Sunday, December 28, 2014

28 December 2014 - ENCS

At ENCS on this last Sunday of the 2014 year
A double message from pastors we did hear
First from Pastor Larry, who the year did recap
Focusing on positives allowing energy to tap
We cannot put God in a box, Pastor did then say
When we come together, nothing can get in our way
He implored us to 'dream together' for Singapore's jubilee
Believe, intercede, and grow BIG, so success we will see
Then Pastor Arnie spoke on Philippians chapter three
In verse fourteen, the words goal and prize we do see
He said our goal for the year comes from verse eight
To draw near and know God, the reward is so great
He referred to Psalm 145:18 and John four twenty four
Of course the Bible is full of similar passages many more
God's Positioning System directs our life's path
Ensuring we get His blessing instead of His wrath
If we try to know, gain, be in, and be like Christ
At the end of life, it will have more than sufficed
Arnie then spoke about winning the prize
A life fully committed to God never dies
It is about disciple-making discipleship
To commit and submit helps us to equip
Jesus is our Savior and Lord so we will never lack
But as disciples, we must move forward not back
As Henrichsen said, "destroy avenues of retreat"
For then we can ensure that the enemy we defeat
In conclusion, we can press on and win the prize
For Jesus paid the price and from death did arise

Friday, December 26, 2014

25 December 2014 - KKMC

At a very full Kampung Kapor Methodist Church on Christmas Day
On Luke 2 verses 15-20, Pastor Kenneth Huang had much to say
His sermon was aptly titled "Christmas, Jesus, Me, and You"
The word "reason" in "the reason for the season" he did undo
Breaking it down into "re" "a" "son" makes it extremely clear
Why the shepherds visited Jesus after the angels did appear
In the same way, Pastor said we should want to see Jesus too
As what John three sixteen says about God's plan is so true
God so loved the world, which He created in His own likeness
He gave His only son Jesus to pull out us of our sinful mess
And for those who believe in Him, going in the right direction
Eternal life is a certainty, not just an assumption or projection
A short summary of this key verse Max Lucado did give
We repeated, "God loved, God gave, we believe, we live"
Several other "REs" with us Pastor Kenneth did then share
RE-align life's priorities, RE-shape life's values he did declare
RE-direct life's goals, RE-deem from our sin were the next two
And finally RE-lease us to live as our Lord God wants us to do
We don't need to prove our worth in front of God even if we could
For none of us is righteous enough, that should be understood
We should follow the shepherd's example and accept the good news
Sharing this with others is what Pastor said that we should choose
In doing so, however, to God's script we must always stick
Even - or especially - in the face of challenges thin and thick
According to God's ways and plans, we should never stop living
Because unique plans for each of us God will never stop giving
When we do the good that we can, per verses nineteen and twenty
Like Mary and the shepherds, we will end up being blessed a-plenty
We must know Christ and Christmas to respond to the world of today
For whatever we face, peace and favor from God will come our way
God wants each of us to seek Him all the time, in whatever we do
And to praise Him and share the good news with more than a few

Thursday, December 25, 2014

25 December 2014 - A Christmas Poem

People often say that Jesus is the reason
For this festive and meaningful season
Of course that is true but perhaps there is more
About three types of gifts I will briefly explore
The first gift is covered in John three verse sixteen
God gave us His Son, the greatest gift ever seen
He did that because He loves us so much
And each of our lives Jesus did then touch
Jesus showed us how to live and conquered death
We should give thanks for this with every single breath
The second gift is what God has given each person
He gave us a unique set of talents, not just for fun
Each person on earth God does love for He did create
We each have a mission that we should not leave to fate
Because of our unique talents we each have a unique role
To utilize them for God's glory should be our ultimate goal
The third gift results directly from the stanzas above
It happens when we use our gifts to share God's love
By sharing God's love, we can be a gift to others
Whether old or young, rich or poor, sisters of brothers
Gifts of love are shared in many a different way
What we do, what we show, and what we say
In conclusion, I guess what I am trying to convey
Is that God's gifts to us are visible every day
Our way of showing thanks should therefore be
Showing His gifts and His love for the world to see

