Saturday, May 31, 2014

31 May 2014 - The Fall and Restoration of Israel

Jeremiah looked at Jerusalem, per Lamentations one
It seemed the people’s suffering was far from done
It was as if the nation went from queen to slave
She weeps bitterly for citizens gone to the grave
But Jeremiah had hope, per Lamentations three
For the Lord’s great love is there for all to see
“His compassions never fail” and his faithfulness great
Jeremiah said to himself that for the Lord he would wait
“The Lord is good to those whose hope is in Him”
For those who seek Him, things will never be grim

The Lord replied to Habakkuk’s complaints in chapter two
Saying the enemy is arrogant and greedy in what he will do
And although he will take all the peoples captive
Piling up stolen goods and wealth is no way to live
Habakkuk prayed with admiration in chapter three
He waited for the day of calamity on the enemy
For despite the barren fields and empty stalls
Habakkuk rejoiced in the Lord though the halls

In Obadiah, the prophet shared words from the Lord
Edom will be judged, for God’s message it ignored
For violence against their brethren they were to blame
As a result, forever they would be covered with shame
They stood aloof as Jerusalem strangers attacked
And the holy city was plundered and ransacked
“The day of the Lord is near for all nations”
For their actions, there will be ramifications
But, God did say, “on Mount Zion will be deliverance”
“And the house of Jacob will possess its inheritance”

In the middle of a valley of bones, per Ezekiel thirty seven
Ezekiel was brought and then set by the Spirit from heaven
To prophesy to the bones, God then instructed Ezekiel
God would give the bones breath and life, Ezekiel did tell
While prophesying, Ezekiel saw bones come together
A vast army came to life despite the extreme weather
“The whole house of Israel” the bones did represent
And God then said what by this He actually meant
He would revive the Israelites and let them settle in their land
That He did it for them, they would once again understand

Monday, May 26, 2014

25 May 2014 - ENCS

ENCS celebrated nineteen years with a Convergence service quite unique
On "Encountering Christ, Experiencing Community", Brett Fuller did speak
He said that a daily renewal of a great relationship with God is great
"Press on to know Him better", as Paul is one we should emulate
But we must also build several relationships with others in a community
Allowing us to take our skills and talents to another level for others to see
From John chapter eleven, he then read the story of Lazarus' resurrection
For Lazarus and his sisters Mary and Martha, Jesus had great affection
The fact that Lazarus was buried in a tomb instead of a common grave
Supports the view that part of their riches as support to Jesus they gave
When Lazarus fell quite ill, to Jesus the sisters immediately sent word
And were thus disappointed when for days from Him they had not heard
When Martha went to meet Jesus, there was lots she probably left unsaid
For God doesn't follow our plans; we should have faith and follow His instead
We should let our views be driven by our theology instead of our emotion
Remembering that God is all-knowing when we come to an interpretation
And if our dreams do not come to pass or seem to be taking too long
It may well be that they are too small, distorted, or perhaps just wrong
Pastor said God often wants to encounter us in various new ways
We should read the Bible no matter our mood on each of our days
For just as a bricklayer builds something from a mundane process
As we build our faith and knowledge, God will most surely us bless
Mary went to meet Jesus with the same comments and request
Jesus went to the grave and Lazarus came out at Jesus' behest
But before this, due to his disciples' clear lack of faith, "Jesus wept"
Despite all His miracles, His promised resurrection they did not accept
Similarly, only Christ can bring us back from the death of sin
But, like Lazarus, others must unwrap the clothes we are in
For unless we are unbound, we cannot fulfill God's plan
This has of course been the case ever since time began
In conclusion, we cannot walk with God while we are bound
To overcome our many flaws, we need a community around

Sunday, May 25, 2014

25 May 2014 - Judah Goes Into Exile

Per Second Chronicles thirty six, Zedekiah was twenty one
He became king of Judah but many bad things were done
He did not humble himself and did evil in the Lord’s eyes
Given all the warnings God had sent, this was not very wise
The people mocked His prophets and aroused His wrath
There was no remedy for they went too far down the path
God handed all of them over to the Babylonian king
All of the temple’s treasures to Babylon he did bring
Then he set fire to the temple and broke down the wall
The remnant became servants to him, one and all

Sunday, May 18, 2014

18 May 2014 - The Prophets to Judah

The book of Nahum shared an oracle concerning Nineveh
For Nineveh was a major city in the kingdom of Assyria
“The Lord takes vengeance and is filled with wrath”
He will not leave unpunished those who block his path
His indignation nobody can realistically endure or withstand
With an overwhelming flood, he will destroy Nineveh’s land
The king of Assyria and his people will then scatter
And all other people will rejoice about the matter

