Despite his PowerPoint disappearing, perhaps due to spam
Pastor Charles spoke on "The Nature of the Lion and the Lamb"
He started by turning to Revelations 5 verses five and six
On the bolded words Lion and Lamb our eyes did transfix
Interestingly, this is the only reference to Lion in the book
As opposed to thirty Lambs if we gave a thorough look
As a side note, in reference to First Peter five verse eight
The devil is only like a Lion, Pastor Charles set that straight
God's character is being formed in us all the time
Like the pressing of gold, that is pure with no grime
He wants us to have authority like the Lion
As well as the demeanour of the Lamb's scion
Sin separates us from His image, Pastor did say
So we have to make sure that we wash it away
It is not acceptable to say "but that is who I am"
Just to try to escape the consequences of a jam
We must let God do His work in and on our heart
Then His character from our personality will not part
The Lamb by nature has no defense except to run or call out
Calling to God for help is a good thing, of that there is no doubt
In the same vein, the Lamb does not retaliate even when he could
Jesus forgave the soldiers when they nailed Him to the wood
We should also remember that the Lamb is humble
Being a servant-minister, that prevents a big stumble
In that way, silence is a perfect response to a verbal attack
Turn away a rant with a soft answer instead of fighting back
The Lion on the other hand by nature does not retreat
Not intimidated, with boldness adversity he does meet
We should have this same Lion-like boldness with our faith
Look to the early church as an example, Pastor did saith
The Lion gives authority to pray and share the good news
Like Joshua and Caleb, being confident they did choose
For a life of negativity leads to a life that is forgettable
But our life can leave a legacy, otherwise it is regrettable
In conclusion, Pastor said that is our calling to be like both
As a Lion and as a Lamb, we can continue to see growth
God wants us to use the right nature at the right time
To ignore this calling is effectively a heavenly crime
In our nature, both a Lion and Lamb we should see
So that we can be everything God wants us to be