Sunday, November 30, 2014

30 November 2014 - ENCS

The Redemption Stories series was continued by Pastor Mark Chew
He said we all have stories, some that are old and some that will be new
God is actually redeeming us, per Philippians chapter one
Our picture and story reflect our response to what is done
More often with others, our stories we should share
That is one way we can show God that we do care
Luke chapter twelve warns us against covetousness
The rich man planned for more but ended up with less
Pastor Mark's goal was to have a condo and cars three
Looking back, he realizes just how foolish that would be
The phrase 'full time' was planted in his brain
If he loved God so much, the answer was plain
God's gifts are irrevocable, per Romans eleven
Mark tried to bargain with our God in heaven
But he felt no peace, so he decided to take the leap
In his first church job, the learning curve was steep
Similarly, God has already called each and every one
We might have to give up dreams or even some fun
But per Psalm thirty one, in God we should trust
Pursuing God's dream with excitement is a must
For if to God we say yes and serve full time
He will not shortchange us by even a dime
Full time takes various forms, Pastor Larry did say
It does not mean being in the church every day
But whether in church or in the marketplace
On God's plans, our actions we must base

Monday, November 17, 2014

16 November 2014 - ENCS

The Redemption Stories series was continued by Rachel Ong
Despite fighting God's call at first, her testimony is very strong
For through her companies she can now reach the marketplace
Bringing to others the messages of God's joy, hope, and grace
She then referenced the book of Job, with chapters forty two
Job was apparently blameless and upright in all that he did do
With a large family and ten thousand cattle, he was called great
He lost everything but refused to blame God on that woeful date
His family, wealth, health, and good name did all disappear
But in the end, all was restored and he lived for many a year
Rachel asked God about areas of life numbering four
Little did she know what for her was soon to be in store
About health issues, she told God that she did not understand
She might have kept silent if she knew what God had planned
A diagnosis of appendicitis due to immense pain in her side
But a twenty three centimeter tumor the doctor then spied
Rachel never questioned God over the next six days
In fact, she continued to trust Him and give Him praise
For God does not owe us anything, including our health
Everything we have comes from His immense wealth
The operation was successful although the tumor had grown
Hearing that it weighed seven kilos made many of us moan
There was no cancer and one ovary was able to be saved
The doctor said "divine intervention" on her should be engraved
From a very painful recovery she did not shirk
But after four weeks, Rachel returned to work
Three points about her story Rachel then with us share
They serve as a wonderful reminder not to ever despair
The first is that our God is bigger than any pain we may face
"Hope against hope, for hope never fails" due to God's grace
The second is that some pain is actually good for our soul
It provides a perspective that helps us to others console
Rachel also said it gives us a small understanding
Of the pain to Jesus that his crucifixion did bring
This relates to Philippines chapter three verse ten
Paul wanted to share in Christ's sufferings again
Bad things happen to good people, that is quite plain
But through all of our suffering, God will always reign
The third is in God we should give our wholehearted trust
Increasing our faith instead of fear, Rachel said is a must
Googling about symptoms tends to merely add to our fear
Whilst going to God in earnest prayer helps us to persevere
By referring to Job forty two verse ten, Rachel did conclude
For Job's family, wealth, health and name were all renewed
Job lived another one hundred forty years being blessed
We should also believe in miracles and not be stressed
For God reigns, whether circumstances are good or bad
That fact in itself should make us joyful instead of sad

Monday, November 3, 2014

2 November 2014 - ENCS

Pastor Larry continued the series entitled "Redemption Stories"
Redemption saves us from sin, enabling us to receive God's glories
Because Jesus redeemed us so we can have life eternal
Changed should be our lives, both internal and external
Pastor then read from Revelations twelve verse eleven
The exiled John heard these words, directly from heaven
"They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb" we did see
And then, as importantly "by the word of their testimony"
The enemy wants us to feel defeated and facing damnation
But God says we are victors, not victims, in every situation
By the blood of Jesus, Pastor Larry said we can overcome
Jesus' sacrifice was required, so we should be far from glum
We have all sinned and fall short, per Romans chapter three
The penalty should be death, in Romans six we clearly see
But per Hebrews nine, we have now secured redemption
Our sins are forgiven, so from death we have exemption
Isaiah fifty three prophesied that by His stripes we are healed
So when we claim victory, the enemy will be scared and yield
We also overcome by the work of our testimony, Pastor did say
Per Colossians one, God has rescued us out of harm's way
Since we live in freedom, we all have a testimony to share
They can encourage others who may be feeling despair
Redemption stories were then shared by Alymark and Marisol
About how they escaped troubled pasts, they both did tell
Pastor Larry referenced Psalm one hundred twenty four
And told of man who paid to release a bird out a cage door
Similarly, Jesus loves each of us so much that he gladly died
After living an earthly life that still acts for us as a perfect guide
He effectively opens our individual cages and lets us go
In return we should tell our testimonies instead of lying low
By not loving our lives is the third way that we can overcome
Per Mark ten, Jesus' life was ransomed for many, not just some
He expects the same from His followers, both then and now
In Romans one, unashamed of the gospel Paul did avow
For the gospel is the power of God that is salvation for all
So from telling others our testimonies, we should not stall

