two
Job was apparently blameless and upright in all that he did do
With a large family and ten thousand cattle, he was called great
He lost everything but refused to blame God on that woeful date
His family, wealth, health, and good name did all disappear
But in the end, all was restored and he lived for many a year
Rachel asked God about areas of life numbering four
Little did she know what for her was soon to be in store
About health issues, she told God that she did not understand
She might have kept silent if she knew what God had planned
A diagnosis of appendicitis due to immense pain in her side
But a twenty three centimeter tumor the doctor then spied
Rachel never questioned God over the next six days
In fact, she continued to trust Him and give Him praise
For God does not owe us anything, including our health
Everything we have comes from His immense wealth
The operation was successful although the tumor had grown
Hearing that it weighed seven kilos made many of us moan
There was no cancer and one ovary was able to be saved
The doctor said "divine intervention" on her should be engraved
From a very painful recovery she did not shirk
But after four weeks, Rachel returned to work
Three points about her story Rachel then with us share
They serve as a wonderful reminder not to ever despair
The first is that our God is bigger than any pain we may face
"Hope against hope, for hope never fails" due to God's grace
The second is that some pain is actually good for our soul
It provides a perspective that helps us to others console
Rachel also said it gives us a small understanding
Of the pain to Jesus that his crucifixion did bring
This relates to Philippines chapter three verse ten
Paul wanted to share in Christ's sufferings again
Bad things happen to good people, that is quite plain
But through all of our suffering, God will always reign
The third is in God we should give our wholehearted trust
Increasing our faith instead of fear, Rachel said is a must
Googling about symptoms tends to merely add to our fear
Whilst going to God in earnest prayer helps us to persevere
By referring to Job forty two verse ten, Rachel did conclude
For Job's family, wealth, health and name were all renewed
Job lived another one hundred forty years being blessed
We should also believe in miracles and not be stressed
For God reigns, whether circumstances are good or bad
That fact in itself should make us joyful instead of sad

Monday, November 3, 2014

2 November 2014 - ENCS

Pastor Larry continued the series entitled "Redemption Stories"
Redemption saves us from sin, enabling us to receive God's glories
Because Jesus redeemed us so we can have life eternal
Changed should be our lives, both internal and external
Pastor then read from Revelations twelve verse eleven
The exiled John heard these words, directly from heaven
"They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb" we did see
And then, as importantly "by the word of their testimony"
The enemy wants us to feel defeated and facing damnation
But God says we are victors, not victims, in every situation
By the blood of Jesus, Pastor Larry said we can overcome
Jesus' sacrifice was required, so we should be far from glum
We have all sinned and fall short, per Romans chapter three
The penalty should be death, in Romans six we clearly see
But per Hebrews nine, we have now secured redemption
Our sins are forgiven, so from death we have exemption
Isaiah fifty three prophesied that by His stripes we are healed
So when we claim victory, the enemy will be scared and yield
We also overcome by the work of our testimony, Pastor did say
Per Colossians one, God has rescued us out of harm's way
Since we live in freedom, we all have a testimony to share
They can encourage others who may be feeling despair
Redemption stories were then shared by Alymark and Marisol
About how they escaped troubled pasts, they both did tell
Pastor Larry referenced Psalm one hundred twenty four
And told of man who paid to release a bird out a cage door
Similarly, Jesus loves each of us so much that he gladly died
After living an earthly life that still acts for us as a perfect guide
He effectively opens our individual cages and lets us go
In return we should tell our testimonies instead of lying low
By not loving our lives is the third way that we can overcome
Per Mark ten, Jesus' life was ransomed for many, not just some
He expects the same from His followers, both then and now
In Romans one, unashamed of the gospel Paul did avow
For the gospel is the power of God that is salvation for all
So from telling others our testimonies, we should not stall