The future of Jerusalem is prophesied in Zephaniah three
Zephaniah says “woe to the…rebellious and defiled” city
For in the Lord the people did not trust or draw near
The leaders’ arrogance and treachery did not disappear
The Lord dispenses his justice in keeping with His name
He does not fail “yet the unrighteous know no shame”
But God will take away punishment and grant a new start
So Israel should then “be glad and rejoice with [its] heart”

Jeremiah was a son of a priest, per Jeremiah one
The Lord’s word came to him until Judah’s exile begun
God appointed Jeremiah as a prophet before he was born
So he must do whatever God commanded, God did warn
But Jeremiah was not to be afraid, for God would protect
Then into Jeremiah’s mouth His words the Lord did inject

Jeremiah saw a boiling pot tilting away from the north
God said that on the people, disaster would flow forth
He would pronounce His judgments against them
Their wickedness and actions He would condemn
But God made a fortified city with a bronze wall
This enabling the people to fight and not to fall

After many years of prophesying, per Jeremiah twenty six
The people still ignored him and their ways they did not fix
God once again told them to listen and to follow his law
If not, they would be cursed instead of being held in awe
As soon as the people heard this, Jeremiah they did seize
For they disliked the message conveyed in his prophesies
One more time, God’s message Jeremiah boldly shared
The officials told the priests that his life should be spared

Saturday, May 10, 2014

10 May 2014 - Good King Hezekiah

Hezekiah became king of Judah, per Second Kings eighteen
Apparently no better king before or after him was ever seen
In the eyes of the Lord he always did what was right
He removed the Asherah poles from the people's sight
Hezekiah trusted in the Lord and kept His commands
God was with him as he defeated those of other lands
But the Assyrians laid siege to Samaria for three long years
And eventually captured it, bringing about suffering and tears
Assyria captured cities of Judah, per Second Kings eighteen
From Jerusalem, the Assyrian armies were clearly seen
To the Lord, Hezekiah did give much praise and pray
He asked God to listen to the words that he had to say
Praying that from the Assyrian army, God would Jerusalem deliver
God told Isaiah that King Hezekiah had no reason to fear or shiver
One hundred eighty five thousand Assyrian men an angel did kill
The Assyrian king withdrew, for he did not want more blood to spill

Sunday, May 4, 2014

4 May 2014 - Israel Into Exile

Per Second Kings seventeen, as the prophets had foretold
The sinful Israelites went into captivity in Assyria and toiled
They had done things in secret that were far from right
And did not respect the Lord God’s strength and might
They burned incense and to anger they did God provoke
And had ignored the prophets through whom He spoke
God’s commands and decrees, the people did reject
Like their forefathers, the Israelites were stiff-necked

4 May 2014 - The Prophets to Israel

The Lord spoke to the prophet Joel, per Joel chapter two
Telling the under attack Israelites what they should do
“Even now…return to me with all your heart”
“With fasting and weeping…” on your part
God said he wanted their hearts, not their clothes
For He is gracious and His compassion grows
Due to His love, “he relents from sending calamity”
Besides, “Who knows? He may turn and have pity”
Joel told Israel to gather and to declare a holy fast
Praying to God not to turn the nation into an outcast
In response, “the Lord will be jealous for his land”
“And take pity on his people” wherever they may stand

The Lord spoke to the prophet Amos, per Amos nine
The “sinful kingdom” was in the eyes of the Lord divine
God threatened to destroy it but not Jacob’s house
Because of their evil actions and many a grouse
God said, “All the sinners…will die by the sword”
For they were arrogant and ignored the Lord
But He promised to “restore David’s fallen tent”
And thus rebuild it as He had originally meant
He promised to “plant Israel in their own land”
And said from there, they would never be banned

The Lord spoke to the prophet Hosea, per Hosea eleven
Israel strayed despite being rescued, said God in heaven
But although the Israelite nation continued to refuse to repent
God’s compassion will overcome his anger at their dissent
He promised not to devastate Ephraim or to come in wrath
For God knows that they will eventually follow his path

The Lord spoke to the prophet Isaiah, per Isaiah six
God was on His throne, glorious as everyone depicts
The seraphs’ voices of praise shook the room
For the whole earth God’s glory does consume
Isaiah rued that the people had unclean lips
His guilt and sin, the seraph’s coal eclipsed
The voice of the Lord Isaiah did then hear
In response, “Send me!” Isaiah did volunteer