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

26 October 2014 - ENCS

At ENCS the sermon was delivered by Steve Murrell
About some key words to Ephesus that Paul did tell
In Acts chapter twenty, to Rome Paul was on his way
He thoughts it was his last chance messages to convey
After Pastor Steve shared about global activity
He quickly focused on key words for ENCS three
Life only has real meaning, per verse twenty four
If in all that we do, God's purpose is at our core
The first key word is that we must testify the gospel
For the gospel is good news, Pastor did then tell
It is not opinion or an editorial, but is a historical fact
Jesus came to earth and although He was attacked
He offers eternal life to those who do repent
For that is the real reason that He was sent
But to turn to God we must turn away from sin
For into this life don't let temptations come in
And although we are sinful, God loves us so much
Which is why our hearts the gospel does touch
Grace builds us up, per verse number thirty two
To our sin, justification allows us to say adieu
Sanctification is the process of God-driven change
It is an ongoing process of how our life we arrange
Glorification is how we can live like Jesus Christ
All of these are available for free, clearly mispriced
Per Titus two verse eleven, God's grace is there for all
Into our lives self-control and godliness we can install
The third word is give, in other words generosity
"It is more blessed to give than to receive" is the key
This includes our time, words, money, and passion
As individuals and a church, we should not ration
If we live to give we will be on the right track
And God will ensure that we will never lack

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

12 October 2014 - ENCS

On Sunday, the "Go" series Pastor Larry did complete
He showed a video of a mission trip in the Philippine heat
Based on Acts 1:8, the series talked of what our purpose should be
Using God's anointing power, we can reach family and community
Breaking through cross-cultural barriers is a way to share the worth
His sermon was not surprisingly titled "To the ends of the earth"
As Singapore is prophesied to be the Antioch of the region
People come in and go out on mission trips by the legion
The apostles went around the world to many different places
All but John were eventually martyred, with joy on their faces
Similarly, reaching out to the world should become our norm
That is why Pastor Larry focused on the word "transform"
For although the world may be under control of the evil one
God has shown his far greater power in all He has done
Per John 5:19, sixteen forty three, and fourteen twenty seven
We can overcome, with the peace of God who resides in heaven
Pastor then mentioned transformations numbering four
Although I am sure he could have come up with more
To be transformed for a purpose must be the case
For we are not here on earth just to take up space
Transformed love, per John thirteen verse thirty five
As disciples of Jesus, our love for others should thrive
Per Luke five, we should also have transformed obedience
We should follow quickly, but not just out of expedience
Lastly, Pastor said we need to have transformed thinking
So that from our Christian purpose there will be no shrinking

