Sunday, February 23, 2014

23 February 2014 - ENCS

Rachel Ong concluded the series titled "The Core" this week
On "I am in a church, but am I in a community?" she did speak
It has become tougher over the years as the church has grown
The importance of life groups has thus been clearly shown
For as a church gets bigger by adding many a new member
The value of community is something we must all remember
Rachel's three communities on the screen we did see
She then shared three blessings of being in community
The first blessing is "to be able to walk together and do life"
This means sharing in times of joy as well as times of strife
A good community can effectively reduce life's weight
And its judgment can help us keep our walk straight
To Ecclesiastes four verses seven to ten Rachel did then refer
Without relationships, happiness the man's wealth did not confer
Despite more people in the world, loneliness is a big issue
Mobile phones and the Internet interfere - that is very true
We should spend more time connecting face to face instead
This helps us be content is what both Paul and Timothy said
The second blessing is that "our family and children prosper"
For the community is a safe place with role models proper
When in a community, we are also more open to feedback
For encouragement and true support we will never lack
To develop wholesome relationships, the church is the best place
We can learn how to love unconditionally while in a trusted space
Remember that according to Ephesians one verse five
By adopting us as his sons, great pleasure did God derive
The third blessing is that "our destinies intertwine and are fulfilled"
Per 1 Corinthians two verse nine, none of know what God has willed
But we know that was has been prepared has been with love
For that is the key attribute of our Lord God in heaven above
In a related way, a community is basically an extended family
A picture of four pastor's kids on her staff we did then see
We need courage to be vulnerable, Rachel did then say
That is much easier to do in a small community today
In such a community, we should think the best of each other
Whether it be a friend, a parent, a child, a sister or brother
That means that there should be no jealousy or envy
And offenses are forgiven quickly in this community
Rachel concluded her sermon by referencing a Tim Keller quote
Spiritual friendships go deeper, as they don't do things by rote
Remember that the purpose of everything that God has done
Is to enable friendships with others, and of course with His Son
Rachel's last line was that friendships are a sign of good health
And they are far more valuable to us that any material wealth

Sunday, February 16, 2014

16 February 2014 - ENCS

Pastor Josh continued the series entitled "The Core" today
Our core value comes out of us by nature, he did first say
Which is why the value of God is worth so much more
Nothing else matters unless we are changed from the core
Pastor focused on discipleship and its true worth
Following in the footsteps of Jesus' mission on earth
An encounter with Jesus changes our core and purpose
But we can only accomplish this if God is helping us
To walk in our destinies should be our strong desire
For that is how we can each help build His empire
Loving God is at Every Nation Church's mission's core
Pastor then talked about elements of discipleship four
The first is to engage the culture and community
One-on-one or in a group big or small this can be
Remember that Jesus did connect with various people
Using their perspective is how we get them to the steeple
He said the second is to establish a biblical foundation
Sharing God's Word in life groups for implementation
Equipping believers to minister is point number three
We must each know how to use our tools appropriately
In terms of knowledge and talents, this is clearly true
Putting them to good use is what daily we must do
Empowering disciples to make disciples is fourth
Starting the cycle again is generating more worth
To Matthew 28: 18-20 Pastor Josh did then turn
From Jesus' Great Commission we did learn
Pastor split the passage into four different parts
"All authority" was given to Jesus is how it starts
This holds on heaven and earth, we understand
To "make disciples of all nations" he did command
Per 2 Corinthians 5:20, His ambassadors we are
So we are to spread His word both near and far
But we are to represent God appropriately
Christian-like our words and actions must be
The second part is to baptize them in God's name
Romans 6:3-4 says we were baptized just the same
And then, "just as Christ was raised from the dead"
Through God's glory, we "may live a new life" instead
But we can not do this by trying harder, there is no doubt
We must allow Jesus to change us from the inside out
Pastor then referred to 2 Corinthians 5 verse seventeen
"If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation" is seen
We should teach others everything, says verse twenty
Of course everything Jesus commanded is more than plenty
It is important to teach them only what Jesus actually said
So they build a relationship, not with us, but with Him instead
Pastor concluded with the passage's last line on the page
"And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age"
He asked if we are actually in the relationship God wants us in
If the most important relationship is not with God, it is a sin
And when we give to others, we end up benefiting too
Whether it is teaching, friendship, or anything we do

Saturday, February 15, 2014

15 February 2014 - Fruit of the Spirit (part two)

“Sing joyfully to the Lord, you righteous”, says Psalm 33
For right, true, and faithful the Lord’s word will always be
And despite empty stalls and a harvest that was null
Habakkuk rejoiced and in God his Savior was joyful
“May the God of hope fill you all with joy and peace”
Per Romans fifteen, so hope will overflow and not cease
In Philippians four, from Paul’s pen and in his voice
“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!”
Do not be surprised at trials and sufferings and more
But rejoice, per verse thirteen of First Peter chapter four

