Rachel Ong concluded the series titled "The Core" this week
On "I am in a church, but am I in a community?" she did speak
It has become tougher over the years as the church has grown
The importance of life groups has thus been clearly shown
For as a church gets bigger by adding many a new member
The value of community is something we must all remember
Rachel's three communities on the screen we did see
She then shared three blessings of being in community
The first blessing is "to be able to walk together and do life"
This means sharing in times of joy as well as times of strife
A good community can effectively reduce life's weight
And its judgment can help us keep our walk straight
To Ecclesiastes four verses seven to ten Rachel did then refer
Without relationships, happiness the man's wealth did not confer
Despite more people in the world, loneliness is a big issue
Mobile phones and the Internet interfere - that is very true
We should spend more time connecting face to face instead
This helps us be content is what both Paul and Timothy said
The second blessing is that "our family and children prosper"
For the community is a safe place with role models proper
When in a community, we are also more open to feedback
For encouragement and true support we will never lack
To develop wholesome relationships, the church is the best place
We can learn how to love unconditionally while in a trusted space
Remember that according to Ephesians one verse five
By adopting us as his sons, great pleasure did God derive
The third blessing is that "our destinies intertwine and are fulfilled"
Per 1 Corinthians two verse nine, none of know what God has willed
But we know that was has been prepared has been with love
For that is the key attribute of our Lord God in heaven above
In a related way, a community is basically an extended family
A picture of four pastor's kids on her staff we did then see
We need courage to be vulnerable, Rachel did then say
That is much easier to do in a small community today
In such a community, we should think the best of each other
Whether it be a friend, a parent, a child, a sister or brother
That means that there should be no jealousy or envy
And offenses are forgiven quickly in this community
Rachel concluded her sermon by referencing a Tim Keller quote
Spiritual friendships go deeper, as they don't do things by rote
Remember that the purpose of everything that God has done
Is to enable friendships with others, and of course with His Son
Rachel's last line was that friendships are a sign of good health
And they are far more valuable to us that any material wealth