Monday, October 6, 2014

5 October 2014 - ENCS

In the penultimate week of the "Go" series, Pastor Josh did preach
Per John four, Jesus went to Samaria to avoid the Pharisees' reach
For when God is moving, rule-loving religious leaders get upset
The irony of course is that Jesus hadn't baptized anybody yet
For the Jewish people, Samaria was not a very hospitable place
Too many times, the two groups of people in conflict did face
After a long walk from Jerusalem, Jesus was tired and sat next to a well
He then asked a Samaritan woman for a drink, verse seven does tell
This broke all sorts of rules, for she was a single woman
It made it culturally even worse that she was a Samaritan
She mentioned Jacob, who provided for their physical needs
He talked of living water, which can absolve our sinful deeds
It is interesting to note why she was there at midday
Because she didn't want to hear what others had to say
But Jesus knew her whole history, per verse sixteen
He also loves us no matter how bad we may have been
Pastor said that we need to worship with knowledge true
Worshipping God in spirit and truth is what we should do
Per Second Corinthians, God is the only judge that matters
Even if many others may try to turn our reputation to tatters
We should try to honor our fathers, heavenly and on earth
They give us their approval and confirm our true worth
God is the truth and thus overcomes any lies that are told
Remembering the truth can set us free should make us bold
The woman mentioned the Messiah; Jesus said He was the One
She went to town and witnessed about what He had said and done
Based solely on her testimony, many in the town did then believe
The entire town pleaded with Jesus and His disciples not to leave
And because He did end up by two days postponing His trip
They learned for themselves and responded with worship
For anyone who believes in Jesus shall be saved, per Romans ten
We can then all worship in spirit and truth over and over again

Monday, September 29, 2014

28 September 2014 - ENCS

The "Go" series was today continued by Calvin Hong
About witnessing to the "Community" to which we belong
The core text Calvin used was Acts chapter one verse eight
His disciples were to witness in Judea, Jesus did state
To witness is to share with others something we have seen
From our passion, our belief in the message others can glean
In Romans one verse sixteen, Paul says he is not ashamed
Sharing the gospel with both Jew and Gentile, he proclaimed
Remember that Jesus died a public death, Calvin did point out
So about our own faith we should not be afraid to loudly shout
We have nothing to fear, which comes from unbelief and sin
Besides, fear is the opposite of faith, which we have within
Faith comes from hearing the message, per Romans ten seventeen
And faith results from surrendering to the Lord God, who is unseen
Often our greatest battle is between our brain and our heart
God speaks to our heart, so from His path we do not depart
He promises that He will always meet us on the other side
For even without understanding we must surrender and abide
Per Matthew five verses thirteen to sixteen, we are salt and light
For others in the world, we can act as a beacon in the dark night
Calvin said that he uses sports to reach out to the community
His 'preaching' is done via his actions that the others can see
We can each make a difference by changing the atmosphere
Hour by hour, day by day, month by month, and year by year
To preach the Word, Timothy four verse two gives the reason
Paul says we should "be prepared in season and out of season"
Remember we are in places of influence in our communities
We can use our own experiences to each opportunity seize
Sometimes there is a reason God puts us through a tough trial
If nothing else, it makes our knowledge much more versatile
Ephesians two verses eight to ten say we are God's workmanship
We are created to do good works, for which God did us equip
Unless we submit completely to Him, we can not complete His plan
That is a true statement whether we are young or old, woman or man
And in whatever we do, we should not boast about our own works
By grace, through faith, we are saved so gifts from God are perks
In conclusion, Calvin said that each of us can make a difference
And then challenged us not to wait but to immediately commence
With friends and colleagues we are given opportunities each day
To influence others by what we do and the words that we say
That is how we can be good witnesses to our community
It will be challenging but rewarding, Calvin did guarantee