Psalm 104 says “May the glory of the Lord endure forever”
“May the Lord rejoice in His works” that disappear never
“I will sing praise to my God as long as I live” it does say
And “may my meditation be pleasing to Him” every day
In Zephaniah three, despite destruction, he said not to fear
For the Lord took delight in Zion, which he held so dear
In Hebrews twelve, Paul said to persevere with our race
And to not lose heart but to fix our eyes on Jesus’ face
For “who for the joy set before him endured the cross”
As “the author and perfecter of our faith”, He bore the loss

In Numbers six, God told Moses how the Israelites to bless
“The Lord bless you and keep you” he did on them impress
“The Lord [will] turn his face toward you and give you peace
He will “be gracious to you” and your blessings will increase
In verse one hundred sixty five of Psalm one hundred nineteen
“Great peace have they who love [God’s] law” is clearly seen
“You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast”
For per Isaiah twenty six, the Lord’s time is never passed
In John fourteen, Jesus said “Peace I leave with you”
Telling his disciples not to fear in anything they would do
In Philippians four, Paul said “do not be anxious about anything”
“But in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving”
“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding”
“Will guard your hearts and your minds” through everything
Per Colossians three, “let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts”
Since all were to called to peace as one body with many parts

Per Psalm twenty nine, David’s love for God never did cease
For “The Lord gives strength” and “blesses his people with peace”
In Isaiah chapter nine, a child’s birth was foretold to one and all
The Mighty God and Prince of Peace will David’s throne reinstall
As a result, “of the increase of…peace there will be no end”
For from ongoing justice and righteousness He will not bend
“Therefore, since we have been justified through faith”
“We have peace with God”, Romans chapter five saith
And per 1 Thessalonians chapter five verse twenty three
“May…the God of peace, sanctify…spirit, soul, and body”

“Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him”
“Do not fret when men” do evil and things look grim
Psalm thirty seven continues, “… and turn from wrath”
And “do not fret” for that only leads to an evil path
In Psalm forty, David said that he patiently did wait
God heard his cry and saved David from a bad fate
Proverbs fourteen says “a patient man has great understanding”
“But a quick-tempered man displays folly” in virtually everything
“Love is patient, love is kind” per 1 Corinthians thirteen
About patience in suffering, in James five is also seen
“Be patient…until the Lord’s coming” for there is nothing to fear
“Be patient and stand firm…because the Lord’s coming is near”

2 Peter three says “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise”
“He is patient” so believers should not doubt as did Thomas
God wants “everyone to come to repentance”, per verse nine
“The day of the Lord will come like a thief” says the next line
“And the earth and everything in it will be laid bare”
By living “holy and godly lives” we will not despair
“Bear in mind that our Lord’s patience means salvation"
This pearl of wisdom Paul also shared in many a quotation

Sunday, February 9, 2014

9 February 2014 - ENCS

Continuing the series on "The Core", Pastor Larry today did preach
Impacting the communities and nations is the focus of outreach
By lovingly serving and preaching the good news to all
Per Matthew 28:19, we can follow Jesus' clarion call

Brian, about his eight years in Turkey, did with us then willingly share
Sharing the truth with others has become his commonplace, not rare
The same approach works both in countries afar and Singapore near
That is the way to do outreach with the various communities here
Ana then shared about her recent experience in a shopping mall
She invited a Vietnamese couple to worship in our movie hall
The transiting couple later treated her family to a very nice lunch
As a result of her proactivity, everyone was blessed quite a bunch

Pastor Larry said that being willing to follow God's prompting is key
Jesus was often filled with compassion, as in passages we can see
There are three accounts of how the leper jesus did heal
But only in Mark 1:40-42 do we read how Jesus did feel
When we allow the Holy Spirit to fill us with compassion
We can in a similar way let it motivate our resulting action
For the Spirit can help us sense what others are going through
That should then help guide us in what we should say and to do
Remember that spiritual lepers is what in a sense we all are
But despite our sinfulness, Jesus wants us to be close not far
We can all be reconciled with God, for we all have lots of value
It is only when we fail to call to Jesus for help that should rue

When we reach out to others, many lives we might impact
Especially when we are moved by compassion - that's a fact
Then the question becomes if we are willing or not
In other words, whether our outreach is cold or hot

Sunday, February 2, 2014

2 February 1014 - Fruit of the Spirit (part one)

Galatians five says “the acts of the sinful nature are obvious”
Including debauchery, selfish ambition, and other acts devious
“But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness”
Along with goodness, faithfulness, self-control, and gentleness
And about fruit, in Luke six Jesus did to his disciples say
“No good tree bears bad fruit” whether Monday or Sunday
“Each tree is recognized by its own fruit”, He went on to state
That people do not pick “grapes from briers” Jesus did relate
“The good man brings good things out of the good” in his heart
And “out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks” its part

