Sunday, July 27, 2014

27 July 2014 - ENCS

Pastor Neli Atiga gave his farewell sermon at ENCS earlier today
To Every Nation Church in Brisbane he will soon be on his way
After we took communion and the congregation had all entered
His sermon continued the series on Colossians titled "Centered"
Our days are numbered so what we focus on really does matter
Pastor Neli laid out three ways to identify our focus on a platter
First is our passion, what we are willing to make sacrifices for
Second is our priority, in other words what we have at our core
And third is people, the ones and the values that surround us
If we are centered on Christ, everything else becomes a plus
Pastor then said that we have one job so need to get it right
The rest of his sermon thus focused on what we need to fight
Colossians one verses fifteen to twenty talk of Christ's pre-eminence
We were created by him and for him, his power and glory are immense
But God also dwells in him and reconciled with the world through him
If these four 'hims' were not all true, our future would look quite dim
So Jesus should be our passion and priority, who we try to emulate
By doing so, Pastor said, our walk on God's path will be kept straight
Colossians two refers to Laodicea, which sat on the river Meander
Jesus called them lukewarm in Revelation three with much candor
We must avoid meandering and having our faith be lukewarm
So about five potential causes of this Pastor Neli did us inform
First is our image, or how we might appear in others' eyes
If this drives us, our passion dissipates Pastor did advise
Second is trying to improve, for we should want to obey his law
This is what was written in John fourteen verse fifteen, we saw
Third is impulse, giving into the desires of former addictions
We should try to avoid temptation to adhere to our convictions
Fourth is immaturity, wanting others to feed us all the time
Instead, we should be doing things for the church in our prime
Fifth is idolatry, which Pastor Neli said is at the center of all sin
Letting other things take center stage is where problems begin
I note that Brisbane's big gain is of course Singapore's big loss
But either way, Neli will still be sharing the message of the cross
We will miss his musical talents, his jokes, his smile, and his size
Along with his ability to always find a way to spring a surprise
Thank Pastor Neli for all you have done for so many people
Go forth, young man, and change lives under a new steeple

Sunday, July 20, 2014

20 July 2014 - King Jesus is Born

“Why do…the peoples plot in vain?” says Psalm two
The Lord and His Anointed One the leaders try to outdo
From heaven, the Lord scoffs and rebukes them all
For His King on Zion – the holy hill - God did install
“You are my Son…and I [am] your Father,” God said
God will make “the nations [His] inheritance” instead
“Therefore, you kings, be wise [and] be warned”
For they should serve the Lord they once scorned

The Lord said to Jesus, according to Psalm one hundred ten
To “sit at [His] right hand” and rule over all earthly men
For on “the day of battle”, “[His] troops will be willing”
Jesus is a “priest forever”, thus old prophecies fulfilling
God “will crush kings on the day of His wrath”
For Jesus will always be found on God’s path
There have been many priests, per Hebrews seven
But only one lives forever, He was sent from heaven
“Therefore he is able to save completely” any person
“He lives to intercede for them” before their lives worsen

The birth of Jesus is briefly written about in Luke two
Joseph went to Bethlehem, for a census all had to do
He went with Mary, his betrothed who was expecting
She gave birth to her son in a stable without objecting
There were shepherds in the nearby fields with their flock
The glory of the Lord shone, and their knees did all knock
But an angel came and told them about the good news
That in Bethlehem had been born the King of the Jews
They were told to rejoice, for they were not in any danger
They would find Jesus wrapped in clothes lying in a manger

“After Jesus was born in Bethlehem,” per Matthew two
Magi from the east came, a star in the sky was the clue
The king of the Jews is who they wanted to worship
So they brought gifts with them on the very long trip
King Herod was disturbed; the Magi in secret he did call
They were to report back to him; his evil plans not to stall
The child they did find as to the star they did refer
They worshipped him with gold, incense, and myrrh
About Herod’s evil plot from a dream they did learn
So by another route to their country they did return

Sunday, July 6, 2014

6 July 2014 : The Promise of Jesus' Coming

In Isaiah forty nine, his praises were very wise
For he knew that he was honored in God’s eyes
The tribes of Jacob, God promised to restore
Bringing them back to where they were before
For the Gentiles, He will also make a light
His salvation would outshine any blight
God also promised His people, in Micah five
That from Bethlehem, a ruler would come alive
Israel would be abandoned until that time
But the ruler’s powers would be sublime
The people will then be able to live securely
For all the earth will His greatness then see

The prophet had a vision one night, per Daniel seven
He saw the son of man coming down from heaven
The son of man approached The Ancient of Days
And was given all authority and therefore praise
With sovereign power, God did Him equip
All people and nations did Him then worship
His dominion is everlasting and will not pass away
His Kingdom cannot be destroyed, forever it will stay
God used to speak through prophets, per Hebrews one
But later He sent His heir, His only begotten Son
“The Son is the radiance of God’s glory…and being”
He provided purification from sin, for all so freeing
And now He sits in heaven by God’s right hand
“Superior to the angels”, we all now understand

Based on "The One Minute Bible Day by Day"
So far, the Old Testament I have tried to convey
More than two hundred stanzas are now complete
The underlying stories are of course not obsolete
But now onto the New Testament I endeavor to go
In the hope that my knowledge continues to grow
Please pray that I manage to find rhyme after rhyme
I hope that you will enjoy them, if you have the time

Saturday, July 5, 2014

5 July 2014 - Malachi

The Lord God spoke through his prophet, in Malachi three
“I will send my messenger [to] prepare the way before me”
“The messenger of the covenant, whom you desire, will come”
But will the people standing there be happy or feel numb?
For “he will purify the Levites and refine them like gold”
And the offerings of the people will be like days of old
But “all the arrogant and every evildoer will be stubble”
They will be set on fire and reduced to ashes and rubble
“But for you who revere my name”, righteousness for all
“And you will go out and leap [as if] released from the stall”

Thursday, July 3, 2014

3 July 2014 - Esther:Jewish Queen of Persia

King Xerxes ruled over a large area, per Esther one
After three years, a massive state banquet was begun
The king called for Queen Vashti in crown to appear
When she refused, the king’s anger was quite clear
The nobles ruled that the queen had done wrong
Her punishment – banishment - would be lifelong
They said that the king should give her position
To someone better, so they held an audition

Mordecai raised Esther, “lovely in form and feature”
She was put under Hegai’s care so he could teach her
She pleased him, won favor, and was given special food
In the best part of the harem Hegai did Esther include
About her Jewish nationality or family, she did not tell
If that was known, she would have had to say farewell
The king was attracted to her more than others he had seen
As a result, he gave her a crown and made her the queen

King Xerxes gave Haman the seat of honor highest
All other officials had to kneel down at his behest
To “kneel down or pay him honor” Mordecai did refuse
Haman then decided to kill him along with all the Jews
Into Xerxes’ ears, Haman did say many a thing
Resulting in a decree being issued from the king
For the destruction of the Jews, the decree did provide
Many tons of silver, for those who helped, were set aside

Twice did Esther invite the king and Haman to dine
On the second day, they were enjoying a nice wine
The king said he would grant anything Esther did request
She said to save her people from slaughter would be best
For the name of the man responsible, King Xerxes did ask
She pointed at Haman, whose treachery she did then unmask
The king said “hang him”; it was not a slip of the tongue
From the very tall gallows he built, Haman was then hung