Monday, September 22, 2014

21 September 2014 - ENCS

At EN Hub, Pastor Josh continued the series entitled "Go"
"Nothing is impossible for God" is a truism we should know
For in reality we are not limited by our own capacity
But by how much we believe God's power can be
In other words, God lives up to the measure of our faith
What we feel in our hearts and also what we may saith
If we achieve our goals in life too early, we get bored
Like David and Solomon who fell out with the Lord
For without a purpose and vision for our whole life
We get complacent in our values and fall into strife
If our purpose is too limited, it may lead us to fall
For we need a God-sized vision on which to call
Per Acts 1:8, we are to witness to the ends of the earth
We are to change the world from the time of our rebirth
The Holy Spirit gives us power from God to share
Even better is that it never runs out, a trait very rare
Jerusalem is where Lord Jesus told the disciples to start
For us, focus on our families before on missions we depart
With families, what we say does not carry much weight
It is our actions that really matter, Pastor Josh did state
It is easier to go overseas for a one week mission trip
Than to stay at home and have your family see you slip
In short, words can be awesome but actions are better
For others will look to see if you live up to the letter
We are to be imitators of God, per Ephesians 5 one and two
By acting sacrificially and loving others in all that we may do
This brings us back to our relationship with God above
For as it says in so many places in the Bible, God is love
Instead of our appearance, into our hearts God does delve
This is clearly stated in Second Corinthians five verse twelve
On our part, we need him to change us from the inside out
So that the love of God compels us, without any doubt
Even another rejects us, we can help him in a different way
Complete change results from Jesus' love, Josh did say
So we must fall in love with Jesus so that others may see
That what we quote from the Bible is illustrated in reality
For when we live with joy and peace, others will of us ask
How we can be so continually loving no matter the task
No matter where we may be or whether we erred or not
God can use us to reach others, whether it is cold or hot
For nothing can ever disqualify us from God's grace
Even is we may not feel ready, as is so often the case
In our darkest situations, God's light often shines brightest
So we can draw other people to God, who is the mightiest
By continually trying to get more and more love from God
We can also help keep ourselves from running roughshod
Jesus died for us all, per Second Corinthians five verse fifteen
Similarly, we must put our will to death so His may be seen
When dealing with our families, do not dwell on the past
Instead be filled with love and purpose, for these will last
To be in the 'ministry of reconciliation', we need to be a new creation
We can connect with Jesus and also with others in many a location
When our actions follow our words, testimonies our lives become
That has a bigger impact than simply banging the biblical drum

Sunday, August 3, 2014

3 August 2014 - ENCS

Pastor Larry continued the series titled "Centered"
Into the third chapter of Colossians we entered
About roller coasters, he said he was often scared
They are often like our life of faith, he then shared
The downward rush of fear, the upward relief of joy
The enemy attacks us, trying our lives to destroy
Every time that he tells us to disobey and not to step out
What he is really doing is sowing more and more doubt
God has called us into a life of faith, we must remember
This is true all the time, from January through December
The tendency may be to get off the roller coaster ride
Because as it continues, we get more scared inside
But we should never give in to the "whatever" attitude
That lowers our standards and allows too much latitude
The title of his sermon was "The Virus Called Whatever"
In the text, the word appears many more times than never
Verse seventeen says in whatever we do, do in God's name
Verse twenty three talks of the heart and then says the same
The enemy will continually try to distract us by whatever means
Overwhelming us with challenges or boring us with routines
In return, we must do whatever it takes to do things for God
Whether or not they may appear normal or even quite odd
For as per verse one, we "have been raised with Christ"
We should set our hearts on Him, who has always sufficed
Pastor's first point referred to John ten and "You Have Power"
Paul encouraged us to be aware of God's strength every hour
In Colossians chapter one, he refers to "holy and faithful brothers"
If we do not see ourselves in that way, then neither will others
To do God's calling is a privilege and is why we are here on earth
We should get in the game and give excuses a very wide berth
We should be rooted and strengthened in Christ, per chapter two
Our family and friends should always challenge us better to do
But we should not get hung up on mistakes, even if they are often
For obedience comes one step at a time; the path God will soften
Pastor then pointed out that self-focus usually leads to resistance
But through it all, God provides the power for us to go the distance
Pastor Larry's second point was that we should "Live Higher"
Per verses five and eight, our earthly nature we should retire
And not to revert to old ways, then we must always take care
Reading the Bible every day is just as important as prayer
Like training for a marathon, we must prepare to finish strong
Per Amos, God is angered when for other things we long
By reading the Bible daily, we prepare for times of temptation
Per Colossians three verse ten, this forms a strong foundation
In summary, Pastor said that we should do whatever it may take
To step out in faith and overcome our fears, doing all for His sake