“I love you, O Lord, my strength” David wrote in Psalm eighteen
Jesus’ thoughts on loving God in Mark chapter twelve are seen
To love Him with all of one’s heart, mind, strength, and soul
For “there is no greater commandment”, that is the real goal
In John thirteen, a new command Jesus Christ did share
We should “love one another” in both actions and prayer
He told his disciples to love each other as he loved them
By doing so, others would know them and not condemn
God’s chosen people, Paul wrote in Colossians three
Should clothe themselves with compassion and humility
Paul continued with “and over all these virtues put on love”
“Which binds them all together in perfect unity” from above

In Exodus thirty four, “the Lord came down in the cloud”
He stood with Moses and said his own name out loud
“I am a compassionate and gracious God”, He did proclaim
“Forgiving wickedness, rebellion, and sin” all the same
Yet God does not leave unpunished the guilty nations
The punishment can carry on through several generations
“For God so loved the world that he gave his…only Son”
Per John 3:16, this supreme act of love cannot be undone
So “that whoever believes in Him shall not perish”
“But have eternal life” which is everyone’s wish
In Romans five, something similar Paul did write
“Christ died for us” sinners to make things right
Paul was convinced, per Romans chapter eight
That from the love of God nothing can us separate
Per First John three, “God is love” is a kind of synonym
For “whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him”

Saturday, February 1, 2014

1 February 2014 - The Names of God (part three of three)

Per Psalm 29, “the Lord sits enthroned over the flood”
“The Lord is enthroned as King forever” with royal blood
He gives His people strength and blesses them with peace
From the psalmist David, praises for God never cease
In Isaiah chapter forty three verse fifteen, God is speaking
“I am the Lord, your Holy One, Israel’s Creator, your King”
Pilate asked Christ, “Are you the king of the Jews?”
In Luke twenty three, Jesus confirmed that news
In Revelation 19, John did a rider on a white horse espy
King of Kings and Lord of Lords was on his robe and thigh

God spoke to Israel in Isaiah sixty verses fifteen and sixteen
Their nation had “been forsaken and hated” it was seen
But God promised to make them “the everlasting pride”
“And the joy of all generations”, for He was on their side
That He was their Redeemer, they would then know
The Mighty One of Jacob” would help them grow
After finding out she was with child, Mary did say
“My spirit rejoices in God my Savior” every day
“For the Mighty One has done great things for me”
“Holy is His name” and wonderful is His mercy
He helped Israel, Luke chapter one does then continue
Speaking to Abraham’s descendants all the years through

In chapter nineteen of the book bearing his name
“I know that my Redeemer lives”, Job did proclaim
“And that in the end He will stand upon the earth”
For Job would see God at the time of his rebirth
In Psalm nineteen verses twelve to fourteen, David did pray
For God to forgive his faults and keep “willful sins” away
Then David would be blameless and innocent of transgression
Making his words and meditations a pleasing progression
In Isaiah chapter forty four verses six through eight
“I am the first and I am the last”, God did solemnly state
To believe otherwise is to His uniqueness mock
There is no other God and “there is no other Rock”

Psalm nine says “The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed”
“A stronghold in times of trouble”, He is up to any test
Those who know His name will trust in him, per verse ten
For The Lord has never forsaken them, be it now or then
In Psalm sixty one, David asked God to listen to his prayer
From the ends of the earth, facing any enemy he would dare
For God was David’s refuge, “a strong tower against the foe”
To take shelter in God’s tent forever, David wanted to go
Jeremiah called on the Lord, his strength and his fortress
Per chapter sixteen, Jeremiah’s “refuge in time of distress”
To God the nations will come from the ends of the earth
Their ancestors only had false gods which had no worth
God will teach them, his power and might he will show
That His “name is the Lord” then everyone will all know

To Israel, in Deuteronomy thirty two, Moses did recite a song
His words came from the Lord so they could not be wrong
“He is the Rock, his works are perfect” per verse three
“A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is He”
In 1 Samuel chapter two, to the Lord Hannah did pray
“There is no Rock like our God” she did earnestly say
David penned Psalm eighteen whilst hiding from King Saul
“The Lord is my rock, my fortress” to whom David did call

The Lord God did declare, in Isaiah chapter forty three
“So that you may know and…understand that I am he”
“And apart from me there is no savior”, per verse eleven
“I have revealed and saved and proclaimed” from heaven
God’s grace has appeared to all, per Titus chapter two
It teaches us to be upright and godly in all that we do
While for our Savior Jesus Christ’s return we do wait
Knowing that He will purify his people, Paul did state

Per Isaiah forty, “the Sovereign Lord comes with power”
“His recompense accompanies him” every single hour
“He tends his flock like a shepherd” who is doing his part
Gathering his lambs and keeping them close to his heart
In Hebrews chapter thirteen verse twenty, it was clearly said
God brought Jesus, the great Shepherd, back from the dead
So that He could equip people with everything to do His will
Enabling people to please Him as His plans they do fulfill
About the angels, John wrote in Revelation seven
He then described the throne of God in heaven
“The Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd”
“Who will lead them to springs of living water” undeterred