The "Go" series was today continued by Calvin Hong
About witnessing to the "Community" to which we belong
The core text Calvin used was Acts chapter one verse eight
His disciples were to witness in Judea, Jesus did state
To witness is to share with others something we have seen
From our passion, our belief in the message others can glean
In Romans one verse sixteen, Paul says he is not ashamed
Sharing the gospel with both Jew and Gentile, he proclaimed
Remember that Jesus died a public death, Calvin did point out
So about our own faith we should not be afraid to loudly shout
We have nothing to fear, which comes from unbelief and sin
Besides, fear is the opposite of faith, which we have within
Faith comes from hearing the message, per Romans ten seventeen
And faith results from surrendering to the Lord God, who is unseen
Often our greatest battle is between our brain and our heart
God speaks to our heart, so from His path we do not depart
He promises that He will always meet us on the other side
For even without understanding we must surrender and abide
Per Matthew five verses thirteen to sixteen, we are salt and light
For others in the world, we can act as a beacon in the dark night
Calvin said that he uses sports to reach out to the community
His 'preaching' is done via his actions that the others can see
We can each make a difference by changing the atmosphere
Hour by hour, day by day, month by month, and year by year
To preach the Word, Timothy four verse two gives the reason
Paul says we should "be prepared in season and out of season"
Remember we are in places of influence in our communities
We can use our own experiences to each opportunity seize
Sometimes there is a reason God puts us through a tough trial
If nothing else, it makes our knowledge much more versatile
Ephesians two verses eight to ten say we are God's workmanship
We are created to do good works, for which God did us equip
Unless we submit completely to Him, we can not complete His plan
That is a true statement whether we are young or old, woman or man
And in whatever we do, we should not boast about our own works
By grace, through faith, we are saved so gifts from God are perks
In conclusion, Calvin said that each of us can make a difference
And then challenged us not to wait but to immediately commence
With friends and colleagues we are given opportunities each day
To influence others by what we do and the words that we say
That is how we can be good witnesses to our community
It will be challenging but rewarding, Calvin did guarantee