Sunday, July 27, 2014

27 July 2014 - ENCS

Pastor Neli Atiga gave his farewell sermon at ENCS earlier today
To Every Nation Church in Brisbane he will soon be on his way
After we took communion and the congregation had all entered
His sermon continued the series on Colossians titled "Centered"
Our days are numbered so what we focus on really does matter
Pastor Neli laid out three ways to identify our focus on a platter
First is our passion, what we are willing to make sacrifices for
Second is our priority, in other words what we have at our core
And third is people, the ones and the values that surround us
If we are centered on Christ, everything else becomes a plus
Pastor then said that we have one job so need to get it right
The rest of his sermon thus focused on what we need to fight
Colossians one verses fifteen to twenty talk of Christ's pre-eminence
We were created by him and for him, his power and glory are immense
But God also dwells in him and reconciled with the world through him
If these four 'hims' were not all true, our future would look quite dim
So Jesus should be our passion and priority, who we try to emulate
By doing so, Pastor said, our walk on God's path will be kept straight
Colossians two refers to Laodicea, which sat on the river Meander
Jesus called them lukewarm in Revelation three with much candor
We must avoid meandering and having our faith be lukewarm
So about five potential causes of this Pastor Neli did us inform
First is our image, or how we might appear in others' eyes
If this drives us, our passion dissipates Pastor did advise
Second is trying to improve, for we should want to obey his law
This is what was written in John fourteen verse fifteen, we saw
Third is impulse, giving into the desires of former addictions
We should try to avoid temptation to adhere to our convictions
Fourth is immaturity, wanting others to feed us all the time
Instead, we should be doing things for the church in our prime
Fifth is idolatry, which Pastor Neli said is at the center of all sin
Letting other things take center stage is where problems begin
I note that Brisbane's big gain is of course Singapore's big loss
But either way, Neli will still be sharing the message of the cross
We will miss his musical talents, his jokes, his smile, and his size
Along with his ability to always find a way to spring a surprise
Thank Pastor Neli for all you have done for so many people
Go forth, young man, and change lives under a new steeple

Sunday, July 20, 2014

20 July 2014 - King Jesus is Born

“Why do…the peoples plot in vain?” says Psalm two
The Lord and His Anointed One the leaders try to outdo
From heaven, the Lord scoffs and rebukes them all
For His King on Zion – the holy hill - God did install
“You are my Son…and I [am] your Father,” God said
God will make “the nations [His] inheritance” instead
“Therefore, you kings, be wise [and] be warned”
For they should serve the Lord they once scorned

The Lord said to Jesus, according to Psalm one hundred ten
To “sit at [His] right hand” and rule over all earthly men
For on “the day of battle”, “[His] troops will be willing”
Jesus is a “priest forever”, thus old prophecies fulfilling
God “will crush kings on the day of His wrath”
For Jesus will always be found on God’s path
There have been many priests, per Hebrews seven
But only one lives forever, He was sent from heaven
“Therefore he is able to save completely” any person
“He lives to intercede for them” before their lives worsen

The birth of Jesus is briefly written about in Luke two
Joseph went to Bethlehem, for a census all had to do
He went with Mary, his betrothed who was expecting
She gave birth to her son in a stable without objecting
There were shepherds in the nearby fields with their flock
The glory of the Lord shone, and their knees did all knock
But an angel came and told them about the good news
That in Bethlehem had been born the King of the Jews
They were told to rejoice, for they were not in any danger
They would find Jesus wrapped in clothes lying in a manger

“After Jesus was born in Bethlehem,” per Matthew two
Magi from the east came, a star in the sky was the clue
The king of the Jews is who they wanted to worship
So they brought gifts with them on the very long trip
King Herod was disturbed; the Magi in secret he did call
They were to report back to him; his evil plans not to stall
The child they did find as to the star they did refer
They worshipped him with gold, incense, and myrrh
About Herod’s evil plot from a dream they did learn
So by another route to their country they did return

Sunday, July 6, 2014

6 July 2014 : The Promise of Jesus' Coming

In Isaiah forty nine, his praises were very wise
For he knew that he was honored in God’s eyes
The tribes of Jacob, God promised to restore
Bringing them back to where they were before
For the Gentiles, He will also make a light
His salvation would outshine any blight
God also promised His people, in Micah five
That from Bethlehem, a ruler would come alive
Israel would be abandoned until that time
But the ruler’s powers would be sublime
The people will then be able to live securely
For all the earth will His greatness then see

The prophet had a vision one night, per Daniel seven
He saw the son of man coming down from heaven
The son of man approached The Ancient of Days
And was given all authority and therefore praise
With sovereign power, God did Him equip
All people and nations did Him then worship
His dominion is everlasting and will not pass away
His Kingdom cannot be destroyed, forever it will stay
God used to speak through prophets, per Hebrews one
But later He sent His heir, His only begotten Son
“The Son is the radiance of God’s glory…and being”
He provided purification from sin, for all so freeing
And now He sits in heaven by God’s right hand
“Superior to the angels”, we all now understand