The Lord spoke to the prophet Micah, per Micah one
God promised judgment for what the people had done
The Lord will come down from His dwelling place
Because Israel’s transgression did Him debase
Then He “will make Samaria a heap of rubble”
Breaking idols into pieces, for they are trouble

Friday, May 2, 2014

2 May 2014 - Jonah: The Reluctant Prophet

Per Jonah one, God told Jonah to go to Nineveh to preach
Because into that city's wickedness God wanted to reach
But Jonah resisted the call and from the Lord tried to flee
He set out to Tarshish by crossing the Mediterranean Sea
God sent a violent storm that threatened the ship and crew
After talking with each other, Jonah was at fault they all knew
Jonah said that he should be picked up and thrown into the sea
The crew eventually did so and from the storm they were free
God sent a great fish to swallow Jonah, verse seventeen cites
Jonah stayed in the fish's stomach for three days and nights

From inside the fish, to God Jonah did earnestly pray
“In my distress I called to the Lord”, he did first say
Jonah acknowledged that God had saved his life
And apologized for causing such serious strife
“Salvation comes from the Lord”, he did then understand
God commanded the fish to vomit Jonah onto dry land

Jonah then went to Nineveh in order the Lord to obey
He warned the city of impending doom on the first day
The Ninevites believed God and declared a fast
They all prayed that God’s wrath would be recast
God saw that from their evil ways they did turn
A reprieve from utter destruction they did earn

2 May 2014 - Elijah: The Fiery Prophet

Per First Kings sixteen, over Israel Ahab twenty years did reign
More than any other, he provoked God to anger again and again
Elijah told Ahab that there would be a severe drought
But God would take care of Elijah, there was no doubt
Ravens brought him bread and meat; he drank from the brook
At the Lord's words to Solomon, the people refused to look
For He forewarned them, per Second Chronicles seven
God would heal the land if their pleas He heard in heaven
After more than two years, per First Kings eighteen
God told Elijah to return and rain would be seen
Ahab met Elijah and blamed him for all the trouble
Elijah said that Ahab's actions were sinfully double
To gather the prophets of Baal and Asherah, Elijah did instruct
Although one against eight hundred fifty, a test he would conduct
Two fires would be laid but not lit - with a bull on the top of each
"The god who answers by fire - He is God" was the lesson to teach
Elijah allowed the Baal prophets to choose and go first
From morning until noon, Baal their god they coerced
There was no response and then Elijah started to taunt
Even at the end of the day, there was nothing to flaunt
Elijah repaired the altar and had water poured on the wood
He prayed and God lit the fire as only the true God could
The people saw this and fell prostrate to honor God
The Baal prophets were all killed for their facade

Thursday, May 1, 2014

27 April 2014 - UCC Keene

On the last Sunday before Pastor Gordon Ellis leaves UCC Keene
He spoke about water, about which many Biblical passages are seen
Psalm sixty seven, Acts ten, and John seven
All speak about water as a gift from heaven
We cannot live without water, which is a key element of creation
Engineering prowess enables water's amassing and utilization
Great aqueducts collected water and carried it far away
The ruins of these aqueducts are still impressive today
The Jordan River has been shrinking as it is siphoned for irrigation
Reflecting water's status as a scarce resource in every Mideast nation
Water symbolizes cleansing and renewal and so much more
In particular, it symbolizes the foreboding underworld's door
So when God stirs up water, it proves that miracles happen
In Genesis, there was creation and then after the flood again
In Exodus, the Israelites escaped when God stirred up the Red Sea
Later Moses' rod brought water from a stone for all the nation to see
In Joshua, the ark carriers saw a swirling Jordan River all around
But God stirred up the water to allow them to cross on dry ground
There were also water miracles in the New Testament
John baptized many, telling of the Messiah God had sent
Jesus turned water into wine and walked in the Sea of Galilee
And on Pentecost, believers were baptized and filled with glee
Miracles still happen today when God stirs the water in our soul
Having God present and alive in our lives should thus be our goal