Based on "The One Minute Bible Day by Day"
So far, the Old Testament I have tried to convey
More than two hundred stanzas are now complete
The underlying stories are of course not obsolete
But now onto the New Testament I endeavor to go
In the hope that my knowledge continues to grow
Please pray that I manage to find rhyme after rhyme
I hope that you will enjoy them, if you have the time

Saturday, July 5, 2014

5 July 2014 - Malachi

The Lord God spoke through his prophet, in Malachi three
“I will send my messenger [to] prepare the way before me”
“The messenger of the covenant, whom you desire, will come”
But will the people standing there be happy or feel numb?
For “he will purify the Levites and refine them like gold”
And the offerings of the people will be like days of old
But “all the arrogant and every evildoer will be stubble”
They will be set on fire and reduced to ashes and rubble
“But for you who revere my name”, righteousness for all
“And you will go out and leap [as if] released from the stall”

Thursday, July 3, 2014

3 July 2014 - Esther:Jewish Queen of Persia

King Xerxes ruled over a large area, per Esther one
After three years, a massive state banquet was begun
The king called for Queen Vashti in crown to appear
When she refused, the king’s anger was quite clear
The nobles ruled that the queen had done wrong
Her punishment – banishment - would be lifelong
They said that the king should give her position
To someone better, so they held an audition

Mordecai raised Esther, “lovely in form and feature”
She was put under Hegai’s care so he could teach her
She pleased him, won favor, and was given special food
In the best part of the harem Hegai did Esther include
About her Jewish nationality or family, she did not tell
If that was known, she would have had to say farewell
The king was attracted to her more than others he had seen
As a result, he gave her a crown and made her the queen

King Xerxes gave Haman the seat of honor highest
All other officials had to kneel down at his behest
To “kneel down or pay him honor” Mordecai did refuse
Haman then decided to kill him along with all the Jews
Into Xerxes’ ears, Haman did say many a thing
Resulting in a decree being issued from the king
For the destruction of the Jews, the decree did provide
Many tons of silver, for those who helped, were set aside

Twice did Esther invite the king and Haman to dine
On the second day, they were enjoying a nice wine
The king said he would grant anything Esther did request
She said to save her people from slaughter would be best
For the name of the man responsible, King Xerxes did ask
She pointed at Haman, whose treachery she did then unmask
The king said “hang him”; it was not a slip of the tongue
From the very tall gallows he built, Haman was then hung

Sunday, June 29, 2014

29 June 2014 - Nehemiah and Ezra: Walls and Worship

Nehemiah detailed what he said and did, in chapter one
He seemed to keep his eyes focused on the long run
He asked about the remnant that survived the exile
And was told they had been in trouble for a while
They said “the wall of Jerusalem is broken down”
And “burned with fire” are the gates of the town
Nehemiah “sat down and wept” for many a day
Then to the God of heaven he did earnestly pray
God’s instructions to Moses he did then recount
That unfaithful people would be taken to account
But if the commands of God were later obeyed
He would gather up all those who had strayed

The people worked to rebuild the wall, per Nehemiah four
It reached half height, thus angering enemies even more
The enemies plotted together to stir up trouble
The people prayed and the guard did double
The approach to building, Nehemiah did then amend
Half did work while the others were armed to defend
So after fifty two days the wall was complete
Per Nehemiah six, this result was quite a feat
The surrounding nations lost their confidence
They recognized that God’s help was immense

David rejoiced, per Psalm one hundred twenty two
For Jerusalem was the house of the Lord, he knew
It is where the tribes of the Lord go to give praise
For the house of David will remain for all the days
He prayed for peace so God’s people would be secure
So “security within the citadels” would forever endure
For all believers’ sake, he also prayed for internal peace
So that Godly prosperity would continue to increase

Ezra read the Book of the Law, per Nehemiah eight
He read it aloud in the square facing the Water Gate
When Ezra opened the book, all the people stood
And everyone praised God as much as they could
They bowed down with their faces to the ground
“Do not mourn”, the Levites told everyone around
“This day is sacred to our Lord”, Nehemiah did say
“The joy of the Lord is your strength”, he did convey