20 April 2014 - Easter (ENCS)

On Easter, the "Cross Words" series was ended by Pastor Larry Matsuwaki
When Jesus said "it is finished", He meant that it was a complete victory
While "I thirst" was an obvious sign of Jesus' humanity
It also referred to what in Psalm sixty nine we do see
We need a relationship with God, as Jesus well knew
The "it is finished" statement meant that He did not rue
The Greek word "tetelestai" is in the perfect tense
The action happened once but lasts for eternity hence
Jesus finished three things, Pastor Larry did then say
Sacrifice, substitution, and salvation all came that day
Jesus' sinless sacrifice finished God's plan that had been so often foretold
Per Matthew five, over three hundred fifty prophecies from the Testament Old
To Hebrews nine, Romans five, and Revelation twelve Pastor did refer
Saying that Jesus' blood gives us forgiveness, righteousness, and power
Jesus' substitution atoned for our sins, Pastor did say
A very high physical and emotional price Jesus did pay
Per Romans five, Second Corinthians five, and Isaiah fifty three
Jesus took all of our sin and justified by His blood now are we
That word "tetelestai" also means "paid in full", like our debt
Per Romans eight, no condemnation about which to fret
We are forever free of guilt and shame and of being afraid
For granted we should not take the great price that He paid
Jesus died to give us life, per John three verse sixteen
As long as we believe in Him, in John eleven it is seen
We should not live for other relationships, career, or money
For the enemy wants to kill and destroy, in John ten we see
But to destroy the devil's work is why Jesus did appear
We should walk in victory and no longer anything fear
And by listening to God more than to the enemy
Going to waste, we won't let Jesus' action be
Jesus has conquered death and He reigns forever
His love for us and our salvation He will not sever

20 April 2014 - Easter (PLMC)

At the sunrise service, we heard about "Good Morning" from Gladwin Lee
There was much anxiety on that first Easter Sunday, per John twenty three
First Jesus had dies and now his body was not there
So many possibilities - it was too much for Mary to bear
She did not recognize Jesus at first but the news was good
He went to heaven; she ran to tell others as fast as she could
People are happy because "hope springs eternal in the human breast"
Only hell has no hope because Jesus defeated death and all the rest
Per First Corinthians fifteen, He overcame death's sting
Jesus is alive and thus eternal life His victory did bring
Pastor Gladwin said nothing we do for God is ever useless
Jesus' resurrection gives us hope that helps with any mess
King George the Sixth proved to be a role model in World War Two
He overcame his stuttering and told the people what they should do
Saying it was better to walk hand in hand with God in the dark of night
As that hope and confidence was superior to any other form of light
Similarly, Jesus' empty tomb tells us that Jesus is alive
With worship each day, for God's glory we should strive

18 April 2014 - Good Friday (PLMC)

On Good Friday morning, Pastor Lynette spoke on "Why The Cross"
The empty cross actually reflects Jesus' resurrection, not his life's loss
He died so that we could have a personal relationship with our God
The cross stretched between heaven and earth like a connecting rod
Pastor Lynette then discussed Jesus' last phrases, numbering seven
And told us that this number is perfect in the eyes of God in heaven
"Father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing" was first
This referred not only to those who by rights should have been cursed
Including the execution party, the priests, Pilate, and the abusive crowd
But is representative of all of us for sins in our hearts as well as out loud
Pastor asked is it is true that we "know not what we do"
The real message is of forgiveness for all, not just a few
"Today you will walk with me in paradise" Jesus did then say
The focus is on an individual, for God cares for us every day
As foretold in Isaiah fifty three, nobody is beyond redemption
If we confess sins and ask for forgiveness, we receive salvation
Our salvation does not depend on good deeds we may have done
But is free because of what was done on the cross by God's son
"Dear woman, here is you son" and to John, "here is your mother"
For Jesus' relationships are full of love and each of us is a brother
A true friend would lay down his life for another, per John fifteen
In John three verse sixteen, God's love for the world is clearly seen
Jesus had human feelings and therefore feels our suffering and pain
The cross means that no type of discrimination should occur again
"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?", Jesus cried out
Until that point, of God's constant presence He never had any doubt
But when Jesus bore the world's sin, darkness came and God turned away
But Jesus carried out God's will and paid the price of atonement that day
As the cross took a physical toll on him, Jesus said "I thirst"
For the lingering and painful death on the cross is the worst
Per Psalm twenty two, His suffering was real despite being divine
We will likewise suffer but the deliverance will make things fine
"It is finished" marked the end of the work of redemption
Which fulfilled prophecies, including from just after creation
Jesus said "it" not "I" so there is nothing more for us to do
Our debts have been paid and we can proceed with life anew
"Father, into your hands I commit my spirit", Jesus did conclude
He called again to God before He decided to die on the rood
For Jesus Laid down His life for us of His own accord
As such all the security we need the cross does afford
Pastor said that these seven sayings will to us security bring
Jesus is no longer on the cross and is our eternal king
And as we read what on the cross He did say
He is available to each of us every single day